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Addon request: Identify players wasting my time by not hitting spacebar


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No, I predict the trend will be the best-geared groups and most elite ones will consist solely of people who group together , skip, and grind, while the story people will have to form their own raid groups.


Look. You people aren't even being remotely reasonable. Denying tools to the people who want to do this will just result in them coming into your game play and ruining it, or driving them off and costing Bioware a great deal of revenue. There won't be "less of them" , there will be the same amount but they will have zero tolerance towards "story players" because you are showing zero tolerance towards them.


These people aren't 5% or even 15% , it's more like 35% or more. Pushing to alienate and ghettoize them is just going to wreck the game.


Actually you are being unreasonable. the logical outcome of the OP is, that it will become a majority, meaning that the people that wish to enjoy the story for say "its there first time" will be crippled in hoping to find a group with people that want to watch it, which at that point will be a minority.


Its like pvp in wow and the current state of honor farming. There is a few people that wish to play say alterac valley the way it was intended, but due to the 10 minute grind groups, it turned pvp into a honour grind!

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If people think playing the game is a waste of time, why even play it??


It's a waste of time to watch a cutscene I have literally watched 20 times now when my goal is to grind a FP for a particular piece of gear.


If I'm the only guy who's run it before with 3 people who have never run it, that's one thing. You'll never hear a peep out of me. But I won't *grind* a FP with a group like that because that isn't the point of a FP grind group.


Again, and I'm not sure why this is so hard for people to grasp:


WHAT is wrong with a tool for FP grinding groups who want to bypass cutscenes to find each other? WHAT is wrong with a tool to identify people who deliberately grief these groups that are formed SOLELY to grind a FP?


No one is talking about storyline missions, open world missions, or situations where you are the 1 guy wanting to skip.

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The funny thing is, it will take him longer to LFM and fill that missing spot than it would to just endure the extra 30 seconds that cutscene takes.


Hence, I suspect this is a troll.


Now maybe, just maybe, some kind of tool that lets him PRE-SCREEN and only invite people who prefer to skip cutscenes in the first place, maybe that is what he wants.


Me, I just form my own groups so morons like the OP has described can't kick me for enjoying the game I'm paying for, but I can kick them if they want to vocalize their idiocy about it.

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Those people for this functionality - seem pretty civil about it and are simply saying let us group with people that wish to play the game the same way we want to play it. Do not force us to waste our time doing things we don't want to do.


Those against it seem to be saying: deal with it, NO ADDONS!!!, go back to wow, this game isnt for you..., etc etc.


It is like the people that are against it are saying "I'm happy with the game as is, screw you and your ideas"


The problem is WE are not happy with this aspect of the game and want it modified. Are we not entitled to ask for improvements in the game we are also paying monthly for?


I've seen flaming and respect on both sides. I'm a non-addon advocated but I still try to be respectful. :D


Everybody playing the game is entitled to ask for improvements. But just because they ask for it doesn't mean they should get it. Like you said all kinds of people play the game, and it should be designed to supply the best possible experience for everyone.


Having an addon that will end up causing people to get yelled at and kicked out of groups is going to hurt the community more than it will help it. Which is why I'm a party leader setting advocate.

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The funny thing is, it will take him longer to LFM and fill that missing spot than it would to just endure the extra 30 seconds that cutscene takes.


Hence, I suspect this is a troll.


Now maybe, just maybe, some kind of tool that lets him PRE-SCREEN and only invite people who prefer to skip cutscenes in the first place, maybe that is what he wants.


Me, I just form my own groups so morons like the OP has described can't kick me for enjoying the game I'm paying for, but I can kick them if they want to vocalize their idiocy about it.


Considering the OP has recieved help from people who actually read the OP, he has since edited it to assert that the issue is resolved. And yet people continue to post to flame him or call him a troll.


Am I to assume that no one would ACTUALLY like to discuss a system for GLs to turn cutscenes on or off, and/or like Knyghtprowler suggested, have a pop-up box with group settings info listed for potential joiners?

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So I'm walking down the street and realize I'm hungry and want to get some food. I see a flashing neon sign that says, "Uncle Cho's Great Wall Of Chinese Food - Chinese Food Only - No Pizza - No Burgers".


I walk in, order a pepperoni pizza and a bacon double mega burger.


Upon being told this is a chinese food place and they server chinese food, I scream at the people they are running their restaurant wrong and how dare they tell me I can't have pizza and a burger...I'll have pizza and a burger gosh darnit and who are they to tell me I can't.

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This is a plea to addon authors. When this game enables support for addons, someone please make one that identifies players who fail by not skipping group conversations with spacebar. This way I can quickly boot them from my group and try to find more efficient players to group with. When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.


Edit: I think, for now, this issue has been resolved for me thanks to a helpful post by Zannis. I will be now be able to easily determine which player is being uncooperative and remove them.



Originally Posted by Zannis

If people actually looked at the rolls being made on character portraits during a grouped cutscene, they would realize there is already a means to figure out who's watching them in game already.


There will be dots while someone is watching the movie, and a dash when they're done and waiting.


Thank you for this helpful info. I had no idea you could determine this from the group portraits. My groups should run a lot smoother now that I can replace players who don't follow my politely stated rules.



maybe you should play a single players game and not an MMO so you do not have to deal with other players at all.

Edited by Baaddare
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I appreciate that you tell people that you don't want cut scenes rather than just boot folks that watch the story.


As I love story, I will make sure to avoid your (or any other no cut scene) groups. Though it may be asking a lot to expect folks to skip one of the main draws (or marketing points) of this game.

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Was my sarc not evident? Or do you agree with the OP?


Neither. Or both. The problem is that the OP, admittedly poorly, was trying to say that people were purposefully infringing upon his expereience, and he was looking for a way to remove them so he could play the way he wanted to play. He said that he would advertise groups as being no cutscene, but people would join and watch anyway. He doesnt want to boot people who watch cutscenes, he wants to boot people who disregard his request and negatively impact his experience.


You like so many others attacked him for the first part of his post. And that is what made me sad. I DONT agree with him. But have been trying to discuss an alternative that might give everyone what they want.

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you wont have a problem soon, at all, as you will be soloing a lot with that attitude, mr antisocial


This may surprise you, but the truth is just the opposite. I usually find that the vast majorities off the people I invite to my groups are conversation skippers. There's only like one bad apple usually that tries to ruin things.

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I'm not trying to force anyone. This tool would just give me a way to find players with my same playstyle and allow me to avoid those other types. Nothing against people who care about the story, I just don't care to play with them.


you already have the tools you need it is called chatt just ask them to start with.


P.S. what server do you play on and whats your toons name so i can just add you to ignore now and save myself the bother of dealing with your request ingame.

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O i see, i seems you agree with the OP. I hope I never run with a group that is so intent on speed that if I hit the spacebar 0.005 seconds slower than the last guy, they get crazy and start shootin up the place.


That's not the game I signed up for, and if someone like that is cursed to accidentally bump into me, I wish Peace upon him, but remember - when he rushes ahead before I am ready, I too have to put up with THAT gameplay style.


I'd quit the group if I knew ahead of time, but it is a COMMUNITY, not a dictatorship, or really even a democracy. If the game allows the LCD (lowest common denominator) to decide their game experience, then so it is, and so shall it be.

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Originally Posted by Knyghtprowler

I think a system in game for the GL would be the best fix.


I also think it should also pop a window up to all people accepting invites letting them know ahead of time what the group settings are. At that point if they don't like them, they can decline.




So and so has invited you to a group.

Loot Settings: FFA loot

Content Setting: Off


Do you accept?

Hey! People! Let's discuss THIS instead of continuing to not read the OP's post and then bashing him for it!


^ This LOL

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I've seen flaming and respect on both sides. I'm a non-addon advocated but I still try to be respectful. :D


Everybody playing the game is entitled to ask for improvements. But just because they ask for it doesn't mean they should get it. Like you said all kinds of people play the game, and it should be designed to supply the best possible experience for everyone.


Having an addon that will end up causing people to get yelled at and kicked out of groups is going to hurt the community more than it will help it. Which is why I'm a party leader setting advocate.


This pretty much sums up my stance as well.

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If the game allows the LCD (lowest common denominator) to decide their game experience, then so it is, and so shall it be.
He's not deciding your game experience. He's advertising his group as not wanting to watch cutscenese.


Anyone who wants to watch cutscenes has the option of not joining his group.

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you already have the tools you need it is called chatt just ask them to start with.


P.S. what server do you play on and whats your toons name so i can just add you to ignore now and save myself the bother of dealing with your request ingame.


He did. Read the OP.


P.S. what server do you play on and whats your toons name so i can just add you to ignore now and save myself the bother of dealing with you ingame.

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This is a plea to addon authors. When this game enables support for addons, someone please make one that identifies players who fail by not skipping group conversations with spacebar. This way I can quickly boot them from my group and try to find more efficient players to group with. When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.


Edit: I think, for now, this issue has been resolved for me thanks to a helpful post by Zannis. I will be now be able to easily determine which player is being uncooperative and remove them.



Originally Posted by Zannis

If people actually looked at the rolls being made on character portraits during a grouped cutscene, they would realize there is already a means to figure out who's watching them in game already.


There will be dots while someone is watching the movie, and a dash when they're done and waiting.


Thank you for this helpful info. I had no idea you could determine this from the group portraits. My groups should run a lot smoother now that I can replace players who don't follow my politely stated rules.


If I ever group with you I will make sure to take as much time as possible just to so I can taste your sweet tears from this post.....


Thank god we have guilds so we don't have to group with people like this....


Could you be anymore selfish, I mean really....

Edited by Kittypryde
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Booting people for watching cutscenes. smh


If he specifically asked to skip cutscenes and made it clear, and people still weren't, then you're damn right.


Same thing happened to me when I was trying to run the esseles on an alt. I've done that place SO many times now that I never want to see another cutscene again. I made it clear, but the people I invited weren't skipping. It's frustrating


I don't know why people are ragging on the OP. He SPECIFICALLY SAID that he wanted to skip the cutscenes. Is it that difficult to comprehend?

Edited by Esaru
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I find it hilarious that people quote the OP and then post showing that they CLEARLY haven't read it.


I like Knyghtprowler's idea of a pop-up box


Invite to Group

Loot Settings:



Is there anything else that might be a good idea to include?

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The sad thing is the OP and his supporters don't even realize what a selfish, self centered, ridiculously impatient request this is. It's ok for someone to tank or heal a whole instance for you guys, but if that person wants to take a minute to see the cut scenes that are basically the reward for killing the dozens of mobs you guys get pissed.


Typical PUG players, thank God I only group with guildies.

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