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My quest log, and how it's complicating my end game...


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(*edit: I don't know if this has already been posted about, but...*)


I have to say, In my "old age" with a "real job" and "mortgage," I don't have the time to play MMO's like I used to. That being said, I spent my time leveling as fast as I could, completing my class quests first, power questing til I hit the appropriate level to go to the next planet, and then ran off to maximize my xp...


It appears, now that I'm 50, that the "abandon quest" button is a little misleading... Why is it that many a quest cannot be abandoned...? Most of these are chains, I can only assume, and frankly, I have no time nor the desire to go back to Tatooine and kill another 473 sand people.


I wouldn't have an issue with this, except for the fact that it's not costing me in game time that I don't have to pick up 3 dailies, complete them, then go back and pick up more... As well as the fact that I have weeklies taking up a couple of slots in my log, and it leaves me with 2 open spots for dailies...


So my question is, Bioware, why the hell aren't I able to abandon any quest that's not my class quest at any time...


I just want to rid myself of the headache that the quest log has become... Any suggestions or news on this?



Edited by TheFishes
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