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Why do people circle around like a spaz in PVP?


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Many great points. Specially with two good pvpers .1-.2 second advantages add up quick. If one person is consistently causing even a short break in the others dps they can end up several global cooldowns ahead of the other by the end of a fight.


If its a keyboard turner its far more significant.


Also, if you are constantly forcing them to turn and then turn again you can see whats going on around you without adding spinning your camera to movement + abilities. Seeing a target with more priority running by with the hutball/running up to heal, etc is always useful. Even with your camera all the way out, you can't see everything.

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I've learned the hard way that this will never work. It is incredibly easy to keep an enemy in front of you.


Then I'm afraid you've only played really really ****** assasins.

edit: And I think alot of people (including myself) do it as a wow habbit. In wow, casters doesn't auto aim unless it's a channel ability so you'll want try do anything in your power to get behind whoever is casting. That + that it makes you feel in the zone, warmed up. If you ever played sc2, it's the same as boxing your workers constantly at the start of the game or constantly cycle thru your production-facilities.


....aaand then ontop of that, it bothers you. You made a thread about it ;)

Edited by xHPx
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You know, I have to recede some of my statements here.


After hopping onto my level 27 Scoundrel to take advantage of the new Pre-50 brackets, I found myself circling around like a spaz. Although I still think that it is incredibly easy to keep an enemy in front of me. Hell, this one level forty something operative got the jump on me and I still beat him because I got behind him a lot while he was never really able to.(unless lag prevented that kind of info from displaying.)


Also, you can "backblast" people's shoulders. So relying on strafing away is not a good idea.


Just in case people missed it :)

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Wow habbits of melee jousting with ranged heroes is just a hard thing to stop for some people.


Although it can screw up knockbacks atleast.


I'm glad in TOR that running through me doesn't end my casted abilities. Nothing like a non-GCD interrupt for melee classes.

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Circle strafing is natural to me, and makes you work harder for the same results. Win/Win.


If you win, you adapted to a skilled PvPers strategy, overcame it, and you're better for it.


If I win, it's because you failed to adapt to my strategy, and I'm maybe not better for it, but it reaffirms my faith in my ability.


A moving target is significantly harder to kill in any situation than a target standing still. If you have issues with this, roll a ranged class and have it auto adjust for you to compensate your inability to handle movement yourself.

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It doesn't really make much of a difference, if any at all.


Are they just excited that they get to kill someone?


Its really stupid actually


That tells you the mentality of them


I evade the horde by taking a taxi elsewhere, they get bored after a while


This is the best video i could find of some of these human beings resting in the horde waiting for the lonelly kill here and there and what happens when you dont feed them properly


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May not make a difference to you but it does for a lot. I run all around like a crazy man and believe it or not it messes a lot of people up. They think they have to face you to attack or just do it by habbit but it does help a lot more than you may think.
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It doesn't really make much of a difference, if any at all.


Are they just excited that they get to kill someone?


Almost every post in response to this thread is wrong and I'm not going to give you the answer.


I will offer you this. Sit down, think about your char and another, think about the games mechanics. The answer is true for most but think about SWTOR'S mechanics only.


You should be able to answer this very simple question to your satisfaction all by yourself.


I'll also give you another hint. It has nothing to do with skill or gear. It does to some degree have something to do with classes but something far more important than the class is at work here.

Edited by Localhost
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The reasons to move and strafe have been pointed out over and over again, so I won't reiterate the points already made. As far as never back peddling, I think that is limiting yourself. Sometimes back peddling is the most effective way to group your enemies together to land your AoE attack on more players. How, simple: you are attacking enemy A, while enemy B is charging you from the back and enemy C is charging you from the right side. Instead of running around in circles, you simply back up a little so that all three are now bunched together, fire off your AoE at enemy A (who you had targeted the whole time and in front of you the whole time) and hit all 3 instead of running in a circle, firing it off and possibly missing one of them.


Yes, back peddling isn't a vital thing to use in a fight, but I love using it with my force speed to just back out of a fight while still keeping everyone in front of me. Unbinding it may work for some, but I find that I use it enough to keep it mapped. I have un-mapped my strafe keys as you can strafe by holding the right mouse button rather easily, and having 'q' & 'e' opened for more skills allows me for quicker casting and response.

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Back peddlers and keeping people 5-9.


I also like to stay constantly moving as to not be an easy target for stealth classes and have a chance of seeing them before they hit.


You know, I never really got why backpedaling is bad in SWTOR.


I mean, I haven't really got into PVP with other MMOs, but in SWTOR you need it to keep people away from your back. Which, in SWTOR's case, includes your shoulders. So really, there's no reason to strafe away.

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You know, I never really got why backpedaling is bad in SWTOR.


I mean, I haven't really got into PVP with other MMOs, but in SWTOR you need it to keep people away from your back. Which, in SWTOR's case, includes your shoulders. So really, there's no reason to strafe away.


Because it's slower than strafing and I want to keep people 5-9.

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Because it's slower than strafing and I want to keep people 5-9.


So you don't see the tactical advantage of people able to move away from an opponent and keep them in front of you at the same time.


If you strafe away from an opponent, he has your back. And you lose your evasion and all that.


Maybe it's different in other MMOs, I wouldn't know. But in SWTOR, strafing away is no better than just turning around and running away.

Edited by VioletZero
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So you don't see the tactical advantage of people able to move away from an opponent and keep them in front of you at the same time.


If you strafe away from an opponent, he has your back. And you lose your evasion and all that.


Maybe it's different in other MMOs, I wouldn't know. But in SWTOR, strafing away is no better than just turning around and running away.


Back peddling is slower. That's the problem. Anyone you're trying to create space between will be on top of you.


You can also circle strafe to keep your front facing a static or slow opponent the whole time.


Maintaining 5-9 is crucial against some classes and can really turn the tide.

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So you don't see the tactical advantage of people able to move away from an opponent and keep them in front of you at the same time.


If you strafe away from an opponent, he has your back. And you lose your evasion and all that.


Maybe it's different in other MMOs, I wouldn't know. But in SWTOR, strafing away is no better than just turning around and running away.


your wrong there , when u strafe your back is not turned towards the opponent - that is why u strafe away instead of completly turning around and running away - there was a link to taugrim's website couple of pages before - should explain it in more detail

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your wrong there , when u strafe your back is not turned towards the opponent - that is why u strafe away instead of completly turning around and running away - there was a link to taugrim's website couple of pages before - should explain it in more detail


I saw that, but that was for RIFT, not SWTOR.

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I'm an agent and I always imagine the Benny Hill music when there's someone rotating around me. Once I have them targeted while I'm in cover it doesn't matter what they do, I will always hit them. Anyway, I just kill them off and laugh at them for moving around like an idiot. Edited by Paralassa
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nope same mechanics in swtor


Well, I wouldn't know for certain. But I know that if I did what he does in his RIFT video in SWTOR, I'd leave my back exposed.


I tested it too. Strafing away would leave your back exposed. So maybe the mechanics are different than you think they are.

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