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MAXIMUM PC Rates SWTOR 7 out of 10


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I have been flipping out on developers on these forums and I can say that review is rediculous.


If the dude is complaining about low levels being in Warzones with level 50s, he clearly does not understand managing faction balancing until its fixed. And complaining he has to run in an MMO and that it is big? Really?


The problem is that it's big, filled with a lot of dead space, and mostly uninteresting and linear. If Bioware was going to make such a linear game, there really is no reason for so much distance to be used to pad out the content.

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Not sure why you posted these ... did you look at the user score?




6.1 ... now that's a problem ... when your players give your game a 6.1 ... is not good.


Yea because people don't troll and rate games down just for the sake of it, like people playing WoW. Use your head seriously.

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Right, because critics are doctors :)


A critic (in this case) is someone who reviews cases as objectively as they can professionally to determine if a game is good or bad.


A Doctor (in this case) is someone who fixes up your booboos and judges as objectively as they can what kind of booboo you've got and how they can fix it.


So, even if a Doctor isn't a critic, they're quite (though not perfectly) analogous.

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You know.. Back in the day you had to be lvl 25 to get your first mount in WOW.. WOW has no sprint.. This guy has no clue what he is talking about.. You want a marathon?? Try running around in BC WOW and hoofing it until lvl 25.. Mind you, no QT either.. Just your next to useless hearth stone..


That this guy seriously doesn't know what he talking about.. :rolleyes:

Nothing beat the 30 min to 45 min run to the Rebel base in SWG when that game came out.

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lol. My guild was founded by a group of WoW-burnouts who came to SWTOR for something new to do. They quit enmasse and went back to WoW. Three weeks in and they're gone...


I've asked people in their guilds if they're any good and so far it's been nothing but 'meh.' Seems that due to all the level disparities within them, guilds don't do bupkus for the most part. People don't want to leave the world their on, go through the nine-step travel process, to help someone 10-levels lower run a single-player dungeon because they're too incompetent to solo it... And yes, if you can't do any main or side quest without help, you're incompentent. Everything is easy and through 30-levels there has one challenging boss fight and that was because I was severely underleveled for it as I skipped all the Tattooine side quests...


In that last paragraph, are you describing SWTOR or WOW? I think you're trying to describe SWTOR, but it looks like you're talking about WOW to me.

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I'm a big fan of the game and I think this guy was fair in his review. Look, all reviews are going to be subjective to what the reviewer likes, and we all like different things. You can't take a score and interpret it without understanding the scale that person uses.


For me the scale is like this:


A 10 rating should be impossible for ANY MMO. None of them are perfect, period.


8-9 to me is a positive review. Most of the game is good to excellent with very few missing features and no game breaking bugs.


5-7 is an average rating. Meaning an MMO has potential but misses in several areas that can be fixed. It still has game breaking bugs after a couple week dust settling period.


1-4 Is a bad rating, meaning the game misses on pretty much all expectations. It is not engaging or fun. It has massive game breaking bugs that linger.



Given that, I rate SWTOR as an 8. The game is fun, engaging, and immersive. I have personally not hit any game breaking bugs, but there are a few missing features.

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Not sure why you posted these ... did you look at the user score?




6.1 ... now that's a problem ... when your players give your game a 6.1 ... is not good.


Sorry, but I don't have the time nor the desire to read the reviews of a bunch of angry nerds and haters on metacritic.

Edited by Miukie
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Sorry, but I don't have the time nor the desire to read the reviews of a bunch of angry nerds and haters on metacritic.


That reviews sounds like a lot of the posters on this forum that have issues with the game. I like this game, but think the reviewer is being very fair here.

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SW:TOR ist way rated too high at gamerankings and metacritic.


Look at the player-rankings, not for the critics.


Oh God please. The Player Reviews have some good reviews, if you can get past the trolling and fanboy reviews.


Sorry, Metacritics player reviews don't mean a damn thing. Not when other sites have player reviews and score averages of 8.7(Gamespot), 8.0 (Gamefaqs), and 9.1 (IGN)


So yeah, you see that. The scores are vastly different on other sites yet on Metacritic it is 6.1 (Even though there are a lot of tens and zeroes there. Translation, fanboys and haters....)

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The quote you posted start off by basically saying its bad to have vast worlds.


This is a guy reviewing an MMO, and he complains about a vast world.


That is all.


Actually, he complains about the poorly designed flow of that vast world, amongst other things.


Words are hard.

Edited by Parali
bad quote
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I don't think the reviewer said anything in accurrate, its all pretty factual. Its just that he chose to focus primarly on the negative aspects of the game which is exactly why the review is very very short, easily fitting on a single sheet of paper.


That says a lot more about the reviewer than it does about the game.

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I think this review is definitely PvP-leaning. It appears that most of the complaints are about either travel or PvP. Realistically travel up to level 15 is extremely easy due to the taxi system and the recall points throughout the game. Once you get sprint, I question whether you even need a speeder until 40.


I guess I can see his point, but his review is very personal. These issues don't seem to speak for the majority of the gaming audience which a good reviewer will try to represent.


Just my two cents.

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The bio drones are strong in this thread....


Anyone who says the world in fine and VAST...oh i dont know what to tell ya. Its like those people believing those infomercial products work to lose weight.


Then you got other biodrones admitting the world is truly lacking...then dismiss it as "its only during leveling".....


One of the BIGGEST flaws in this game, apart from the horrible combat system, is the horrible world designs. I do not care about LFG tool, combat log, etc. Those can be sort of worked around, PLUS BW said they were coming soon. I do not even miss those because grouping is not an integral part of this game.


BW CANNOT just completely SCRAP the worlds without having a HUUUGE patch coming along with it. Not feasible unless for an expansion...a la WoW. I say SCRAP, because there isnt ANYTHING that was built, that doesnt reek of single player design, then crappily modified to "work" as an MMO map.


I will keep playing this game. Its fun because i enjoy Starwars and the IA story is the bomb. Though make no mistake this is merely a single player game with coop.


Biodrones will keep defending the game till noooone but biodrones are left playing it. Not that it matters as this is a single player coop game.


Haters will keep hating and move on to the next best thing or go back to WoW.


I would post a mini review to the game and things that would need fixing....but then biodrones will just call me a hater and dismiss it. A la Aion, Rift and all other failures.

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No offense.. But all of that is a matter of opinion.. So it wouldn't sway a magazine review in the slightest..


PVP is exactly what it should be and exactly what, we the players in the beta helped it become.. Nobody wanted to be corpse camped by a high level character while leveling.. Bioware listened and we have what we have now.. That doesn't mean it won't change later..


What game mechanics are broken?? Aside from known bug that will be fixed.. What game mechanic is broke.. Because there are none..


Voice acting and Star Wars is bad?? What planet are you from??


Empty world.. This is actually kind of nice.. I don't have to fight over the same mobs with other people, or wait for some gizmo to spawn so I can click on it.. Maybe it is the server you are.. I still see people.. We are all just doing our own thing..


UI?? The UI is not the best.. But isn't the worst either.. It actually isn't bad.. I have got used to it.. But then I have been playing since July.. So.. I have a bit of a head start.. It is functional and with player input it will get better..


Customer service?? I have had nothing but steller service.. So you can diss them on that.. If you have had a bad experience.. That doesn't mean everyone has or that they have bad service.. Every ticket I have opened has been responed to in a timely manner.. Ever email I have sent on an issue has been responded to in a timely manner..


So again.. All that you have listed is simply a matter of opinion.. Some are going to like it and some are going to hate it.. Nothing you can do about that.. It just sad that some haters are so bitter that they do stop at nothing to ruin it for the rest of us.. That wasn't meant at you either..


Everyone also needs to remember that this is vanilla.. Anyone remember how other games faired on their initial release?? To say any MMO is trash in it's vanilla form is just plain silly to me..


Look at all the changes that WOW has made over the years.. Pretty soon here they won't have anymore talent trees.. They will however have panda bears and inner peace..


There is PLUS next to voice acting and star wars. I was thinking that at least this is good in this game.


If PVP is like it should be than I did wrong selecting PVP server. Sorry mate but it's broken on so many levels that I cant count. Cooldownds for empire and republic skills are different. Stats are differen just like many other things. And the problem is - it's completly unbalanced.

As example I play as Bounty Hunter Mercenary and I NEVER lost a match against ANYONE in 1vs1 battle since the start.

Not even once I died.

In PVP matches mostly I die when more than 1 player attack me. And my score is always in top 5 on warzone. Very often I have most kills (mostly because that thing is also broken).

And if you know how to utilize bugs and your enemy dont then you will destroy them with no sweat at all.

As example recently I killed sith warrior. He manage to took me around 30% HP WHILE I was not using med-packs and he did.


Empty. Advance few levels and you will find 5-15 people on the planet. We are on PVP server and yet it's hard to find enemy player to kill. And sometimes I played 2-3 hours and I didn't meet anyone!


UI is terrible. No scaling, no ability to open few windwos at once. Companion quest summary that constantly close me something, freezing that require reload and many many other things.


Ok. How about TOR customer service because you were clearly taking about something else. Week of waiting is good customer service ? Week of waiting with no help at all is good customer service ? Glad I didn't experience it as my friend. He hardly manage to play since he had loot of problems and customer support that didn't respond in a week or more or they respond... with exact same message as before. Loot of issues and it's not only my that say this customer service is worst in MMO history ever. Sorry. Other companies set higher standard.


Not opinions. Facts. All from experience. Who cares about WoW ? TOR already have their pandas. Just look at the graphic. If someone would tell me in advance that this game is for 1 month and for people below age of 15 then I would spend my 60$ on something better.

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