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Expand OPEN World PVP On PVP Servers


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I thought it was open world PVP also, that is why I got on a PVP server, if I wanted instanced PVP I would join a PVE server because that is how they usually handle that.


No open world PVP there is no point for most pvp'ers and they will quickly get bored and move on.

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At the moment I find questing, space combat, and PVP to be very entertaining. I am enjoying the story most of all. But, open world competitive and goal-based PvP is the only thing that will keep me in SW:TOR long term. It is what I play MMORPGs for. I said this same thing to the Rift developers months ago and please notice what forums I am now posting on.
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Im still stunned you get no spawn defence, and/or marginally separate spawns. Im not asking for 1 shotters, but like, maybe, a bubble for 10 seconds, or something, that gets taken away when you attack (ala AoC)? There was fighting on voss kind of near a spawn point, and it was literally fruitless and a complete waste of time. Spawn, kill a few, they spawn back, kill you, rince repeat 100 times and get no rewards. I literally couldn't even map away because I had to log for lunch. I just laid dead, getting corpse jumped, until I logged due to afk. What fun! Edited by Stanimir
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do you guys remember the guild cities in galaxies before sony nerfed the whole game? holy crap that was fun when another guild would come and attack us, or we would attack someone else. i really like the no rules feel of a game like Darkfall or Ultima and I wish swtor had about 3 or 4 seemless planets with absolutely no rules, and had player housing, guild cities, and minimal guards.


then, i might feel like i'm playing star wars. its supposed to be dangerous and unpredictable, that's why its fun. i feel way to spoon-fed as of now, and i might be quitting if the higher levels are more of the same.

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To start off with, Open World PVP is the best there is. Open World PVP should be the main focus for future PVP content, in my opinion, and not instanced PVP. While instanced PVP can be fun, it quickly becomes stale after the upteenth time playing in the same area, doing the same thing. In Open World PVP, truly OPEN, the battles are always different, and can become massive in scale.


Open World PVP is never balanced, but that aspect is what makes it remain exciting. Overcoming an enemy that has superior numbers is very satisfying. Crushing an enemy that has weaker numbers is almost as satisfying. There are no scripted locations that it can take place. Something as simple as a gank can provoke an hour long confrontation between multiple guilds.


Devs, please expand upon OPEN World PVP on PVP servers. Remove the invisible exhaustion walls protecting factional medical centers. Lower the NPC guard numbers and difficulty protecting factional areas. Let there be no safe havens beyond Coruscant and Dromund Kaas. To prevent game-killing camping of medical centers, allow a medical center recall to a safe planet, such as the starter worlds.


PVP servers should stand out from PVE servers by more than merely being constantly flagged. Why worry with being flagged if no one can attack you? There is no penalty for dying in this game, so please open up the PVP on PVP servers.




Addressing comments/suggestions:


  • Corspe looting won't be happening. Devs have stated as such.
  • Faction imbalance can be overcome by guild alliances and planning. Communicate with your peers.
  • Ilum is ONE planet. OPEN World PVP should take place across the galaxy on PVP servers.
  • Incentives to participate, such as valor or commendations etc., are important, but the first goal is for OPEN World PVP to be expanded so it can take place in more areas on PVP servers.



To all who may post, leave your ganking/camping/griefing complaints to yourself. On a PVP server, those things should be allowed and encouraged, else there be no difference between PVE and PVP servers.


Are you high? Do you want their to be nothing but Sith on your server? Its bad enough as it is trying to level in contested zones-so bad we dont even try anymore. You do know that if all the Republic leave (and they will if you close off the entire friggin game sans the starter planets to us) you can only play huttball? No world pvp, no bg's-only huttball. You really need to think these things through to their logical conclusion.

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I willing to bet that it's constricted because of the recent launch. The goal is probably to keep players playing, not pulling their hair out because they are ganked constantly as they are trying to experience the game for the first time.


So to me, that explains why open world pvp could be so choked down for the moment. It would be easier to loosen restrictions, than tighten them up. If it was a free for all from day one, and THEN they put the squeeze on some areas everyone on here would be complaining. Then it would also look like BW made a mistake, and had to change their pvp design.


I rolled on a PVP server for the extra excitement. I haven't seen one opposing faction member yet and I'm level 29. I'm disappointed, but at the same time I'm glad I get to play through the story pretty seamlessly. It will get better, I know it.

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to start off with, open world pvp is the best there is. Open world pvp should be the main focus for future pvp content, in my opinion, and not instanced pvp. While instanced pvp can be fun, it quickly becomes stale after the upteenth time playing in the same area, doing the same thing. In open world pvp, truly open, the battles are always different, and can become massive in scale.


Open world pvp is never balanced, but that aspect is what makes it remain exciting. Overcoming an enemy that has superior numbers is very satisfying. Crushing an enemy that has weaker numbers is almost as satisfying. There are no scripted locations that it can take place. Something as simple as a gank can provoke an hour long confrontation between multiple guilds.


Devs, please expand upon open world pvp on pvp servers. Remove the invisible exhaustion walls protecting factional medical centers. Lower the npc guard numbers and difficulty protecting factional areas. Let there be no safe havens beyond coruscant and dromund kaas. To prevent game-killing camping of medical centers, allow a medical center recall to a safe planet, such as the starter worlds.


Pvp servers should stand out from pve servers by more than merely being constantly flagged. Why worry with being flagged if no one can attack you? There is no penalty for dying in this game, so please open up the pvp on pvp servers.




addressing comments/suggestions:


  • corspe looting won't be happening. Devs have stated as such.
  • faction imbalance can be overcome by guild alliances and planning. Communicate with your peers.
  • ilum is one planet. Open world pvp should take place across the galaxy on pvp servers.
  • incentives to participate, such as valor or commendations etc., are important, but the first goal is for open world pvp to be expanded so it can take place in more areas on pvp servers.



to all who may post, leave your ganking/camping/griefing complaints to yourself. On a pvp server, those things should be allowed and encouraged, else there be no difference between pve and pvp servers.


**** yes.

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Yea i couldnt wait for open pvp finally got to a area found some people win some lose some gain none huh whats the sense i thought with how long the game was delayed pvp would have been this games best point but........ and how about some guild driven pvp goals/incentives theres none oh well at least the story line in game is nice and the warzones are balanced(sarcasim) ah it only cost 60 bucks to play a cute RPG thnk you bio


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I support this too, but I should add 2 things.


1) A lot of world PvP is the people. You can open it up all you want, but we the players have to get it started. So get out there and cause mischief.


2) This game needs a /worlddefense chat channel if it doesn't have one. Something that warns you when one of your towns is being attacked. Gotta know where and when it's happening for it to actually happen.

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