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Addon request: Identify players wasting my time by not hitting spacebar


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I think skipping story line quests or open world quests is stupid. No one is going to "grind" those. Anyone who hammers the spacebar through those is getting his own punishment in missing out on the story.


My points pretty much ONLY apply to FP's. Because, let's face it, after BT/Esseles none of them are masterworks of storyline.


Right. My post agreed with you lol

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Are we clear?


I love people like you. I really, really do. I hadn't had a good laugh this morning until I read that barely coherent screed, but I must admit I feel a great deal better right now.


I bet it's utterly infuriating to realize that some people don't subscribe to your world-view, isn't it? That some people don't want to associate with others? That some people value having things their way rather than your way?


*stifles a giggle*


If there was a search function on this forum, you could review my posts and see I bash fanboys and haters about equally. It's all about the practicality and logic behind what they post, and their reasoning. I could care less one way or the other if an addon is allowed.


The important thing -- the critical point -- is that people are becoming unreasonable and borderline dysfunctional over this choice Bioware has made about story, to the point where they feel free to castigate others for ignoring it, then having to frantically backpedal when they get called on it.


The bottom line here seems to be "if you don't like the cutscenes then that's too bad, you are not allowed not to like them, and asking others to do so is wrong, and if you do that you are a WoW kiddie". I'm sorry, but that is an ignorant position to take, one that invalidates your own argument about people being allowed to do what they want.


I'll post against that as much as I care to, thank you very much, and without resorting to histrionics. Perhaps you need a cup of tea, or a lie down?

Edited by LogicalPremise
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I doubt that it would be that hard to find people willing to spacebar. I find more people spacebarring than not. You'll see it even more when the game ages a little more.


Forums are so nice place to see how humankind work and from where all our problems rise :) Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and speak of "I do this" and "My group does that" and so on. People are selfish and thats the problem.


And yes im no better than rest of you, i do just the same.

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Oh people comprehend. They just choose to troll. Granted, he kind of opened himself up to this with an arguably tactless few posts to start, but in the end people don't care.


Can we please get back on topic people; in case some of you ARE smarter than I give you credit, the purpose of this discussion is having the ability to play the way you want to play.


Pot, kettle, you know the rest :)

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You have two groups of people, those that want to see Cutscenes and those that don't.


Those people for this functionality - seem pretty civil about it and are simply saying let us group with people that wish to play the game the same way we want to play it. Do not force us to waste our time doing things we don't want to do.


Those against it seem to be saying: deal with it, NO ADDONS!!!, go back to wow, this game isnt for you..., etc etc.


It is like the people that are against it are saying "I'm happy with the game as is, screw you and your ideas"


The problem is WE are not happy with this aspect of the game and want it modified. Are we not entitled to ask for improvements in the game we are also paying monthly for?


Would a feature like this detract from your enjoyment of the game? You could simply choose to NOT group with us. How does that hurt you? On top of that you seem to think you are the majority of the player base with the way you are talking about it. In that case, even better, according to those people we are the minority. Would we really hinder your ability to find a group to go to the movies with?

Edited by Knyghtprowler
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Kinda skipped over some of the pages, but it's pretty clear what I read on the first 2 and last one are the same basic points as the rest. Other then the part about having a - vs ... that's good info.


But as far as spacebar'ing though stuff, if the GL says "Skip the dialog" then I really should be willing to do that, or else I need to find another group.


It would be no different then if the GL said "Everyone rolls greed for every item" and then I hit need. I may or may not like the method the GL is using, but if I join his/her group, I should abide by the rules he/she has set down.

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Or what? You cant force me, just like i cant force you do do anything, you wanna play your way, i wanna play my way.


Actually he can, by booting you from the group. Sorry, but if it is stated up front that we aren't watching cutscenes, you better be pressing that space bar.

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You quoted his post. In the post he says he does EXACTLY what you say he should do.

Moving on.


No, there are two stages, you spam LFM and form group then the group gets into the entrance of the flashpoint. I suggest negotiating the possibility of skipping group scenes at the Flashpoint gate, not when spamming LFM. Like some people say, if someone has been waiting for a long time to find a group, s/he is willing to agree on anything, it is a good idea negotiate (not impose) how the flashpoint is going to be run.

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This is a plea to addon authors. When this game enables support for addons, someone please make one that identifies players who fail by not skipping group conversations with spacebar. This way I can quickly boot them from my group and try to find more efficient players to group with. When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.


Edit: I think, for now, this issue has been resolved for me thanks to a helpful post by Zannis. I will be now be able to easily determine which player is being uncooperative and remove them.



Originally Posted by Zannis

If people actually looked at the rolls being made on character portraits during a grouped cutscene, they would realize there is already a means to figure out who's watching them in game already.


There will be dots while someone is watching the movie, and a dash when they're done and waiting.


Thank you for this helpful info. I had no idea you could determine this from the group portraits. My groups should run a lot smoother now that I can replace players who don't follow my politely stated rules.


I will grief players like you til the cows come home. How dare you tell ME how to play. Go back to WoW now please. Seriously, I don't want you here, in MY game, with your anti-social behavior and lack of social skills and manners. Please just go.

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Simply because you add the "No Cutscenes" and ppl join and do not abide you are completely in the right. I would boot them and put them on ignore. I can't say I agree with an addon for it but if you specify "No Cutschenes" and someone does not spacebar through it they should get kicked.
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Pot, kettle, you know the rest :)


I'm confused as to what you seem to be so proud of. People in this thread ARE trolling, you being cheif among them, as I pointed out.


I on the other hand, while disagreeing with the OP, have been trying to steer this thread along the lines he intended, which was that he wished for an option to play the way he wanted and deal with people who tried to negatively impact his experience.

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I will grief players like you til the cows come home. How dare you tell ME how to play. Go back to WoW now please. Seriously, I don't want you here, in MY game, with your anti-social behavior and lack of social skills and manners. Please just go.


Thank you for proving we need a feature like this added to the game asap. Hopefully a mod reads this and pushed it further up the chain.


Users like you actually help us get the features we are asking for, rather than hinder us :)

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Forums are so nice place to see how humankind work and from where all our problems rise :) Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and speak of "I do this" and "My group does that" and so on. People are selfish and thats the problem.


And yes im no better than rest of you, i do just the same.


I'm trying to understand your post and why I was quoted, but I just can't. I'm sorry. :(

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I will grief players like you til the cows come home. How dare you tell ME how to play. Go back to WoW now please. Seriously, I don't want you here, in MY game, with your anti-social behavior and lack of social skills and manners. Please just go.

it's just as much his game as yours... but if you join HIS group with the explicit rule of no cutscenes and don't abide, then you need to go bye-bye.

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I will grief players like you til the cows come home. How dare you tell ME how to play. Go back to WoW now please. Seriously, I don't want you here, in MY game, with your anti-social behavior and lack of social skills and manners. Please just go.


Wow, calm down. There's no place for insults in this discussion. You won't get a chance to grief me because I will now be able to tell when players of your type aren't hitting spacebar. It's not YOUR game, it's everyone's game, I play differently from you. Please be more civil for now on.

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I will grief players like you til the cows come home. How dare you tell ME how to play. Go back to WoW now please. Seriously, I don't want you here, in MY game, with your anti-social behavior and lack of social skills and manners. Please just go.


That is absolutely despicable, but actually case in point of what the OP is trying to get at. There are people out there who WOULD join a group being advertised as No cutscenes, for the sole purpose to watch the cutscenes in spite.


An add-on as he described it is not the way to go, but can we please discuss merits of having a system in place for allowing GL's the option to set a FP to Cutscene/No cutscene?

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You have two groups of people, those that want to see Cutscenes and those that don't.


Those people for this functionality - seem pretty civil about it and are simply saying let us group with people that wish to play the game the same way we want to play it. Do not force us to waste our time doing things we don't want to do.


It is like the people that are against it are saying "I'm happy with the game as is, screw you and your ideas"


Argh, you're ruining the trolling! :D


No, seriously, that's a good point. I think the problem isn't actually that they don't want it, but rather that they don't even want the option because they fear that there are more people who are "WoW kiddies who don't care about story" than there are people who do, and the only way to keep people playing the game "as Bioware intended" is to deny all forms of ability to identify and remove people who don't subscribe to the "efficiency + speed > story" mechanic.


Now, most of the people who are defending the ability to "play the game how you like" are being bashed by the "play the game the way Bioware intended it" crowd because they are asking for things sourced in WoW and other games like it, such as DPS meters and other tools used to gate content.


As a result, I think over the past two weeks we've seen reasonable posters turn into borderline trolls because they are justifiably worried the game will devolve into WoW with Ewoks and Lightsabers.


I say that's a foolish worry -- there are more people here who reject WoW and that sort of thing than there are people who just want WoW with a different skin. There will ALWAYS be groups and people interested in the story. Raiders and grinders will always be a minority because the game isn't really set up for them in the first place.


It's a moot argument become heated for no good reason.

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Wow, calm down. There's no place for insults in this discussion. You won't get a chance to grief me because I will now be able to tell when players of your type aren't hitting spacebar. It's not YOUR game, it's everyone's game, I play differently from you. Please be more civil for now on.


If it is my first time in that dungeon, I will watch the cutscenes. It is that simple. Don't like it? well thats your problem.

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This is a plea to addon authors. When this game enables support for addons, someone please make one that identifies players who fail by not skipping group conversations with spacebar. This way I can quickly boot them from my group and try to find more efficient players to group with. When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.


Edit: I think, for now, this issue has been resolved for me thanks to a helpful post by Zannis. I will be now be able to easily determine which player is being uncooperative and remove them.



Originally Posted by Zannis

If people actually looked at the rolls being made on character portraits during a grouped cutscene, they would realize there is already a means to figure out who's watching them in game already.


There will be dots while someone is watching the movie, and a dash when they're done and waiting.


Thank you for this helpful info. I had no idea you could determine this from the group portraits. My groups should run a lot smoother now that I can replace players who don't follow my politely stated rules.


You need ritalin STAT!

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