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Cross-realm PvP announced, BW just killed SW:tOR.


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You obviously played nothing but WoW and swtor. If you never see those people again, how does that create a competitive envionment?


i also played lol, daoc, aoc, and testet lots of other games. In every game "namecalling" or "flaming" was normal in the pvpsection.


Why do you think there is this big gap between pve and pvp. Because, people who play pve mostly like to give someone flowers. Pvp'ers on the other hand, as i mostly have met them, just want to win, at any cost. Otherwise your only a casual but also no right to discuss any important matters on the game.

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Except you will make it a pool for 10k players, if not more. Which makes it an anonymous pile of poo.


That has nothing to do with cross server.


Take "Server A". Put 10k players on it.

Take "Server B". Put 100k players on it.


Your argument is that if we prevent "cross server pvp", then both servers will have "community" which is 100% B.S. in this example. Even if both had "50k players", its no different than just all 100k on the same server.

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You obviously played nothing but WoW and swtor. If you never see those people again, how does that create a competitive envionment?


To be fair, WoW BG's were never that competitive, even before they were cross server.


They just had long queues. And usually one faction dominated every single BG.


I don't think TOR really has these problem (at least on my server), but the whole argument that cross server Warzones/Battlegrounds ruins a PvP community is ridiculous.


I've never seen a real PvP community in an MMO unless there was amazing world PvP in it, and this game just does not have that. And regardless of the changes to Ilum, it probably never will.

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If bioware ever fixs Ilum, pvpers will have a place to wait in qs. Making those 5-15 min ques seem much shorter.


World objective PvP zones haven't worked in every MMO I've played unless there was incentives involved and there were timers.


Lineage 2 you had epic castle sieges, but they were only once a week and it was more or less "prestige" to own a castle.


WoW had zones with capturable objectives in Burning Crusade that people completely ignored because their loot was so crappy that it was surpassed by regular instances.


Wintergrasp worked in a sense because it was on a 2 hour cooldown, opened up a dungeon with near-free loot, weeklys gave you nice rewards, and you had good rewards.




There's no real incentive to actually bother with Ilum right now except to complete your daily because there's no reward for killing the other faction because your just inconveniencing yourself. It's also open 24-7 and it changes sides more than a bipolar 16 year old girl and there's too many cap points to defend. I mean if you had to win Ilum to buy your PvP gear than people would be all over it, but it would result in a lot of aggravation.


World PvP doesn't work like Battlegrounds/Warzones except if you love ganking people. World PvP isn't fair either because people can pick and choose their battles and roll with three friends.


I mean, the greatest fun I had in Vanilla WoW was starting huge battles in Eastern Plaguelands with my friend. We would roll in, gank all the people, and they would get fed up and group and then we would have huge endless brawls that lasted hours. We would also hide on the horde ships and gank people after they took off.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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Servers are just an abstraction. If computers were more powerful and could handle 100k+ players at once, there would BE no servers. We'd all be on one "server".


SWTOR has a community of 1000s and 1000s of players. Right now, you are restricted from playing with some of them, just because computers aren't powerful enough.


Cross server PvP = larger community, not "loss of community".




Oh yah, because cities like New York and Chicago have great communities. The only thing cross server mechanics do is create anonymity for trolls. Thus creating a horrible player base to do warzones with.


double derp

Edited by Tycoon
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Wrong. You will still play an equal amount of 'shytty' players. if 80% of players are crap, then the total number of players is irrelevant. It'll still be 80% crap players. Cross-server warzones doesn't make anything more competitive.



Yes it does, because the chance of finding a better player than the best from your server is more likely then him rerolling at your server out of fun. More player more competition, even if 80% are still ****** ther are 20% that still could be a better lesson than any playr on my server, just as an example.

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It's actually kind of interesting. Thread on general forum about PvP cross-server is everyone wants it. Thread in PvP forum on cross-servers is no one wants it.


Conclusion? People who PvP don't want cross-server PvP. People who don't PvP DO want it.


All I do is PvP and I welcome cross-server queues.

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If you log into SWTOR and PvP with a pool of 1000 other players on a regular basis, over time, you will learn who all 1000 of them are.


It is irrelevant if only 100 of them are from your server, unless you plan to PvE with them.


This complaint (about cross server PvP) is totally illogical.


Yeah, but you're being put in a pool with 50,000 oter players with cross-server pvp.




I remember back in Ultima Online. There were "bad guys" that the WHOLE SERVER hated... as well as "protectors" everyone liked. THAT was community.





PS, and people you meet and get to know in pvp ARE people you may later recognize and pve with.

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its true that this sucks, right now i play to my very best ability in every match as i care about my growing reputation, if cross server is introduced why bother? may aswell chase medals or /dance in a corner somewhere for all it matters, this is why i stopped BG'ing in wow


idk why bioware would fix this for a minority of players that cant get queues, to shaft the majority that really do not want this feature?

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Crossserver pvp is awesome because you don't have to play the same shytty people all the time. Bigger playerbase means more competition. Competition is that what makes pvp great. I dont get your point. Why the hell would i want to keep my awesomeness only to my server if i can beat up gamer from other servers too?


You need to realize something. Pvp is harsh and so should be the competition. If you want flowers, go play sims.


It's not something you can get control over with a game. True pvp'ers won't play the game if they can't "in your face" someone.




Spread the love. My premade got enough for every imp that wants some.

Edited by Niconogood
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World objective PvP zones haven't worked in every MMO I've played unless there was incentives involved and there were timers.


Lineage 2 you had epic castle sieges, but they were only once a week and it was more or less "prestige" to own a castle.


WoW had zones with capturable objectives in Burning Crusade that people completely ignored because their loot was so crappy that it was surpassed by regular instances.


Wintergrasp worked in a sense because it was on a 2 hour cooldown, opened up a dungeon with near-free loot, weeklys gave you nice rewards, and you had good rewards.




There's no real incentive to actually bother with Ilum right now except to complete your daily because there's no reward for killing the other faction because your just inconveniencing yourself. It's also open 24-7 and it changes sides more than a bipolar 16 year old girl and there's too many cap points to defend. I mean if you had to win Ilum to buy your PvP gear than people would be all over it, but it would result in a lot of aggravation.


World PvP doesn't work like Battlegrounds/Warzones except if you love ganking people. World PvP isn't fair either because people can pick and choose their battles and roll with three friends.


Maybe you should try something other then lineage 2 and wow.


Warhammer had great world pvp, ADoC had great world pvp, EvE has the only space world pvp, even Age of Conan had good world pvp. Making a viable world pvp isnt difficult or impossible.

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its true that this sucks, right now i play to my very best ability in every match as i care about my growing reputation, if cross server is introduced why bother? may aswell chase medals or /dance in a corner somewhere for all it matters, this is why i stopped BG'ing in wow


idk why bioware would fix this for a minority of players that cant get queues, to shaft the majority that really do not want this feature?


It's called Illum.

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I don't understand how people are against this if you are playing empire. With the 50s only bracket that is coming very soon queues are almost ALWAYS going to be huttball. As it is right now out of 15 WZs I get 2 TOTAL in either alderaan or voidstar.



I am all for cross-realm queues, it does not ruin the community whatsoever.


I'm against it because there are many players not in guild I probably would have never heard of if it weren't for same server PvP.


With cross-server PvP there's no more "Ok guys player X and his friend player Y are here, make sure we do this" OR "Player A is here again, remember when he was raging in general chat yesterday? Let's grapple him into the fire some more."


Besides this, we will inevitably have cross-server LFG right around the corner after the PvP portion is implemented.

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^ This


It's like people think they have some special "bond" with everyone on their server lol.


For many servers, that is actually the case. I like when random Republic players talk about that one match we had the other day when passing by. I like getting tells from Empire players with comments like "good hutball match earlier, gg".

ALL of that stops the moment cross-server PvP is implemented.

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SO much shouldn't be based on WoW arenas anyway.. Queue and forget.. Doesn't matter who you fight.. I have not seen or heard anyone say things like "I just made a new friend in a WZ bro" or "That guy did so much damage I am going to find him on the server and be his buddy 4eva"


When Rift did this, you still get those awesome and garbage players, and if the pool is only 2-3 servers deep you will STILL see the same bunch of people over and over again anyway..


Still the same "outcast" system we all know and love, just on a larger scale..

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I don't understand how people are against this if you are playing empire. With the 50s only bracket that is coming very soon queues are almost ALWAYS going to be huttball. As it is right now out of 15 WZs I get 2 TOTAL in either alderaan or voidstar.



I am all for cross-realm queues, it does not ruin the community whatsoever.


how will this fix your problem? cross server wont increase the reb:imp ratio drastically, heck, it could even drop it for some servers, this will simply mean you're playing against imps from a different server


still huttball, more anonymous



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