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Guardians are Getting Buffed!


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Stupid. I'm actually more or less ok with how often I can force leap. What I'm not ok with is the broken and bugged resolve system that needs to be scrapped yesterday. The 10 different forms of CC, many of which concentrated on just a few classes, combined with a wayyyy too long counter and broken resolve system, leaves not just knights in the lurch but all melees.


Dont waste time playing with leap. Nerf some of these crazy CC abilities in pvp.


This. Nerf the rate that the resolve bar fills up, leave the rest of it alone, then add dr's to the different types of cc's. Then people actually have to work together to shut someone down, but even still can only do it for so long before they're free.


Maybe instead of the 100%/50%/25%/immune dr most often used, just make players immune to that type of cc for x seconds. Then alternating cc's becomes important, but as I said, there would still be a cap on how long any one player could be cc'd.

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I'm fairly certain George or whatever the lead designer is has something against JK's and SW's in general. Its probably a population control thing really. I wouldn't expect good buffs until he quits, gets "promoted" or fired. Kalgan in WoW had his pet class (warriors) and classes he liked gimping as well. When he quit being lead dev, the new guy had his own pet class and took a dump on Kalgan's favorite warrior class. Developers have their favorites, its obvious JK is not one of this guys.


Honestly, from a business standpoint I don't get alienating a portion of your player base, but this developer probably thinks the game will somehow be better for everyone if more people play other classes.


You're kind of getting ahead of yourself lol. First off, Bioware has said that they're not intentionally gimping any classes (If you've played any MMO other than WoW or Rift or w/e you'd quickly see that most games have balance issues FAR worse than this).


For example, in TOR, it's at least arguable what class is the best (even though it's fairly easy to determine Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior and their ACs are the worst, or at least hardest to be good with). But if you're to take 12sky2, for example, everyone rolls the damage classes of each respective faction because the other classes are NOT AT ALL viable for PvP (they're not at all, the best geared PvP of a non DPS class is not a match for a DPS class in average gear). Rappelz, back in Epic 4, was completely dominated by the Evoker, and Epic 5 no class was a match for the chaos magician.


I could go on, and on, and on about horrible balance with classes (I could give another 10 examples off the top of my head, easy). But the bottom line is, MMOs are just naturally and unavoidably imbalanced, as it stands, Guardian is weaker than the other classes BUT it's not severely imbalanced. It's not a conspiracy to make a certain class weak or anything, it's just the way MMOs work.

Edited by BobTheTeepo
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This. Nerf the rate that the resolve bar fills up, leave the rest of it alone, then add dr's to the different types of cc's. Then people actually have to work together to shut someone down, but even still can only do it for so long before they're free.


Maybe instead of the 100%/50%/25%/immune dr most often used, just make players immune to that type of cc for x seconds. Then alternating cc's becomes important, but as I said, there would still be a cap on how long any one player could be cc'd.


Naa ...they proved to be not able to fix resolve already. So better keep their fingers off that.


To counter CC and bring survivability they should give us 50% damage reduction during CCs and we are fine. This wayy we dont need mobility (and weird solutions for it) to survive somehow but wont be cced so many times then. Only when people want to get a way ....which can be fine for me.

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