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Penalty for leaving a warzone


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I typically make the decision after about two minutes of game player


a.) I look at level of my team before game starts


b.) I look at level of opposing team, as well as similar guilds to determine what they are (premades etc)


Based upon that, I then decide


a.) If I am going to lose, am I able to get 7-8 Medals to make a loss worthwhile


b.) Leave Warzone and Requeue to get decent rewards.

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Please consider adding a timed penalty for players who intentionally leave warzones. This has been an ongoing problem since release. When players are trying to complete thier dailies and weeklies, it seems as though as soon as the other team starts winning, players will leave. In some cases, players will leave as soon as they evaluate their warzone group.

This causes the people in queue to enter warzones that have already begun and, more than likely, begin on the losing side.

Again, please consider adding some sort of penalty that may potentially solve this issue.



NO and... NO!


I dont want to be in a grp with lowbies while the other side has all lvl 50s. If its an unbalanced team I have the right to leave and requeue.


Until u stop the randomness of getting warzones and low lvls in hi-level groups no penalties plx.

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I typically make the decision after about two minutes of game player


a.) I look at level of my team before game starts


b.) I look at level of opposing team, as well as similar guilds to determine what they are (premades etc)


Based upon that, I then decide


a.) If I am going to lose, am I able to get 7-8 Medals to make a loss worthwhile


b.) Leave Warzone and Requeue to get decent rewards.


Also, The above

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I think Bioware needs to follow the tone of other competitive pvp games because quitters shouldn't be tolerated in a serious pvp environment.


In terms of penalties I would support a 3 strikes lockout until the next day or a penalty to merc/WZ commendations meaning they get rewarded less.


I have no sympathy for quitters, if you've ever quit you shouldn't be pvping at all because you can't man up to a loss in a game or you have to show your disapproval to your team like a bratty kid who says "I'm not playing anymore!" and takes the ball home.


I think a team surrender option should be added though to stop the rare occasion of farming.

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I think Bioware needs to follow the tone of other competitive pvp games because quitters shouldn't be tolerated in a serious pvp environment.


Premades vs Pugs is not a serious PVP Environment.


For a penalty system to work you'd have to separate the two.

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I run in premades and solo and honestly I can't blame people who leave when they are pitted against premades, since this is not even a fight, but a massacre really.


I used to leave quite a lot when I had crap gear, because that was just pointless, nowadays I leave less, since I am geared to the teeth with 500 expertise, so I just go berserk shooting in all directions, getting my 6-8 medals and at least having fun with the bodycount.


I'd say penalties for leaving should be patched in, but only after there will be a separate 50s queue and a separate premade queue.

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Premades vs Pugs is not a serious PVP Environment.


For a penalty system to work you'd have to separate the two.


I agree to separate the two, like I said it needs to be taken more seriously. Also we need to filter out the quitters out of pvp asap they can contribute nothing to the pvp scene so nothing is lost by giving them penalties.

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You could only have penalties if all players had information about what WF they were going into


I dont like hut ball at all , so i leave 90% of the time , if a lock out was to be implemented i would be pissed ,



if you could choose the que of Wf to take part in then you might have a case for penalties , atm the population is high so you always get new players joining , fodder is fodder that wont change ,

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**** that noise. When they seperate the 50s from everybody else, then add a penalty. Until then, hell no. Just about every time I que, I'm stuck in a group that consists of mainly 11-25 level players. I'm usually the highest level player. If lucky we might have 50 with us. Going against a group of imp 50s with a group like that? I don't blame people for leaving. Why stay there and get slaughtered? Especially in Voidstar.


I personally don't exit cause I'd rather stay and get the little bit of xp and commendations for losing. But like I said. I don't blame people for not wanting to stay and get slaughtered by a pre-made of 50s.

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  • 1 month later...

Leaving Warzones really should involve a penalty. My Ideas on appropriate penalties would include but not be limited to:

- A debuff that gets you only 10% of normal wz rewards and lasts 1 hour

- A debuff that prevents you from entering the wz queue for 30-120 minutes

- A direct deduction of your valor (i.e. -5000 to current valor)

- A 15 minute login lockout


The penalties should be applied only if the team is losing the wz match though, since I remembered having a client crash on a won voidstar match about 2 seconds before our team blew open the last door (friends still were connected in the match).


If you think your team is playeing far below the average potential, just point out how to do better or just try to win anyway. To have fun, you do not have to win every time, just give it your best shot. ;)


But, if you had legitimate reason to drop out of a wz (i.e. because of a real client crash), reconnecting while the wz you dropped out of still is running should get you back into the wz with your team. Since those client crashes can occur on both teams, it should not favour one side.


Maybe some of the more potent penalties could be "awarded" by the team after the match, like MVP votes on players that left the warzone. If a player "earned" enough of those votes, i.e. the wz lockout would be placed on the player the next time he got online (and only ticks while being online with the char).


If such more or less drastic penalties were in place, leaving the warzone would definately be less of a grievance to the team.


On the other hand, people should be able to select a preferred warzone to play (so they don't have to play too much those warzones they do not like), and therefore reduce the reasons to leave the wz.


Oh, and on a side note, it's time to add some more warzones than just the 3 we're having right now ;)

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I have and will never be a leaver, theres many reason people can have, being a healer targetted by 3 battlemaster dpsers can be depressing but i'm not going to leave and let someone else zone into a game that is already lost.


Leaving is cowardly and childish, it should be punished with 15 minute warzone lock out.

Dc's should also be given lockout.

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Congrats on double necro post on a month and a half dead thread, there are several more that are more recent.


As for quitting....


Human nature...it don't work...so you leave.


Lets apply your ingame logic to real world problems. If you quit a job in real life....then you should never be hired for at least 15 years. BANG! Headshot. You have quit a job, all us humans have, then you are affecting the rest of the people you work with regardless of why you left for your personal gains (don't like boss, got better job).


But, in your tiny world its not ok when you quit a team in a video game because it affects you and you deem it childish, petty, looking out for one's own interest. Yet, that same logic can be applied to leaving a place of work, its childish to walk off after getting yelled at by the boss to never come back, its petty when you are looking out for numero uno to make more cash for yourself (not much different then getting rewards and gear).


You did sign a contract, you did chose to work at this place, BUT You did not chose who you are dropped in with and what map you might not like to play while both being a paying customer of Bioware. Whose preferense is on top? They guy whining about quitting because it affects his game play to win or the guy leaving because his game play is not affected by winning which can be affected by all kinds of RANDOM IS RANDOM = NO ORDER pugs because we are not part of the Borg Collective and we all do our own thing.


tl;dr summary

lol at hypocrites that get angry when someone quits, yet they are also known of participating in the same behavior (quitting job, quitting social engagement to someone they loved, ect) they so despise and demand suitable punishments.


What a laugh riot. Humans are always F*** ups no matter how you look at it.

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That's ridiculous.


You are thinking only ONE person quits a WZ. Which is FINE.


The problem starts when 3 or 4 people quit a WZ because the team is losing.


There should definitely be penalties.


Like if you join a warzone, you have 2 mins to quit. If you quit beyond that, then it affects how many minutes you are locked out for.


Disconnects are different. The game even recognizes disconnects, so you won't have to penalize them.


The poster above me is deluded. If people keep leaving jobs for higher pay, then they WILL eventually realize that pay means nothing. After you are employed for 5-6 years you'd start to value time more than money. Soon your money can afford you many many things but you will still feel empty. If you work to serve, you'd immediately feel great.

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If people keep leaving jobs for higher pay, then they WILL eventually realize that pay means nothing. (No, they have more money) After you are employed for 5-6 years you'd start to value time more than money. (No, I'm pretty sure it's still money) Soon your money can afford you many many things but you will still feel empty (No, I feel that fat wallet in my pocket). If you work to serve, you'd immediately feel great. (LoLWut, Work to serve?? I work to live not live to work, kthnxbye)


I don't even....

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But, in your tiny world its not ok when you quit a team in a video game because it affects you and you deem it childish, petty, looking out for one's own interest. Yet, that same logic can be applied to leaving a place of work, its childish to walk off after getting yelled at by the boss to never come back, its petty when you are looking out for numero uno to make more cash for yourself (not much different then getting rewards and gear.


Another persom missing the point entirely. When you leave the warzone, you screw your team. That's 7 other people who just got hosed because some kid can't wait 10-15 mins and take his lumps like everyone else. No system is going to work if you have at least 1 dbag on your team who will only play if he is winning. If you think it is ok to que up, get in , then bail on your team, YOU are causing the problem. It has nothing to do with BW. If we all behaved the same way to you think there would even be any warzones?

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Another persom missing the point entirely. When you leave the warzone, you screw your team. That's 7 other people who just got hosed because some kid can't wait 10-15 mins and take his lumps like everyone else. No system is going to work if you have at least 1 dbag on your team who will only play if he is winning. If you think it is ok to que up, get in , then bail on your team, YOU are causing the problem. It has nothing to do with BW. If we all behaved the same way to you think there would even be any warzones?


actually it screws 8 since the person solo queing who took the leaver's spot is pretty much guaranteed some BS.

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  • 1 month later...

There are genuine reasons for quitting a WZ that aren't related to how sucky your team is:

- after waiting in queue for 20-30 mins you suddenly have to attend to RL stuff like phone calls and nagging spouses/children

- not all WZ maps are fun for all people. i personally hate the alderaan civil war and i've read a lot of "i hate huttball" posts in this thread (which is crazy fun in my opinion)

- the dreaded accidental alt+tab

- terrible FPS or lag that make it impossible to play


There's no reason to be a hater against all WZ quitters, sometimes there's a good reason for it.


As a final thought: I play on the PTS and the new penalty for quitting a WZ does nothing to alleviate the problem. Chew on that.

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Another persom missing the point entirely. When you leave the warzone, you screw your team.




And another person "missing the point entirely" while claiming that other people are "missing the point entirely".


Many people leave warzones *because their "team" screwes them*.


A large part of the players in PUGs is completely disinterested in playing as a team and spit on anything that´s worth the term "teamplay".


It´s simply irrational to demand staying on the field "for the team" when the other members of that "team" have spend several minutes proving with their beahvoiur that they deserve not even the tiniest spark of loyality.

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  • 1 month later...

Normally I'm for sticking it out.....but today I left my first warzone before the start. Looked at some of the players on my team. 4 of them were in gear without expertise. I asked if they all knew where the vendor was that sold recruit gear, get answers back saying yeah, but they didn't want to buy it.


Folks, takes 1 round of those easy daily quests to pretty much gear out in the stuff. And as a bonus wear it every day when you do daily quests since it's almost free to repair the stuff if it gets damaged (since it's sellback price is 1 credit only takes like 10 credits to repair a piece if it's totally broken). Win, win, buy it. For this there is no excuse in my opinion. Sorry if this annoys anyone, but it really does make a big difference.

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