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Why are melee interupt abilities counted as Spells


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All attacks can have 1 of 3 descriptors.


Weapon (ranged or melee)




Interrupts are always tech and force which means evasion doesn't help.


For example using our own abilities.


Our grenades, tech, evasion won't help. Our poison dart, also tech, evasion won't help.


Things like overload shot and snipe are weapon attacks so evasion works.


That means for classes like bounty hunters their missles and such are all tech and thus we cannot dodge them. Sorcerers all their lightning is force so we also cannot dodge them.


Yeah. The ability is really only good against Sith Warriors/Jedi Knights and Sith Assassins and Jedi Shadows and other Imperial Agents and Smugglers. Versus everyone else its not worth anything.

Edited by Soverayne
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All attacks can have 1 of 3 descriptors.

Yeah. The ability is really only good against Sith Warriors/Jedi Knights and Sith Assassins and Jedi Shadows and other Imperial Agents and Smugglers. Versus everyone else its not worth anything.


Seems like the Sith Assassin/Shadows interupt ability also counts as a spell. I'm also fairly sure our own interupt bypasses Evasion.


Morale: Evasion is pretty awful, and appears to only be good for clearing dots.

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