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Cross-realm PvP announced, BW just killed SW:tOR.


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Mixed feelings on this...it seriously does hurt the communities but at the same time it also balances the fights out ALOT more often.


In the end I still lean against this though because I prefer Warhammer styled PvP to WoWs.


imo the community argument only really works for pve. pvp you want to get competitive with your server, but since most servers arn't balanced for the non huttball modes the cross server or maybe "battle group" portion could work here just fine if we got at least a forum for it.


imo the server community of pvp should be in open world. i remember hearing something about some little area that would have guilds fighting over the territory and all the loot chests that spawned in it.

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With the existance of expertise and garbage warzones like Huttball, it's no surprise that there will be cross-server ques. Watch the PvP in this game flounder to nothing with the only people wasting their time with it are the hardcore PvPers. (A very small group.)
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Yeah, i understand the reputation thing. I am doing PVP a lot and i also started recognizing names ( i am being hopefully recognized also :p )


So i agree for normal warzones , there maybe should not be a "cross-server" thing.


But maybe they should allow making 8 man teams premade, and those pre-mades might fight s should be cross-server? This would make sense.. This should work in general..


What do you say?

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Cross server PvP was one of WoW's best decisions queues wise, shame it was one of their worst in every other aspect.


I speak from experience, being involved in WoW's beta/live for 7 years and many other games before, after and during my time in Wow including but not limited to Lineage 1 and 2, Asheron's Call, Prince of Qin, Aion, Global Agenda, DCUO, I also spent my last year or 2 well entrenched in PvP in WoW, leveling from 10 to 80 in pure PvP then 80-85 (both with no PvE kills). Review blogs in sig if proof required.


What I saw;

Server PvP went from knowing your enemy and creating relationships with them whether it be hateful, respectful or enjoyable to a nameless horde of screaming ragequiters, trolls, baddies, hackers and piles and piles of Afkers and bots (of course there were good people out there, just well buried in the rest or given up trying and just joined the crowd).

Some of my best PvP was pre-cross servers on Windrunner Clan Pigs vs us The Dragon Knights aka TDK, sure we got stomped by them regularly but also learnt a lot and won at times.


One of the problems with creating a system like this is management of it, "here's a cross server system", "here's an afk report function", "now you're all nameless, police yourselves!", "but we ain't going to ban afk reported chars", well not until people like myself constantly log tickets over and over. I watched for over 12 months playing in excess of 12 hours a day regularly (and yes I was and see am working, was just lucky to be able to play at work), that the report afk function wasn't working, I'd see the same chars week in week out afking if I only used it, when I switched to ticketing chars some times 5 or more at a time they started to disappear. In a server based PvP system people are more likely to report afkers as they know them by name and they are quickly weeded out.


If BW brings in a system like WoW's cross servers than the Afkers and bots will come in droves as no one cares enough to report them or cares enough to put a company policed system in.


If BW really does want to go down this path, they need to have;

-A well managed report system for cheats, afkers and bots

-Take into account server ratios and make it so numbers are fairly even

-Take into account geographical location of players base per server cluster as people from the same country tend to gravitate to the same servers.



As for competitiveness improving, I say pigsass, from what I saw in my many years of play was that, lots of people were just bad (I don't claim to be great myself) or just flatout gave up at a drop of a hat.


Currently on The Harbinger the games pop fairly quickly (10mins is a very long wait), sure we get a fair amount of huttball but we get a decent shake at void and Alderann, we win we lose and some of the best teams around are republic and we know who's who in the zoo and discuss afkers and report them.

Edited by CountVlad
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imo the community argument only really works for pve. pvp you want to get competitive with your server, but since most servers arn't balanced for the non huttball modes the cross server or maybe "battle group" portion could work here just fine if we got at least a forum for it.


imo the server community of pvp should be in open world. i remember hearing something about some little area that would have guilds fighting over the territory and all the loot chests that spawned in it.


Battlegroups don't really make a game more competitive since warzones draw from players randomly, no matchmaking. Rated warzones having cross-server WOULD make them more competitive and was also the plan. Normal warzones should stay server-only.

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lol at people who think community relationships with enemy players is so important and critical to the game, it's not and never has been. You can talk to them in say and pvp chat anyway, why don't you all go to Tatooine or Ilum and have a little picnic or something and have your community time that way? Edited by RamataKahn
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Cross-realm is the best for any form of PvP. If you dont agree then you are far away from PVP community and probably are one of those.. I PEW PEW people arround.


As a PVPer you are playing for challenge ! nothing else. And a server is limited pool of challenge - always. No matter how full or empty is. Of course you have the feeling of comunity.. blah.. bul****. I have played compettetive PvP on Guild Wars for years.. and there were only cross-realm matches !! i knew exactly the heroes squads from any word side and it was great to fight them, becase then you have seen.. oh.. well, im fighting theese american stars.. hmm.. they have won almost everything..


The sense of comunity is not server related.. it is GAME RELATED!!


one more example - WARHAMMER, played on one server and after that transfered to new one. Oh.. it was a blast - while previous server was boring like hell and full of not skilled soloers, second one was full of competetive guilds and premades.. just imagine how much fun i had facing new enemies..



cross-realm = good thing for PVP

implementation = thats the question. If they screw it up then of course it will burn everything.


for a sucessfull cross-realm warzones there need to be working matchmaking system and definitelly ladder of premades / players and statistics..

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I've never seen a real PvP community in an MMO unless there was amazing world PvP in it, and this game just does not have that. And regardless of the changes to Ilum, it probably never will.


In WAR on Karag-Azgal server there were a great community, organized dueling sessions, we knew each other (I mean Destro and Order), there were a lot of NAMES, if you know what I mean, there were rivalries between Destro and Order guilds etc. THAT was a real PvP community. But you are right, that game based on RvR/world PvP not PVE.


In this game, as it is 99% PVE game with 1% added PvP I don't think either that similar PvP community can be (especially because of the lack of server forums), so I don't think cross-realm PvP ruins anything. This game is designed to be a PvE game, face it, the PvP is just a minor part of it, does not matter what BW says that is just marketing BS. And already proven rule: MMOs designed to be primarly PvE games and (tried to be) similar to WoW will not have great PvP, especially open world PvP. I don't go into the reasons, but that happened with RIFT, that happened with AoC (despite AoC planned to have more focus on PvP) etc. Only games designed to be primarly PvP MMOs (DAoC, WAR etc.) can have what many here miss.

Edited by Mardur
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Ummm yes it does. It is called reputation. Read all about it on google.


Fail more? Communities don't pop into existence every time someone is hated or loved. I don't live in a community near my house because someone there is praised or condemned.


To claim that losing your server identity/reputation will destroy or remove communties is rediculous. Reputation does not mean community. Why don't you open a book instead of trying to google everything lol...


Reputation might be involved in communities, but communities are not made because of it.

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Really... you'd think after the zillion mmo's that launched after WoW and died in large part due to no cross-server pvp system, that even launching a game without cross-server technology would be a BAD idea! That's what people who talk about community do not understand. There is no community without options.


Cross server technology gives players who would be stuck bored waiting for games to pop that option. It also gives casual players a place to escape when that one team emerges from the server (as always happens), a place to have casual random fun without feeling like their being farmed. Options are always a good thing when it comes to gaming, because of their very definition.

Edited by Swordsaintt
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I was hanging around the developer tracker when I found a thread from a player that complained about him having too few opponents at 50 on his server. At page 7 of said thread he gets a reply from a BW representative basically addressing his "huge" problem (like there isn't better stuff for them to reply to?) and announcing that even tho BW have said that they Dont want to use cross-realm tools (which Do completely ruin a servers community) it now will be implemented...Just not "in the near future".


What this does to me? It makes me feel sick, and I seriously consider Not playing the game anymore. Now I expect that just when they fix PvP for us, they will ruin it by making it matter **** (yes, having cross-realm basically does that). Good work BW, you just lost alot of PvP:ers.


For reference see: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1422167#edit1422167 - page 7.



I want to point out that some servers have more republic player or vice versa so we always get put in huttball its really annoying and no i don't want to move to another realm and level all again thank you.

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What community? As somebody who has played WoW from Vanilla there was as much of a community before Cross-Server communities as there was after; AKA NONE. It's a myth conjured by the people who stroke their e-peens and like to pretend players will run in fear of them if they appear in the Warzone.


The closest thing I have ever seen to a 'PvP Server Community' was ironically on Lord of the Rings Online where there were strict Creep players (IE: Purposely underpowered underdogs who could effectively use zerg tactics) versus Player players (IE: Regular characters at the level-cap who were more powerful individually but lacked numbers). That was on a game not focused on PvP at all. Being a Creep was to purposely make yourself an Underdog and a powerful well-known Creep was a reputation WELL EARNED. Imagine playing Dark/Demon Souls, only the enemies were played by real people.


Yes, there were bad apples but ultimately the relationships between Creeps, seeing well-known respected and infamous faces on the field of battle was what I could well and truly call 'Community'.

Edited by WhoDaresWins
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  • 1 year later...

Reading this thread makes me doubt how many pvpers we have in this game ......


Carebears ftw....


Still fail to understand how cross realm could kill a game... i only see good things ... more competition ....especially for ranked.

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Meh, I don't care either way. What I don't care about is "WHO YOU ARE", but rather "HOW YOU PLAY". Wether from my server or not, doesn't matter. I still have to figure you out...learn your mindset, tactics etc. Cross realm pvp won't change that. The good pvpers will STILL be known. The damous, or infamous, guild group pvpers will STILL be known.


Cross realm pvp is kinda like an away game at the next town. You don't play them often, but you still know who they are and have an idea of what to expect. You just can't predict everything they do....as with same server pvp, you eventually learn what skills and tactics people use ALL the time.


If cross realm pvp kills the "community", it's the "community" that's to blame. It's not BW's fault for how PEOPLE act. Someone referenced WoW,...well, think about that for a second. A game with one of the worst communities to begin with getting cross realm pvp. Of course that's going to make things worse. Their community was already horrible. SWTOR's community isn't like that. We have a good community. So cross realm pvp wont necessarily ruin it. It's all in how YOU act. Don't blame the tool for the bad craftsmanship, blame the craftsman. The tool is only as good as the person using it.

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Cross Server PVP is necessary to make at least RWZ viable. There are few servers where you can do rated WZ at all on a regular basis. And if you can, you constantly run into the same few opponents over and over, which kind of defeats the whole purpose of a RATING.


On some servers, there are even barley enough players to warrant an adequate queue time for non rated WZ.


Therefore, I know not a single dedicated PVP player who is against cross server PVP. To the contrary, X server pvp is needed for serious SWTOR PVP to survive on the long run.


How it plays out exactly will depend on how the servers are grouped together. Whe do not know yet.


Why is this even a thread? Because the OP discovered a posting from last year that Bioware is planning for it "in the distant future"? Like they had for revamped space combat?

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I was hanging around the developer tracker when I found a thread from a player that complained about him having too few opponents at 50 on his server. At page 7 of said thread he gets a reply from a BW representative basically addressing his "huge" problem (like there isn't better stuff for them to reply to?) and announcing that even tho BW have said that they Dont want to use cross-realm tools (which Do completely ruin a servers community) it now will be implemented...Just not "in the near future".


What this does to me? It makes me feel sick, and I seriously consider Not playing the game anymore. Now I expect that just when they fix PvP for us, they will ruin it by making it matter **** (yes, having cross-realm basically does that). Good work BW, you just lost alot of PvP:ers.


For reference see: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1422167#edit1422167 - page 7.


I'm on a RP server. Most of the players I've talked to on our server said that they rolled there for communal reasons. A little while back, we had some people come over from a PVP server, bragging about how they were going to set up shop, and own the place; they get steam-rolled on the regular.


But we certainly welcome cross-server queueing :)

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Cross server PVP queues are a MUST.


Anyone that says otherwise, doesn't PVP, or likes to own the same newbs day in and day out.


I want instant queues, and cross server brings those. Everyone agrees. These whiners saying it ruins communities are hilarious.. HILARIOUS... Rift had cross server PVP and it absolutely ENHANCED community if anything.

Edited by bodhisattvasw
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I don't care too much about "community". I can almost guarantee that community does not make or break a game for most players. Making gf and wz qs x-server did not destroy Wow's community: I ran into the same number of jerks before and after x-server. The main difference was that I got to play the game much more (more bgs, more dungeons).


Tight communities can be a big problem if the leaders of those communities are jerks: they can take over the server and make the game more lonely for casual or new or nonconformist players that would otherwise thrive with x-server.


X-server means wzs with more brackets - bolster not needed.

X-server means brackets for group queues and separate brackets for solo or small groups.

X-server means rated q pops on most servers and, potentially, x-server ladders and recognition.

X-server means I can run almost any fp or HM whenever I want to on any server.


Almost all of the pvpers I know want x-server. They routinely dropped the small tight communities of low pop servers in favor of those with more competition and faster q pops. Those that didn't are almost all eagerly anticipating server transfers off of JM. I only know a couple that like low pop, lightly active servers and at least one of them likes being the biggest kid on a small block (another thinks higher pop is more lag in wzs and dungeons)...


And btw: BW has always said they intended to do x-server for rateds at least. That is not remotely new.

Edited by Savej
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