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MAXIMUM PC Rates SWTOR 7 out of 10


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Was on my 'speeder' through belsavis traveling between quest hubs for what seemed an eternity. At one point i looked to my left and right and realized most of that open space will never be touched by players. Those yellow mobs hovering in that out of the way place may never actually be killed by anyone...ever
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You know.. Back in the day you had to be lvl 25 to get your first mount in WOW.. WOW has no sprint.. This guy has no clue what he is talking about.. You want a marathon?? Try running around in BC WOW and hoofing it until lvl 25.. Mind you, no QT either.. Just your next to useless hearth stone..


That this guy seriously doesn't know what he talking about.. :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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MAXIMUM PC, is an honest reviewer that wasent bought off by EA, or afraid of loosing early beta preview rights from EA for future games, if he is honest, and also they played the game beyond level 30, if you research a bit on both the review sites you cited you will see they dident play the game much beyond level 15.


I played the game beyond lvl 49! By your logic I guess my opinion is the most valid and I call BS. Maximum PC is a sad little troll, which must appeal greatly to certain part of this forum for obvious reasons.

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Whilst I disagree with somethings he said, I can see where the guy is coming from and totally agree with others.

It's not a perfect game, but it's not the worst either by a long shot.


I'm hoping the criticism will spurn BW into creating some of the features and tools we need to make the game more of a success and more fun to play.

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You know.. Back in the day you had to be lvl 25 to get your first mount in WOW.. WOW has no sprint.. This guy has no clue what he is talking about.. You want a marathon?? Try running around in BC WOW and hoofing it until lvl 25.. Mind you, no QT either.. Just your next to useless hearth stone..


That this guy seriously doesn't know what he talking about.. :rolleyes:


It was 40, not 25


You have no idea what you're talking about

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You know.. Back in the day you had to be lvl 25 to get your first mount in WOW.. WOW has no sprint.. This guy has no clue what he is talking about.. You want a marathon?? Try running around in BC WOW and hoofing it until lvl 25.. Mind you, no QT either.. Just your next to useless hearth stone..


That this guy seriously doesn't know what he talking about.. :rolleyes:


LOL mounts used to be 40 pal, what did you just start playing WoW last year lolol.

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The quote you posted start off by basically saying its bad to have vast worlds.


This is a guy reviewing an MMO, and he complains about a vast world.


That is all.


There's a big difference between merely having vast worlds and having well designed vast worlds.


All of the cityscape worlds are appallingly designed, and I'd throw in Dromund Kaas as well. Most of the others work well, utilising quest hubs and a close area within which to fulfill those quests, but then why have such a huge world in those instances when there is little benefit in exploring the rest of it? It mostly seems to serve the purpose of separating the factions.


Personally I think it would have been better to have smaller, better designed, more richly illustrated worlds and more communal quest hubs.

Edited by Parali
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The problem I have with many peoples early assumptions on the game is that they think Bioware is'nt listening. I think that is ignorant. you can't really go 10's of thousands of post and bioware staff not look at one post. If you ask a staff member if they read the forums you will most definantly get a yes.


The thing is that games like this take time to fix, correct, and improve. This is'nt like Starcraft where you have a limited number of variables all in one map. There are a ton of things going on at the same time. Fixing one problem leads to another. It's just the way it is.


First Bioware must tackle the immediate problems that are usually game breaking first. And Bioware has already stated that their first objective is to get as many bugs out as possible. So things like a better LFG and other cosmetic changes will have to wait and I'd rather they spend the most time fixing bugs.


Once most of the serious bugs are fixed, then they put their resources into improvments. Implementing the things people want like LFG function and Battle meters.

Then finally they will resort to balancing and improving the PvP system. As you know they are already working on seperating the levels so it's more close (11 - 20, 21-30 ect) They are working on a level 50 only match making as well as the ability to que up for specific PvP warzones so you can play your favorites.


Point is Bioware is working on it but if you expect these things to be fixed overnight you might as well go back to WoW because no game is gonna ever be that fast and if you ask me they are acting pretty fast so far. Just take the game with a grain of salt for the next 6 months because it willt take that long for everything to run smoothly.


Also give most of the elite staff time to enjoy their vacations, they spent like 5 years on this game, I think they want some down time with their families. Im just saying, have a freakin heart. These are human beings, not robots.

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SWTOR is a 4/10, not a 7/10


Not sure. If someone who "Cancelled, January/4/2012" still sticks to the forums... it must have something.



Just joking. :) To each his own.


I like it, I play (and pay for) it. Scores are totally pointless and used as mass destruction weaponry to kill ants.

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LOL mounts used to be 40 pal, what did you just start playing WoW last year lolol.


The fanbois are indeed getting more desperate as time goes by and more and more people and honest reviewers find out what an empty shell SWTOR really is once you have your first level 50. (90 % all questing are non class quest or fillers and ALL the same for every class each faction) id argue you play this game twice. Once for empire and once for republic, no matter what class.


The game is simply far to liniear, for anything else.



Its dead Jim

Edited by Shinzzun
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You know.. Back in the day you had to be lvl 25 to get your first mount in WOW.. WOW has no sprint.. This guy has no clue what he is talking about.. You want a marathon?? Try running around in BC WOW and hoofing it until lvl 25.. Mind you, no QT either.. Just your next to useless hearth stone..


That this guy seriously doesn't know what he talking about.. :rolleyes:



lol you dont even know what you're talking about :) although the correction im about to make enhances your point.


'back in the day' you had to get to 40 before you got a mount in wow, and then access to an epic version at 60. the only slight differences were druids travel form and hunters aspect of the daze.. sorry cheeta/pack which were picked up at 30.


this was changed later on. i didnt play wrath so dont know if it came in then but when i had a go in cata i got a mount at level 20 and HS c/ds were reduced to 30mins (or less with guild ranking)


this is a moot point tbh as not only did they do that but all flight points were available to you immediately, not after discovering them like they were 'back in the day'


in short, today in wow you get a mount at 20, and the travel system is already available to you. plus you have your central hub (org/ironforge) that has easy access to all areas at the click of a flightpoint. this doesnt exist in swtor.


when you're used to ease of travel its difficult going back. felt horrible being on a normal flying mount vs my 310% epic on my main chars whilst levelling. but there we go.

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So far as I have seen the travel times in ToR are much faster than in other MMO's I have played. Try playing LotRO and doing the epic quest lines. Sometimes you have to ride your horse for 15 minutes to get to the next area.


And ToR is a game-galaxy, not a game-world. That's why it seems broken up and fractured. There are 14 worlds to quest on.

Edited by Gilbara
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The quote you posted start off by basically saying its bad to have vast worlds.


This is a guy reviewing an MMO, and he complains about a vast world.


That is all.


Well no. He shouldn't. Vast world is advantage IF you have content there. In TOR it's just running, running, running, running and transport is just so slow that I can drink tea while watching transporter flying over the map.

And when you have 50-100 people on ENTIRE MAP then what is the point of having it this big ? No idea.


What I want to say is in TOR you have NOTHING interesting on the map. You just run to point X to kill 40 mobs in COMPLETELY EMPTY WORLD.


As example in WoW or EVE or Fallen Earth or any other game I played recently I have NEVER spend more than 15-30 min and I always encounter someone. In this game it's hard to find enemy player (almost impossible - ON PVP SERVER!!!) and I spend hours without seeing ANYONE. More to that - I'm on 44-47lvl planet and there was 6 people there. SIX!!!. Planet before I finished seeing ONLY 1 PERSON ALIVE and ONE ENEMY PLAYER that I killed.


Massive my ***.

Edited by Parali
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So it's some noone never heard of page trying to gain attention by spewing nonsense? Good to know.


Are you playing the same game as me? I can't believe you are with a statement like that.


Or you just did not read the review.

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Didn't Warhammer have a 85% on metacritic???


Don't even look on scores on MC if it's not user score. The Old Republic there have around 6.1.

Dragon Age 2 have there 6 on critics and around 3 of user score.

Yeah, Warhammer have 8. At least people enjoy it a little more.

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lol you dont even know what you're talking about :) although the correction im about to make enhances your point.


'back in the day' you had to get to 40 before you got a mount in wow, and then access to an epic version at 60. the only slight differences were druids travel form and hunters aspect of the daze.. sorry cheeta/pack which were picked up at 30.


this was changed later on. i didnt play wrath so dont know if it came in then but when i had a go in cata i got a mount at level 20 and HS c/ds were reduced to 30mins (or less with guild ranking)


this is a moot point tbh as not only did they do that but all flight points were available to you immediately, not after discovering them like they were 'back in the day'


in short, today in wow you get a mount at 20, and the travel system is already available to you. plus you have your central hub (org/ironforge) that has easy access to all areas at the click of a flightpoint. this doesnt exist in swtor.


when you're used to ease of travel its difficult going back. felt horrible being on a normal flying mount vs my 310% epic on my main chars whilst levelling. but there we go.


DOH!! That is right.. It was 40.. 60 for your Epic.. Your right.. My bad.. :o


It has been a very long time since I leveled a toon in WOW.. I stopped playing it about a year ago..

Edited by MajikMyst
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I really enjoy the game, and I think that is pretty accurate tbh.


The annoying bits he has outlined, are annoying, but not gamebreaking. Hopefully these things will be looked at.


The big one for me would be making sprint speed, the standard out of combat speed. 1-14 is painful.

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Ganadorf please dont ruin our joy for the game! This is an mmo wich just started...They will implement plenty of new stuff in the future i can guarantee that.


if u are angry becouse of something and cant enjoy the game, stop playing with it or stop complain. Im so tired of the ppl who attack this game nearly from beginning. its a really good mmo wich will get better and better.

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This review is spot on, even generous. More like 5/10.


I'll also point out that something as foundationally basic as Anti-Aliasing has been curiously exempt from this game, which is truly baffling.


While the client is stable(for the most part)the games lack of features is yet again..baffling.

This hero engine looks and runs like 1995 on my very high end PC.


This game needs another year of cooking and what's sad is we're all now funding this EA/Bioware beta project.

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What is Maximum PC? i've never heard about it before. Reading the article all i can say is someone trying to draw some attention to the site with a review haters will praise.


Seriously, i've never EVER heard about this site till this moment, and i am kinda old.

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