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Addon request: Identify players wasting my time by not hitting spacebar


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If he specifically asked to skip cutscenes and made it clear, and people still weren't, then you're damn right.


Same thing happened to me when I was trying to run the esseles on an alt. I've done that place SO many times now that I never want to see another cutscene again. I made it clear, but the people I invited weren't skipping. It's frustrating


You do realize there are new players that may have never been there before and wanted to watch it right?


Gimme a break with this crap....


Now if it someone that you have personally seen there before and there still watching it maybe I can see this otherwise NO......

Edited by Kittypryde
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Neither. Or both. The problem is that the OP, admittedly poorly, was trying to say that people were purposefully infringing upon his expereience, and he was looking for a way to remove them so he could play the way he wanted to play. He said that he would advertise groups as being no cutscene, but people would join and watch anyway. He doesnt want to boot people who watch cutscenes, he wants to boot people who disregard his request and negatively impact his experience.


You like so many others attacked him for the first part of his post. And that is what made me sad. I DONT agree with him. But have been trying to discuss an alternative that might give everyone what they want.


I understand. And I do applaud the OP for stating his ideas beforehand when inviting.

I just find the attitude very negative, and indicative of so much that is icky with things in every aspect of life around us. I guess when the name of my guild is "Mellow Company", that may indicate why I dislike the attitude, though my response may reveal a lack of 'mellowness' on my part - I gues I'm not as mellow before I get home. ;)

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This isn't Kotor.

The story ends as soon as you hit Ilum. After that, you should be spacebarring like no tomorrow. These games are time synchs enough without having to wait for people to watch RP for 5 minutes a time.


I'd actually appreciate a way to just remove the conversations in Ops/FP all together. But that'll never happen so spacebar it is! YEEEHAW

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You do realize there are new players that may have never been there before and wanted to watch it right?


Gimme a break with this crap....


Then why join a group that's advertised as 'SKIP CUTSCENES'. That's like joining a group as a healer when they advertised for a tank and then QQing about being kicked.


holy hell, talk about giving me a break. use your brain and y'know, don't join those groups? You can read, right?


unbelievable. :rolleyes:

Edited by Esaru
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It is an MMO, therefore you have to deal with different playing styles than just yourself. If you want to skip everything, play solo.


He doesnt have to deal with the playstyles if he doesnt want to. Thats why he stated no cutscenes when comprising a group.

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The sad thing is the OP and his supporters don't even realize what a selfish, self centered, ridiculously impatient request this is. It's ok for someone to tank or heal a whole instance for you guys, but if that person wants to take a minute to see the cut scenes that are basically the reward for killing the dozens of mobs you guys get pissed.


Typical PUG players, thank God I only group with guildies.


The sad thing is the people bashing the OP refuse to read his post but pass judgement anyway.


FYI, I think he did a poor job of stating his idea. And yet I'm one of the few people trying to defend the guy.

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The sad thing is the people bashing the OP refuse to read his post but pass judgement anyway.


FYI, I think he did a poor job of stating his idea. And yet I'm one of the few people trying to defend the guy.


Oh, there's not much doubt he did a very poor job stating what he wanted. But then again, that's hardly reason for people to bash him.


What infuriates is , after being clarified, people continue to cling to the idea that it's fine to force others to do what they want (watch) but it's horrible, elitist, and WoW-ish to have a group looking to skip cutscenes at all, as if that's some kind of sin.


Increasingly, I find myself not bothering to play with or even speak to anyone outside of my guild because it's simply not worth the effort of dealing with people who are offended if you don't bend over backwards to do what they want.

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While I personally enjoy the cutscenes and I find a replay value in not knowing what other classes responses are in certain dialogues - I can understand if someone is not interested in them after having done that part already for the Xth amount of time.


I am sure it will relieve a lot of stress and misunderstanding if a future LFG tool will have an option to identify on what you are looking for in that instance/moment.

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The sad thing is the people bashing the OP refuse to read his post but pass judgement anyway.


FYI, I think he did a poor job of stating his idea. And yet I'm one of the few people trying to defend the guy.


It's all good dude, in the end we win :)


To all the nay sayers: Do you think for a second that these 1000+ post threads that the mods recreate don't stick out like a sore thumb? You can bet they take these ideas under heavy consideration since there is such a buzz around them..


Things like mods, macros, this topic and more.


By all means continue to increase the post count to 1000 so they can recreate the thread for us :)



Edited by Knyghtprowler
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It's all good dude, in the end we win :)


To all the nay sayers: Do you think for a second that these 1000+ post threads that the mods recreate don't stick out like a sore thumb? You can bet they take these ideas under heavy consideration since there is such a buzz around them..


Things like mods, macros, this topic and more.


By all means continue to increase the post count to 1000 so they can recreate the thread for us :)




Well since most of the trolls seem to have dispersed, can we dscuss your idea now?

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While I don't agree with the desires of the OP, there is nothing wrong with his request. He has a different playstyle and desire than others, and he is making that clear when he forms the group.


If someone doesn't want to follow the request of the OP when he formed the group, they should look for another.

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Well since most of the trolls seem to have dispersed, can we dscuss your idea now?


We shall see lol


I'll rehash this so it is fresh -


I'm just saying that they should patch in a feature that would be located on the right click menu of the group leader under the loot rules to include a setting to also control content being skipped or not.


For example:


Someone invites you to a group - You receive the in game popup asking if you accept or decline the invitation with the addition of the party settings.


You would see something like:


Knyghtprowler has invited you to a group

Loot setting: FFA

Content setting: off


Accept or Decline?


Then people could choose to decline and you continue looking, or join them. Everyone is happy.

Edited by Knyghtprowler
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I dont think this is a good idea. What happens when someone new comes along a year from now and wants to watch the FP cutscenes and the regular server pop has already seen it 100 times? That person will never find a group.


It could be a problem, but I don't think it would be. Because there will always be people who enjoy watching the cutscenes even after they've already seen them 5 times. I'm one of them. So there will still be groups that would be lead by people like myself who wouldn't establish a strictly "no cutscenes" group.

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Well since most of the trolls seem to have dispersed, can we dscuss your idea now?


So we have :


1) a LFG indicator in a different color to indicate "no content"

2) a switch when making a FP group to indicate "no content"

3) a switch when taking a FP quest to indicate "no content"


What else?

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We shall see lol


I'll rehash this so it is fresh -


I'm just saying that they should patch in a feature that would be located on the right click menu of the group leader under the loot rules to include a setting to also control content being skipped or not.


For example:


Someone invites you to a group - You receive the in game popup asking if you accept or decline the invitation with the addition of the party settings.


You would see something like:


Knyghtprowler has invited you to a group

Loot setting: FFA

Content setting: off


Accept or Decline?


Then people could choose to decline and you continue looking, or join them. Everyone is happy.

This would be fine.


Groups that were set to skip content would just automatically do the equivalent of spacebarring everyone and people would know what kind of group they were in for.

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This is a plea to addon authors. When this game enables support for addons, someone please make one that identifies players who fail by not skipping group conversations with spacebar. This way I can quickly boot them from my group and try to find more efficient players to group with. When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.


Edit: I think, for now, this issue has been resolved for me thanks to a helpful post by Zannis. I will be now be able to easily determine which player is being uncooperative and remove them.



Originally Posted by Zannis

If people actually looked at the rolls being made on character portraits during a grouped cutscene, they would realize there is already a means to figure out who's watching them in game already.


There will be dots while someone is watching the movie, and a dash when they're done and waiting.


Thank you for this helpful info. I had no idea you could determine this from the group portraits. My groups should run a lot smoother now that I can replace players who don't follow my politely stated rules.


Who are you again...? Who really cares if they waste your time? You knew this was a story driven MMO, and you picked the wrong game. Now stop wasting my time with your whiny drivel and go play another game where people actually want to listen to your first world problems.

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