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Does the good outweigh the bad?


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Been thinking about if I will continue to play the game in a month or 2 and I started thinking of a Pro and Con list just like Ted Moseby. Anyway, without writing out a definitive list, for me I'm probably just on the fence.


There are moments where I will be playing for hours immersed in the story but there will be other times I will be trying to take pride in my character tear when the textures look horrid. I'll be having fun in a Flashpoint/PVP but will be annoyed that my abilities aren't actually firing when I click them, wasting my GCD.


Anyway, most of my cons tend to be bugs so whilst I'm on the fence at the moment, I expect that in a couple of months I will be happy with my investment. Where do you stand?

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This is the first time I've really felt connected to my character and that I at least get some options (as illusory as they may be) to her response to npc's.


The story (as least the trooper and consular ones I'm working on) is good enough that I keep on wanting to play out the next story quest to find out what happens. It's like reading a fun book. Not Marcel Proust, but Mercedes Lackey ;)


Sci-fi is a nice change of pace from the typical fantasy worlds.


Character detail is better than WoW.


I like the crafting system, particularly breaking down my crafting stuff to get new recipes/materials. It may be random, but it's entertaining.


My companions are funny/annoying/cute. I like what they add to the game.


I find the combat, while somewhat buggy, to be fun and flashy. I see the benefits of learning my class and becoming more skilled.


Challenge -- I love trying to solo the heroics or duo'ing the 4+ heroics with my husband. I like the random elites in the world that I can try to take on.


Moddable armor is a fun way to keep a good look.


I'm enjoying the pvp on both my Shadow and my Commando.


Con's -


Graphical glitches can get annoying!!!


Combat glitches - sometimes responsiveness is a little sluggish. It's annoying, but not enough for me to log off.


Leveling feels a little fast?


Value/economy has not been clearly established on my server yet.


-1 Companion Affection makes me feel like I did when I was a kid and my mom would 'tsk tsk' at me (j/k)



All in all, I'm having a blast. Not sure what I'll be doing at 50 as I'm burned out on raiding/etc, but the ride there will be fun!!


I think Bioware/EA made a smashingly fun game. Somewhat glitchy, but fun.

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for me the bad is outweighing the good so far.


i agree with others when i think about how ive grown attached to my characters, especially my scoundrel.


other than the story lines themselves everything else about the game is flawed.


combat is buggy, abilities dont go off most of the time.


dungeons are buggy as hell, bosses glitch out, there are line of sight issues EVERYWHERE in some dungeons.


if i dont have vsync on and i stand in my ship for more then 2 minutes the game heats my gpu up to a billion degrees and it explodes


high res textures are a lie and they are renaming medium high like that is gonna pull the wool over our eyes


there are green walls, and green lines all over the place throughout the game, my friends and i see them constantly


even with preset body types there are major clipping issues with almost all the armors


just stuff like that...

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