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Assign Your Class A Music Genre


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Hello fellow Imperial citizens and pitiable members of the rotting Republic,


In an attempt to clean up the forums, I wanted to make a post that wasn't whining or anti-whining.


Here we will combine things most of us love: Gaming and Music.


It's easy, tell us what class you're going to play and assign them a music genre. Explain why you made the choice, include samples from YouTube if you wish but you may want to avoid any videos that are objectionable. I wouldn't care, but Bioware's forum moderators keep the leash on tight.


I will go first.


I plan on playing a Sith Juggernaut.


I feel the Sith fit perfectly with the music genre of Black Metal.


Black Metal is a music with lyrical content that is often about personal strength, elitism, violence and blasphemy. I feel these fit Sith quite well. Black Metal imagery also employs a lot of blacks, greys, ice-blues, reds, spikes, blades, images of death and blasphemy and other such things which Sith architecture and fashion tend to also favour.


Black metal is also furiously fast, but often breaks into haunting acoustic interludes or long periods of ambiance, which again I think reflect Sith as they are not all violence and death all the time, but are instead a methodical, calculated type of 'evil'.


Unfortunately most of you have probably never heard black metal, as it's not exactly radio or MTV friendly (which is a shame. I'm all for more obscure forms of music going "mainstream"). So I will provide some of the less offensive examples I can find.







< One of my favourite songs ever. I sleep to this nightly.


That's it for me.

Please don't turn this thread into an argument about the validity of different genres of music. It's all art, art is inherently subjective.

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JC Shadow, DS. Avenged sevenfold is my music


Why not expand on why your think that music represents the Jedi?


This isn't a "post my character's themesong" thread, it's more of a discussion about music coloured with the game's factions/classes.

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Honestly, I would have to question your validity concerning excactly this, as it seems "black metal" as you refer it to, is one of your own taste regardless of this game as a whole. I would actually go as far as to say that these bastards, wielding the lightsabers of red, are more of a techno-kinda style. I myself prefer some good ol' country while chewing at a straw, but thats maybe just me coming from the farms and plains.


So maybe, its not so much about what kinda role you have, but who you are? Myself being a bounty hunter, actually prefer to listen to lore metal and power metal, and feel that this fits the hunter of bounty in itself. I hate those swordwielding bastards as much as I hate techno, therefore, there must be no other tunes for them to play, atleast thats how I picture them. But on the other hand, what if the smuggler is using my very own music, when he should be listening to the pop-culture off young teens today? Considering the love and the sorrow, and the mixed multiverse of feelings involved in these types of song, I would imagine that is how it really must be for the smugglers on a day to day basis.


And the hunter of bounty, we all know she only cares about the money, so why not have her listen to the new era of rap-culture? Instead of going the other way, listening to proper political rap and old meltdown tunes, she will only listen to the golddigging brats getting shot in the face and lived to tell the tales.


But then again, as I, the real person, am an avid metalmonger, I find that all classes fits the metal, and I will not listen to anything else while playing, so why should I bother finding out what my proper tunes would be? I could link you the songs of my people, but I would much rather prefer that you guys found out for yourself what you would want to listen to. If you still want my opinion about what music fits what classes, just PM me and I will answer your callings.


TL: DR : Simply stating that its not the class which desides the music, but yourself.

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Honestly, I would have to question your validity concerning excactly this, as it seems "black metal" as you refer it to, is one of your own taste regardless of this game as a whole. I would actually go as far as to say that these bastards, wielding the lightsabers of red, are more of a techno-kinda style. I myself prefer some good ol' country while chewing at a straw, but thats maybe just me coming from the farms and plains.


So maybe, its not so much about what kinda role you have, but who you are? Myself being a bounty hunter, actually prefer to listen to lore metal and power metal, and feel that this fits the hunter of bounty in itself. I hate those swordwielding bastards as much as I hate techno, therefore, there must be no other tunes for them to play, atleast thats how I picture them. But on the other hand, what if the smuggler is using my very own music, when he should be listening to the pop-culture off young teens today? Considering the love and the sorrow, and the mixed multiverse of feelings involved in these types of song, I would imagine that is how it really must be for the smugglers on a day to day basis.


And the hunter of bounty, we all know she only cares about the money, so why not have her listen to the new era of rap-culture? Instead of going the other way, listening to proper political rap and old meltdown tunes, she will only listen to the golddigging brats getting shot in the face and lived to tell the tales.


But then again, as I, the real person, am an avid metalmonger, I find that all classes fits the metal, and I will not listen to anything else while playing, so why should I bother finding out what my proper tunes would be? I could link you the songs of my people, but I would much rather prefer that you guys found out for yourself what you would want to listen to. If you still want my opinion about what music fits what classes, just PM me and I will answer your callings.


TL: DR : Simply stating that its not the class which desides the music, but yourself.


I never said the class decides the music, the point of the thread is just discussion, not objective truth searching.


It's for fun in hopes of making the front page of general a little less gnashing of teeth.

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