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Future Playable Races [Suggestion Thread].


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Shistavenens and I can break it down!


1. They speak basic


2. They have a humanoid like body(save for their feet and hands, head but i'll get to that later.)


3. They would probably fit as a Trooper, JK, Smug, BH, perhaps IA.


4. Armoring, they could wear chest and leggings doesn't look to hard to tweak given their body structure. As for their feet and head, hands , they could always do the same like with Bowdaar, Guss etc with you can equip armor pieces they just won't show up. Maybe with the bracers, they could be shown a little better since hands could be an issue.


Ref pic: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/6/68/Monn.jpg&imgrefurl=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Voolvif_Monn&h=469&w=400&sz=32&tbnid=2m7614rtadDChM:&tbnh=93&tbnw=79&zoom=1&docid=FMtH5LVn3Xs6MM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=13AbT42CGM-utwfbk9SVCw&ved=0CDcQ9QEwAw&dur=308


5. Shistavenens haven't been in a single Star Wars game, ever(or at least from what I have played/seen.) This gives Bioware, some room to expand on the race a little bit more and make them look appealing.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Torgruta - This beautiful painty face carnivorous race is all over the game but not playable. I'd like to make one. A Female. She'd be the hottest Jedi in the Galaxy.


I don't know why this isn't apart of the game already. The models are already in game. it's just be a matter of messing with it a bit so they can be customizable. My only concern is purple eyebrows. They should be banned! That Jedi master, who taught Kira in the knight line, would be the example to look at.

Edited by Sunflier
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I want Selonians to be playable. =) Anthro mustelids! All the other races above would be fine too. It's not like any races in the game are truely diverse aside from some appearance options anyway, so shouldn't be too complicated. =)
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Annoyingly I'd love for my Jedi Sage to be a Kel Dor, they are a race of force sages so yeah. But Bioware decided to only make one Kel Dor skin for the entire game and just reuse it over and over and here's the dirty little secret.




They all look like Plo Koon


Mr Koon himself





Try as hard as you like you will not see a single Kel Dor in-game with a different skin.




As for this well.....


In a recent e-mail Bioware sent me I saw this image.




Pure Blood Jedi anyone?


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I have a bad feeling about this, I think legacy will just 'unlock' cross class races....so you will see Miraluka sith and SITH-PUREBLOOD JEDI??? thats just not cricket.......please no am I missing something here....I totally understand dark jedi but.....Light side SITH?? SITH pureblood jedi???....The Republic should get a UNIQUE class or two and SITH PUREBLOODS should stay as SITH....for the love of yoda....any money legacy is just that, 'class cross-over'...it would explain how your jedi knight becames 'Related' to your SITH pureblood.....Legacy should be related by fate not blood...or a mix of both at least....oh well time will tell...Keep the faith!

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I have a bad feeling about this, I think legacy will just 'unlock' cross class races....so you will see Miraluka sith and SITH-PUREBLOOD JEDI??? thats just not cricket.......please no am I missing something here....I totally understand dark jedi but.....Light side SITH?? SITH pureblood jedi???....The Republic should get a UNIQUE class or two and SITH PUREBLOODS should stay as SITH....for the love of yoda....any money legacy is just that, 'class cross-over'...it would explain how your jedi knight becames 'Related' to your SITH pureblood.....Legacy should be related by fate not blood...or a mix of both at least....oh well time will tell...Keep the faith!


I doubt we will see Pure blood jedi but I am imagining Chiss Smugglers, Rattaki Consulars and other options which could have gone in at launch but they decided for story reasons not to and now will put them in.


Given the huge planets and amazing buildings and monsters I can't imagine that the graphics team could not knock up a fat, small and steroid abusing Kel'dor and then have a few different face types. As they will have to be unlocked a smaller number of facial options.


While I am keeping the faith and planning out my Kel'Dor Sith Inquisitor and my Smuggler Gran I am fearing all we will see is some green Sith Warriors some blind Sith Inquisitors and some blue Smugglers.

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Sorry, but Kel'Dors, Mon Calamari, Wookies and races like these are NEVER going to be playable...


Bioware already said, "If you can't picture it kissing a humanoid it is not going to be in the game"


Imagine a Kel"dor agent trying to kiss Ensign Temple... Not happening, it is impossible...


So, Togruta, Nautolan, Cathar... these ones are possible and should be in the game :)

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Sorry, but Kel'Dors, Mon Calamari, Wookies and races like these are NEVER going to be playable...


Bioware already said, "If you can't picture it kissing a humanoid it is not going to be in the game"


Imagine a Kel"dor agent trying to kiss Ensign Temple... Not happening, it is impossible...


So, Togruta, Nautolan, Cathar... these ones are possible and should be in the game :)


They put out a statement clarifying what they meant there.

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Sorry, but Kel'Dors, Mon Calamari, Wookies and races like these are NEVER going to be playable...


Bioware already said, "If you can't picture it kissing a humanoid it is not going to be in the game"


Imagine a Kel"dor agent trying to kiss Ensign Temple... Not happening, it is impossible...


So, Togruta, Nautolan, Cathar... these ones are possible and should be in the game :)


I can see a Gran kissing a human. Just wish more people wanted to play the Goat men.


I have only played 1 class to 50 and 1 to 33 and 1 to 20 but so far I dont remember seeing a single kissing scene. Not that I need BW to supply my toon on toon ****, but given that any more than holding hands seems to cut to black romance options really shouldn't be an issue. Most of the time its such a chessy line that leads to fade to black I am not even sure my character is getting any :p

Edited by Izorii
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Sorry, but Kel'Dors, Mon Calamari, Wookies and races like these are NEVER going to be playable...


Bioware already said, "If you can't picture it kissing a humanoid it is not going to be in the game"


Imagine a Kel"dor agent trying to kiss Ensign Temple... Not happening, it is impossible...


So, Togruta, Nautolan, Cathar... these ones are possible and should be in the game :)

Never said the human had to enjoy the kiss ;)


/Vader smuck!

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I can see a Gran kissing a human. Just wish more people wanted to play the Goat men.


I have only played 1 class to 50 and 1 to 33 and 1 to 20 but so far I dont remember seeing a single kissing scene. Not that I need BW to supply my toon on toon ****, but given that any more than holding hands seems to cut to black romance options really shouldn't be an issue. Most of the time its such a chessy line that leads to fade to black I am not even sure my character is getting any :p


That is because you never played an Agent... mine is usually "kiss a girl per planet" kind of guy :p

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Balosar - Because of species that meet DE "human face/body" requirement for current classes, they look/feel the most alien, which is something we need alot more of right now.


Nikto - Because of all more alien species that might get their own class one day, they have enough sub-species and variety they could have as diverse a character creator as current classes. Plus, Morgukai are cool.

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i love all of these. too bad we're constricted by voice acting...i'd actually just as soon getting rid of all the vo in exchange for gameplay and race selection.


I agree, VO is nice but it seems to be used as a reason to limit Species and game play and Roleplay all which are more important in an MMO that 2 weeks worth of voiceovers, because after I have heard the voice over for a flashpoint or operation 3 or 4 times I am ready to skip it and get to the action.

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How sad is it that for people to get their rocks off with a 2 second kissing scene and fade to black that Bioware have so limited themselves in species.


Someone at Bioware has to really look at what each option brings to the game and whether the trade off is worth it. Given that there is no same sex romance the options have already been removed if you play the same sex as the npc you are romancing. That is my female sith inquisitor has a different middle dialogue without flirt than my male sith inquisitor. It shouldn't be that hard to have alien species such as Gran in the game. And worst case you just fade to black as they lean in. Is it unrealistic that a human woman would find a an ugly three eyed alien attractive sure is. But then you can opt for some ugly *** creation options as it is specially once they have veins lining their faces and look like a zombie.


With this thread always near the top of the suggestions box is it possible that someone from Bioware comes in and says yes or no to more species and if so what we can hope to see. Many models already exist in the game and if it were tied to legacy you know players have already experienced the game and if they pick these species they know the flirt option isn't available that hide helm is always locked on and sith corruption is locked off cause they weren't designed with corruption in mind.

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