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Addon request: Identify players wasting my time by not hitting spacebar


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I think a system in game for the GL would be the best fix.


I also think it should also pop a window up to all people accepting invites letting them know ahead of time what the group settings are. At that point if they don't like them, they can decline.




So and so has invited you to a group.

Loot Settings: FFA loot

Content Setting: Off


Do you accept?

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I think a system in game for the GL would be the best fix.


I also think it should also pop a window up to all people accepting invites letting them know ahead of time what the group settings are. At that point if they don't like them, they can decline.




So and so has invited you to a group.

Loot Settings: FFA loot

Content Setting: Off


Do you accept?


Now THAT is a good idea.

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If it is my first time in that dungeon, I will watch the cutscenes. It is that simple. Don't like it? well thats your problem.


May I ask a question?


If you see a group about to do an FP, and all 3 of the other players state prior to start that they are grinding, and that you should probably find another group if you haven't run it before so you won't slow them down, do you feel you have the right to demand all 3 watch the cutscenes because you haven't or do you leave the group to find another?

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Argh, you're ruining the trolling! :D


No, seriously, that's a good point. I think the problem isn't actually that they don't want it, but rather that they don't even want the option because they fear that there are more people who are "WoW kiddies who don't care about story" than there are people who do, and the only way to keep people playing the game "as Bioware intended" is to deny all forms of ability to identify and remove people who don't subscribe to the "efficiency + speed > story" mechanic.


Now, most of the people who are defending the ability to "play the game how you like" are being bashed by the "play the game the way Bioware intended it" crowd because they are asking for things sourced in WoW and other games like it, such as DPS meters and other tools used to gate content.


As a result, I think over the past two weeks we've seen reasonable posters turn into borderline trolls because they are justifiably worried the game will devolve into WoW with Ewoks and Lightsabers.


I say that's a foolish worry -- there are more people here who reject WoW and that sort of thing than there are people who just want WoW with a different skin. There will ALWAYS be groups and people interested in the story. Raiders and grinders will always be a minority because the game isn't really set up for them in the first place.


It's a moot argument become heated for no good reason.


No but the the threat and chances of leaders like the OP will only increase if we let them grow. If we cut them down now, there might be less of them. Simply if it keeps growing, you will have people complaining they want ways to enjoy the flashpoint stories without being kicked during or after a cutscene.


Basically if you let them kick you constantly cuz you watch the cutscenes and they don't like it, the trend will end up them dictating the way you play, instead of what they have been advocating "the way we want to play".

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This is a plea to addon authors. When this game enables support for addons, someone please make one that identifies players who fail by not skipping group conversations with spacebar. This way I can quickly boot them from my group and try to find more efficient players to group with. When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.


Edit: I think, for now, this issue has been resolved for me thanks to a helpful post by Zannis. I will be now be able to easily determine which player is being uncooperative and remove them.



Originally Posted by Zannis

If people actually looked at the rolls being made on character portraits during a grouped cutscene, they would realize there is already a means to figure out who's watching them in game already.


There will be dots while someone is watching the movie, and a dash when they're done and waiting.


Thank you for this helpful info. I had no idea you could determine this from the group portraits. My groups should run a lot smoother now that I can replace players who don't follow my politely stated rules.


you wont have a problem soon, at all, as you will be soloing a lot with that attitude, mr antisocial

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May I ask a question?


If you see a group about to do an FP, and all 3 of the other players state prior to start that they are grinding, and that you should probably find another group if you haven't run it before so you won't slow them down, do you feel you have the right to demand all 3 watch the cutscenes because you haven't or do you leave the group to find another?


That depends in 90% of the cases Ill create my own group anyway. the other 10% is purely what time, how many groups are on doing it etc. Luckily I am a tank, so i don't get kicked easy :p

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I will grief players like you til the cows come home. How dare you tell ME how to play. Go back to WoW now please. Seriously, I don't want you here, in MY game, with your anti-social behavior and lack of social skills and manners. Please just go.


The same could be said if you joined a group of 3 looking to skip the cutscenes.


It's not *your* game unless you're paying my sub. You aren't. If I join a group of 3 looking to watch the cutscenes and I start screaming that you don't spacebar through them then I am a moron who needs to be kickbanned.


If you join a group of 3 who specifically state they intend to skip the cutscenes, and you join them to grief them, you are forcing your playstyle on them. Which makes you the one in need of a kickbanning.


And there is no logical way you can justify griefing anyone. If you do I hope you get banned from the game for , ha ha, antisocial behavior and lack of social skills and manners.

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May I ask a question?


If you see a group about to do an FP, and all 3 of the other players state prior to start that they are grinding, and that you should probably find another group if you haven't run it before so you won't slow them down, do you feel you have the right to demand all 3 watch the cutscenes because you haven't or do you leave the group to find another?


What gives YOU the right to tell someone they CANT watch the cutscenes?

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BW are never ever going to put that in game, you can get that idea out of your head right now.


Reasons: It will encourage social separation


: it will single out a person and penalise them solely for wanting to enjoy the game.


: BW put way to much hard work into the stories and want people to experience them.



Once people have experienced them you will find more and more that they will use space bar.

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I think a system in game for the GL would be the best fix.


I also think it should also pop a window up to all people accepting invites letting them know ahead of time what the group settings are. At that point if they don't like them, they can decline.




So and so has invited you to a group.

Loot Settings: FFA loot

Content Setting: Off


Do you accept?


Hey! People! Let's discuss THIS instead of continuing to not read the OP's post and then bashing him for it!

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No but the the threat and chances of leaders like the OP will only increase if we let them grow. If we cut them down now, there might be less of them. Simply if it keeps growing, you will have people complaining they want ways to enjoy the flashpoint stories without being kicked during or after a cutscene.


Basically if you let them kick you constantly cuz you watch the cutscenes and they don't like it, the trend will end up them dictating the way you play, instead of what they have been advocating "the way we want to play".


No, I predict the trend will be the best-geared groups and most elite ones will consist solely of people who group together , skip, and grind, while the story people will have to form their own raid groups.


Look. You people aren't even being remotely reasonable. Denying tools to the people who want to do this will just result in them coming into your game play and ruining it, or driving them off and costing Bioware a great deal of revenue. There won't be "less of them" , there will be the same amount but they will have zero tolerance towards "story players" because you are showing zero tolerance towards them.


These people aren't 5% or even 15% , it's more like 35% or more. Pushing to alienate and ghettoize them is just going to wreck the game.

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Sorry, but this is a MMO. It's not storytime. If you want storytime do it during solo play.


story time solo flashpoints?


no thanks, but I will damn well watch the story when I want to regardless of who I am grouped with, if its my first time then screw you, even if I want to watch it again after first time :) screw you for being impatient.


obviously I want to skip it when I have seen it, so far I have only done 2 flashpoints

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Well to be fair if it's stated in advance the group wants to skip them then you shouldn't join the group if you want to watch them. I hope everyone watches the cutscenes at least once for each FP but I can understand if you're grinding them have done them 5x already they can get old fast. Doesn't sound like the OP is trying to dictate how other people play the game as he's upfront about the conditions of the group he's forming - the choice is yours whether you join or not under those conditions.
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What gives YOU the right to tell someone they CANT watch the cutscenes?


3 people don't want to. 1 person does.


I don't have the right to tell you "you can't watch the cutscenes." That isn't the argument. The argument is


1) Why not have a tool so people who DON't want to watch them can find each other and


2) What's wrong with kicking a person from a team if the majority don't want to watch them and one person does?


What gives you the right to tell someone they MUST watch the cutscenes? If Bioware never intended them to be skipped...there would be no spacebar bypass.

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May I ask a question?


If you see a group about to do an FP, and all 3 of the other players state prior to start that they are grinding, and that you should probably find another group if you haven't run it before so you won't slow them down, do you feel you have the right to demand all 3 watch the cutscenes because you haven't or do you leave the group to find another?


That's any easy one. You watch all the cutscenes.

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Well to be fair if it's stated in advance the group wants to skip them then you shouldn't join the group if you want to watch them. I hope everyone watches the cutscenes at least once for each FP but I can understand if you're grinding them have done them 5x already they can get old fast. Doesn't sound like the OP is trying to dictate how other people play the game as he's upfront about the conditions of the group he's forming - the choice is yours whether you join or not under those conditions.


Thank you for reading before posting. +1 internets for you

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Yeah, if "people" (ie, not 'me') try to play this 'multi player' (eesh) game, and they (ugh) don't do it the way I (yay ME!) want it done (ie, the right way, the only way, the way intended by that wholesome Flying Spaghetti Monster in the sky, All hail His Noodly Appendage, RAmen!) I will summarily kick them from my group, put them on ForeverTripleSecretIgnore, and wish them ill luck and a fiery fate. I hate them.


On a serious note, Y u Mad Brah?:rolleyes:

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Yeah, if "people" (ie, not 'me') try to play this 'multi player' (eesh) game, and they (ugh) don't do it the way I (yay ME!) want it done (ie, the right way, the only way, the way intended by that wholesome Flying Spaghetti Monster in the sky, All hail His Noodly Appendage, RAmen!) I will summarily kick them from my group, put them on ForeverTripleSecretIgnore, and wish them ill luck and a fiery fate. I hate them.


On a serious note, Y u Mad Brah?:rolleyes:


/le sigh


As a Pastafarian myself, you make me sad.

Edited by DammitCat
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