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Future Playable Races [Suggestion Thread].


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The race has nothing to do with the voice, it's the class and gender. If they just make sure the new races speak basic little to no voice overs would need to be created.


So forget Wookiees, Ewoks, or any of the other major movie-featured species then that don't speak perfect common?


Nevermind, I getcha. I wonder if the game played from the perspective of an alien that didn't speak simple English would be worth perusing. I'm sure people are upset they can't be a walking carpet.

Edited by osuaaron
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So forget Wookiees, Ewoks, or any of the other major movie-featured species then that don't speak perfect common?


Nevermind, I getcha. I wonder if the game played from the perspective of an alien that didn't speak simple English would be worth perusing. I'm sure people are upset they can't be a walking carpet.


They are upset, yes.


But Bioware's stance was "We wanted the player to feel as if they're the normal ones in a strange universe. They can't feel that if the character they're playing is the strange one in most interactions."Paraphrasing of course.

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Mandalorian seems just like a very tall human.


Yeah, Mandalorian is looking more like a whole new class with a whole new story line, not necessarily a race. Nor does it look like they would be Republic or Empire. Which could actually make for some interesting story line, which seemingly any race could join.


"The Mandalorians—known in Mando'a as the Mando'ade, or "Children of Mandalore"—were a nomadic group of clan-based people consisting of members from multiple species and multiple genders, all bound by a common culture." - Source: Star Wars Wikia

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I do not care what class or faction they get limited to.

I do not care that they would look the same at level 1 and level 50

I do not care that their gear would be limited to droid parts.


Just give me my droids please.

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Your choices are perfect. Falleen sith inquistor would be awesome and Duros BH would be awesome, I have thought that for way before release. I think you could add a "reverb" effect to BH and he would sounds like cade bane.


Replace your Yoda one with a Sullustan, and I would be super happy. A sullustan jedi would be awesome.


As far as Voice Over goes for certain species, for legacy species just use the recycled generic alien langauges and subtitles. I don't care if my toon does not speak basic.

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Assasin / Protocol type droid like HK 47. Though I'm afraid these will be extemely hard to implement will probably have little to no romance options(Unless you want to play a walking, you know, pleasure divice), and they will have to use different gear than biological creatures.


But with enough effort they could become really fun and interesting. They might have to be implemented as a fifth class though, since playing a droid in one of the current story lines would make very little sense. Their story could be something along the lines of: You start by having a master, this master does some quests where you follow her around and does most of the work. Then your master stops adventuring for one reason or another(death would be an obvoius choise). Then their master gives everything he owns to the droid and the droid starts working his/her way to fame, or you could kill your master, or something like that.



kind of like G0-T0 from KotOR2

I will leave the rest of the story line for Bioware since they have much better writers working for them, than I have working for me.


Sorry for grammatical or spelling mistakes. English is not my first language.

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I wanna play GUNGANS. I don't care if it's unique to my account, I. Wanna. Play. GUNGANS.

Once I roll my Gungan Sith Juggernaut/Jedi Guardian, I will become the bane of General Chat as I will always role play everything I type. If you catch me on Ventrilo, I will be role playing there too! My own guildies have sworn to roll toons on the opposing side just to hunt me. It will be glorious.


Which brings me to a specific trophy my friends and I really wanna score in world PVP: EARS. What's the point in wearing the largest set of ears in Star Wars continuity if your peers can't cut them off and wear them?

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For god's sake,no Ugnaughts please!


The snorty grunty language makes me feel very uncomfortable for some reason.


I agree. I normally only skip dialogue if it's a quest that I've already done with another character, but anytime I talk to one of these little piggies, I'm tempted to mute the volume, because I just can't skip it fast enough!

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I think jawas and ewoks are unrealistic and would just be silly as a playable race.


Any race that is near human in size and shape that could sound like an existing race could be done, since it would take little to no additional voice acting.


Wookies could be done with minimal voice acting (you could jumble and repeat a few phraces and just change the subtitles), but BW would have to solve the hight issue for where the NPCs are looking. Plus, they would have to have new classes for them.


Unfortunately, my number one wish is also most likely never going to happen...




Maybe if BW could just come out with a single player game, called SW Bounty Hunter, where you could make a rogue IG series assassin droid as a playable character, than my life would be complete :]

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