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Penalty for leaving a warzone


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Please consider adding a timed penalty for players who intentionally leave warzones. This has been an ongoing problem since release. When players are trying to complete thier dailies and weeklies, it seems as though as soon as the other team starts winning, players will leave. In some cases, players will leave as soon as they evaluate their warzone group.

This causes the people in queue to enter warzones that have already begun and, more than likely, begin on the losing side.

Again, please consider adding some sort of penalty that may potentially solve this issue.


Edited by Greeblez
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As soon as 50's are in there seperate group, and they remove OP premades. Every premade i see with all champion gear, who wants to go against that? there just setting themselves for defeat no matter how hard they try, mighta swell just leave. Not to mention with the ability delay, some balance issues ect. Then id worry about those leavers. Edited by Suriken_
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Also right now the daily/weekly sometimes bugs and matches do not give credit.


Voidstar is particularly egregious in this error. Many people drop Voidstar like a bad habit, because they want to finish their daily in a reasonable time and a 15min match that rarely counts is not conducive to that.





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I only see weaksauce 50s leave warzones when there getting beat up they should add that bad enough 50s are getting easy gear now i lol at them nerds thinking there cool with that chump gear kek


The weeklies and dailies that involve winning warzones are only available to 50s, hence the topic.

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If I see a bunch of morons that can't grasp the concept of focusing on healers, sticking together or find their huttball pass icon, I will drop.


I have better things to do than waste 10 minutes with stupid people, dailies have nothing to do with it.

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Please consider adding a timed penalty for players who intentionally leave warzones. This has been an ongoing problem since release. When players are trying to complete thier dailies and weeklies, it seems as though as soon as the other team starts winning, players will leave. In some cases, players will leave as soon as they evaluate their warzone group.

This causes the people in queue to enter warzones that have already begun and, more than likely, begin on the losing side.

Again, please consider adding some sort of penalty that may potentially solve this issue.



My first Warzone - I was lvl 10 and there were a few other teens to 20's on our side....One dude commented "too many lowbies" and left before start.....


Well, despite more advanced players on the other team....we won! lol

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People who leave warzones are selfish scrubs.


I see 50s leave all the time if they recognize some good players on the enemy team. Pathetic.


The commendation/valor difference really isn't even that big. There's no reason to do it. All you do is screw over your team.

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I only see weaksauce 50s leave warzones when there getting beat up they should add that bad enough 50s are getting easy gear now i lol at them nerds thinking there cool with that chump gear kek


"weaksauce" 50s leave because when it becomes apparent we cant win with lvl 16 sentinels filling our ranks, we wont waste anymore time NOT getting our dailies done.

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Please consider adding a timed penalty for players who intentionally leave warzones. This has been an ongoing problem since release. When players are trying to complete thier dailies and weeklies, it seems as though as soon as the other team starts winning, players will leave. In some cases, players will leave as soon as they evaluate their warzone group.

This causes the people in queue to enter warzones that have already begun and, more than likely, begin on the losing side.

Again, please consider adding some sort of penalty that may potentially solve this issue.



There is a penalty for dropping warzones from being inactive to long.


However considering the system at the moment i do not think they should punish players for manually dropping from the match. Until it is changed to pre-made vs pre-made (ie ranked warzones) and PUG vs PUG (IE no group queueing)


As it stands right now exiting a match is the only way to avoid a pre-made vs PUG farmfest.

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I leave every group that has more than 3 people with 11-12k hp in it.


I don't feel ashamed by doing so, because there's a good 80% I will lose in a noob group.


And as for the OP, stop demanding WoW features.


Bioware will not implement this as it would cause many people to unsub. There is a thing called freedom. Take that away and riots will form.

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I will generally try to stick it out, but there are times when I will drop group. I use the following criteria.


If I am in a fresh WZ and it is full ( ie 8 v 8) I will always stay to the end.

If I get sucked into a WZ in progress where my team is getting demolished, I will generally leave. I am not going to waste my time.

If I am on a team short a person or two, I may see how it goes, but more than likely I will leave if it begins going downhill and we do not fill up.

If it is voidstar and I join before it starts, but yet I am still on a speeder lollygagging my way in when play begins, there is a good chance I am dropping.

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If I see a bunch of morons that can't grasp the concept of focusing on healers, sticking together or find their huttball pass icon, I will drop.


I have better things to do than waste 10 minutes with stupid people, dailies have nothing to do with it.


Agree 100%. If you're not dropping a wz as soon as you see your team is full of nitwits and you are facing an OP premade, you deserve to lose. There's no reason anyone should have to sit through that, that's not what I pay my sub for.


Besides, staying and letting the enemy farm you only helps their faction, not yours. If you're intentionally giving the enemy faction free valor, you might as well just join the other side.

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This is one of a few games that doesn't have a "report as afk" function in warzones. It would be nice to have this as well.


If I join a warzone and I recognize people on my side as afkers, I will leave.
Edited by Greeblez
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When they bracket out 50s and start cracking down on the botters, you'll see a lot less problems with leaving. With that said, there -should- be some sort of time delay inbetween warzones if you bail from one. It's just...something that has always been there in other games and seems to be a good system. You want to bail a game? Pay the price.
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i dont know how many people don't realize this but half the games of any pvp are lost in a 2 team setting. sounds like lots of the people defending leaving wish to win more than 50% of their matches but not take the time to find and start running with a good group. sure, I want to win too and it sucks when the team you randomly queue into is bad but leaving it is still a stupid thing to be able to do without repercussions.


on a different side of things, the reason I found this thread was because Ive been on the other side of it too many times (staying in after quitters quit). its a close game or one team or the other is being crushed, people say "nuts to this" and bounce then all of a sudden new people are involved and the tides swing unprecedentedly in the other direction.


I would like to see leavers punished and somehow not let baddies leaving then being replaced by decked out people turn the game. how to do these things in a fair way? that, I cannot say. just throwing into the mix the part that affects people who stay in the match and how unpleasant it is to be winning a game of huttball 3:1 and then all of a sudden theres an entirely new enemy team and they win 6:3 in a matter of minutes.

Edited by cakemaster
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Honestly i can care less if someone leaves . I just hate when they post stupid crap like wow


too many low lvls then leave . If thats all your going to post dont post anything at all just


leave . Sometimes you lose sometimes you win deal with it your own way and keep it to


yourself .

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When I am playing a lower character, or, I am the only level 50 on my team of level 15's and below, I leave the WZ. THeres no sense in wasting my time getting the crap knocked out of me for XP I cant get and a few measly commendations or credits when the other team is full of 50's.


I figured if I waste enough of their time in qeueing into pointless and unrewarded warzones, maybe they will start spursing out and give people more of a fair chance. I mean, one can only get so frustrated that their premade is wasting its time because the WZ ends prematurely.

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