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Suggestions for streamlining the RE process


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As it is, RE-ing level 49 items to a desirable purple is a lengthy and expensive process. The following suggestions are not meant to eliminate randomness or rarity, but to eliminate some of the unnecessarily frustrating aspects of this process.


1. Eliminate + Presence as a possible stat for T2 versions. Presence is a relic of older Beta builds and has zero utility on entry-level raid gear.


Allow me to explain this. Presence slightly improves your companion's performance, at the expense of your own stats.


For one, improving your companions' performance can be achieved more effectively by giving them better gear or mods. They benefit from certain stats just like players, and you don't need to sacrifice your own stats to achieve this.


Secondly, you will not be using companions in either HM flashpoints or any operations, so the existence of this stat on level 49 epic gear (which is entry gear for end-game content) is absolutely superfluous.


The only reason +Presence exists on epic variations is to make the RE system more frustrating for crafters trying to discover a well-itemized recipe. If crafted gear had any lasting value, I could see some justification for this. As it is, easily replaceable gear should not be overwhelmingly complicated to obtain.


2. Eliminate the Redoubt blue version, as well as any epic versions with +Defense and +Absorb from any Cunning gear.


Smugglers and Imperial Agents do not have a tanking spec in either of their advanced classes. There is absolutely no point in having advanced versions with tanking stats for classes which are not designed to tank.


3. Eliminate +Absorb from epic variations derived from Critical and Overkill blues.


The reasoning is simple. If you want a tanking epic, you RE Redoubt blues. If you are RE-ing Critical or Overkill, you are after a DPS or healing piece.


4. Eliminate +Alacrity from epic variations derived from Redoubt blues.


Similar reasoning as above. Alacrity is a useless stat for tanking.


5. Eliminate the discovery of duplicate recipes (i.e. recipes you already know).




For naysayers, this isn't meant to make crafting "ezmode" or give people things "on a silver platter" (oh, how tired I am of these stupid cliches).


You'll still have to wade through unwanted epic versions, but at least they will be sellable to someone who prioritizes different secondary stats. As it is, some versions are completely unusable by anyone, and a complete waste of time and mats.

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Definitely fix number 5. I came on to post wondering if it was a bug that after I get one purple from a recipe any time I proc a purple I only get you already know that recipe I am trying to make level 49 purple earpieces and I got the you already know that recipe 3 times on the same earpiece. So I switched wondering if I could only know one purple version of a recipe(ie I learn the first purple from REing the blue and now thats the one I am stuck with when I know there are a few others)I got the + to shield again just of the other ear piece. It seems like it is just my really bad luck so I will try again but its got to be the worst thing I have encountered in this game so far. If I know 1 schematic and I RE to get a similar level schematic and it actually procs I should not get a message saying I already know it I should get a new schematic.
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I totally agree in regards to getting messages for duplicate recipe however i like the current diversity. My smuggler does use some defense bonus as a healer in world pvp and some presence can help in farming mats or world pvp. Some thanks may feel some alacrity is desirable. In raiding you are optimzed for only one role but outside of it you might want to be more polyvalent and it's nice to have this option. Also, the game just got out, do you really want everyone to have all the 2 good recipe (in your own raiding view) in a few weeks. Having several less desirable recipe just make that perfectly itemized one worth more...
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Just because stats are there on equipment you can put on, it doesn't mean you should use them, regardless if you're raiding or not.


Each class is designed with a certain itemization in mind based on what they are supposed to do. Healer and DPS specs get class abilities which allow them to prevent damage from occurring in the first place - CCs, interrupts for casters, knockbacks and slows for melee, etc. Tanks don't get a lot of these, but they get talents and abilities which allow them to soak more damage; obviously, their gear does the same.


If you're not a tank and you're taking overwhelming damage, you're either playing badly, or you're being greatly outnumbered/outleveled. While you can't do much about 5 people ambushing you, dealing with someone 1-on-1 doesn't require tanking gear. In fact, you're making it easier for them because you're lacking in stats which are actually beneficial to you.


Presence I addressed above. Get your companion better gear, and then both of you can function at a higher capacity.


Even if useless variations were eliminated, we are still looking at far more than 2 epic variations - about 8 for Cunning and 9 for everything else. There are plenty of subpar versions in there, so people will still have to grind for the ideal one for their spec, but at least they are all usable and they don't encourage bad play.

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Id approve this change...


I mean ideally you'd want to have the same number of variations, just fix the bad ones - but thats probably a difficult task to achieve with the current stats.


Could there be room for other bonuses to be unlocked? Just a thought.


Such a pain to proc the non-agent stats on agent gear.

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