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Expand OPEN World PVP On PVP Servers


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I see alot of valid points to why there is need of more world pvp but..


World pvp isn't everything. I consider myself to be a serious pvp'er. I spend more times in warzones then out questing on most of my toons (yes I have several).


World pvp is not now and have never been the mark of a serious pvp'er. I can understand that some have the need to be able to walk around and wtflolpwn low level toons, god knows I've seen alot of that over the years since I started playing MMO's.


Myself I play on a PvE server. Why? Because I want to be able to quest and do stuff with my friends without the need to have a second pair of eyes glued to the back of my neck. When I pvp its by choice and when I want too.


More world pvp will only discourage people from rolling on PvP servers, especially new players that have never played an MMO before but is entrigued by the PvP scene.



That's my two cents, flame on.. or wait. *Runs and gets coffee* Now flame on. ;)


People who don't want world PvP shouldn't roll on a PvP server anyways. That's entirely okay, as there is already a sizable community that do want world PvP, and are on PvP servers waiting for it.

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Myself I play on a PvE server.


The "why?" that came after that sentence should have been "why did I post here?". This thread shouldn't concern you in the slightest. The whole point of having two types of servers is so each type of person can go to the server that fits them best. At the current point in time, there is absolutely no difference between the two types other than the fact that you are always flagged on a PVP server.

Edited by -Fenix
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Maybe its just my personal experience, and maybe its my server... but Dune Sea on Tatooine is awash in the blood of Imperial and Republic alike... Maybe you guys just need to have your respective servers step up their game...


I actually appreciated that Tatooine was sort of the first planet where world PvP could take place... it gave me time to really learn game mechanics think about what I wanted to build... Realistically story wise, until you're level 25 anyway, you're not important enough to send to the front lines to battle the enemy, you're better off at home doing what you're employer / master/ teacher wants... grow up a little then go kill the enemy...


Seriously last night, we had a 45 minute melee in the Dune Sea... I killed a couple pubs / died a couple times. It was good. So either A.) I came in with lower expectations which are being exceeded or B.) Your servers need to step up their PvP game...

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Add another supporter in me...


And I know I'm not the minority when I say there's nothing more fun than letting 2 giant zergs battle it out while you take a small 8-12 person group and wreck the back lines...


Sneaking around, using your enviornment...


Multi-dps stealth pop on a single unsuspecting healer...


Fighting til the bitter end when you realize that all that's left in front of you is your own faction!



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Problem is it wont be two zergs, it will be one because you can't balance faction ratio's.


Warhammer did it, but they did it too late...


Bioware needs to immediately assess the faction differential on each server, and after the first few weeks, offer the low pop side increased xp incentives to join that server... This should take care of the population disparity pretty quickly if they hop on it right away...

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I was level 33 within the first two days of early release. Leveling characters is not hard in this game. Incentives might be nice, but I rolled Republic after those two days and I've got a 27 Sage sitting on deck after just 3 days of play. (I've been on "vacation" since launch.)


You know its the holidays when you have family obligations tying you down.

Edited by Zyillo
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Supported. I am level 50 and the PVP is horid. There is barely any reason for me to play this game any longer other than the raiding that may take place when my guildies hit 50. I am completely and utterly bored of this game and it has only been a week. THAT IS BAD.
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To start off with, Open World PVP is the best there is. Open World PVP should be the main focus for future PVP content, in my opinion, and not instanced PVP. While instanced PVP can be fun, it quickly becomes stale after the upteenth time playing in the same area, doing the same thing. In Open World PVP, truly OPEN, the battles are always different, and can become massive in scale.


Open World PVP is never balanced, but that aspect is what makes it remain exciting. Overcoming an enemy that has superior numbers is very satisfying. Crushing an enemy that has weaker numbers is almost as satisfying. There are no scripted locations that it can take place. Something as simple as a gank can provoke an hour long confrontation between multiple guilds.


Devs, please expand upon OPEN World PVP on PVP servers. Remove the invisible exhaustion walls protecting factional medical centers. Lower the NPC guard numbers and difficulty protecting factional areas. Let there be no safe havens beyond Coruscant and Dromund Kaas. To prevent game-killing camping of medical centers, allow a medical center recall to a safe planet, such as the starter worlds.


PVP servers should stand out from PVE servers by more than merely being constantly flagged. Why worry with being flagged if no one can attack you? There is no penalty for dying in this game, so please open up the PVP on PVP servers.




Addressing comments/suggestions:


  • Corspe looting won't be happening. Devs have stated as such.
  • Faction imbalance can be overcome by guild alliances and planning. Communicate with your peers.
  • Ilum is ONE planet. OPEN World PVP should take place across the galaxy on PVP servers.
  • Incentives to participate, such as valor or commendations etc., are important, but the first goal is for OPEN World PVP to be expanded so it can take place in more areas on PVP servers.



To all who may post, leave your ganking/camping/griefing complaints to yourself. On a PVP server, those things should be allowed and encouraged, else there be no difference between PVE and PVP servers.



Considering the development costs, Server loads, i dont forsee it ever happening (there is a reason most games have abandoned "world pvp") There are other major issues that would have to be addressed befor hand anyways such as lack of combat mechanic fluidity, and the massive class/tree imbalances

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Definitely /signed. I just got to tattooine and i havent seen ANY repubs anywhere. part of the fun of "that old game most of us used to play" on a pvp server during vanilla was when you were questing and youd hear that 'oh crap its a stealthed rogue' noise and knew you were about to get reemed. the questing system is very immersive but with all the quests being similar in objectives, the added concern of not only having npcs to worry about but enemy PCs would be a great addition to levelling. and when everyones at 50, we can start having real "area control" groups going:)



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I support this but the bigger issue is this.... All the time there are battleground/arena/warfront lobby games that have better rewards (arguably any rewards) people will grind them rather than run around looking for encounters 'outside'.


Killed WoW open pvp. Killed WAR open pvp (almost immediately) and others I forget.


There is quite a strong argument to have trivial/inconsequential rewards for the PvP lobby game if you ever want world PvP to succeed.

Edited by GumBoil
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I support this but the bigger issue is this.... All the time there are battleground/arena/warfront lobby games that have better rewards (arguably any rewards) people will grind them rather than run around looking for encounters 'outside'.


Killed WoW open pvp. Killed WAR open pvp (almost immediately) and others I forget.


There is quite a strong argument to have trivial/inconsequential rewards for the PvP lobby game if you ever want world PvP to succeed.


Yep, instanced PvP KILLS open world PvP, I've said it numerous times...want successful OWPvP on the PvP servers? Delete the WZs and move their objectives out into the persistent-meaningful world. My guildees, who prefer OWPvP, are regularly queueing up for WZs, why? Because they can. Because they get a buttload of XP, because they get gear, and most of all, because that is where you are guaranteed to see enemy action.


We're unfortunately in a time-period where people feel entitled to everything HERE NOW NOWNOW, there is no patience or ability to wait, we must fight against this. One way is to not queue up for instances. Show them we don't want them by not going to them.

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Yes, I don't see what the point of even having PvP servers is if the devs are just going to go out of their way to discourage world PvP from taking place.


In other games that I've played I have sometimes felt more connected to players on the other faction simply because we fought against each other so often and developed respect for one another.


I know that there are people who become completely unreasonable every time this game is mentioned......But in WoW, the server that I played on was known for having a kick-*** world PvP community. Our server forums were a great place to hang out and get to know members of both factions. Great rivalries were built up between guilds. Sure, sometimes there would be a bit of light-hearted trash talk between rival guilds who were very active in the world PvP scene.....But that just enhanced the entire experience.


Nearly all of my best memories from that game are related to world PvP in one way or another.


When you try to control and moderate a community excessively, you run the risk of stifling the community and stunting its growth.


Those rivalries were healthy for our community. They became part of our server's identity. We were pretty passionate about our world PvP activities on that server. It was something we were proud of, and the community on that server actively worked to encourage and preserve that spirit of competition. It made the game more interesting.


Let us have our battles. And while you are at it, Bioware, let us have server forums so that we can build up our communities as we do so.

Edited by belialle
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Uh, for there to be more world there itself needs to be 2 factions. And since the only ex I ever get is huttball against other sith, I'm inclined to believe that sith is the only faction.


Faction balance aside, if people really want world pvp then Bioware needs to change a few things, namely more overlapping quests between factions, world objectives that provide a substantial pve bonus for the controlling faction, a fair amount of commendations for world pvp kills, a more lenient death system for player kills in the open world (people are less inclined to fight if losing means a long trek from the medcenter to get back to questing), and finally maybe a "hardcore pvp" server type in which players can attack anyone from any faction, at the cost of alignment points.


For example a Jedi killing a Sith would gain light points, but a Jedi killing a Jedi would net darkside points. Unfortunately I can't think of a way to implement lightside into Sith kills, as it's much less black/white than it is for republic. Perhaps a a"execute" cutscene when you defeat another player where you can either choose to finish finish them for ds or leave them for ls. The player would still be dead, but itd allow control over whether a kill is good or bad.

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For example a Jedi killing a Sith would gain light points, but a Jedi killing a Jedi would net darkside points. Unfortunately I can't think of a way to implement lightside into Sith kills, as it's much less black/white than it is for republic. Perhaps a a"execute" cutscene when you defeat another player where you can either choose to finish finish them for ds or leave them for ls. The player would still be dead, but itd allow control over whether a kill is good or bad.


I gotta admit the thought of being bent over in a cutscene while some dude decides if he's going to gloriously impale you with a lightsaber vs knock you out with the hilt is quite laughable. Sure it would be kinda neat, but I don't see it happening at all. That would be downright degrading for the person who lost. Thanks for the head-turning idea though :D

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I know you state faction imbalance can be overcome by guild alliances...but in all honesty it can't. Empire can do the same.


Overcoming this large a faction imbalance over so many servers can only be overcome by re-rolls.


This is why 2 faction MMOs always have craptacular world PvP, one faction always ends up overplayed, too many people rolled Empire. BioWare just made it seem more ******, maybe even showed some favouritism, they made Malgus look really ****** and Satele Shan look like a bit of a chump who needed help and still couldn't beat Malgus.


I'm not optimistic about the future of world PvP in SW:TOR unless players take it upon themselves to fix faction imbalances. But really, how many Empire players would reroll?


I was one, I couldn't handle being on a faction overrepresented as much as Empire was so I rerolled (and found out I preferred Republic anyway), but there aren't many people willing to do that, convinced Empire is cooler or w/e.


Again I've seen this problem in other 2 faction games, it never works out, I see no reason to have a positive outlook for SW:TOR.

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I know you state faction imbalance can be overcome by guild alliances...but in all honesty it can't. Empire can do the same.


Overcoming this large a faction imbalance over so many servers can only be overcome by re-rolls.


This is why 2 faction MMOs always have craptacular world PvP, one faction always ends up overplayed, too many people rolled Empire. BioWare just made it seem more ******, maybe even showed some favouritism, they made Malgus look really ****** and Satele Shan look like a bit of a chump who needed help and still couldn't beat Malgus.


I'm not optimistic about the future of world PvP in SW:TOR unless players take it upon themselves to fix faction imbalances. But really, how many Empire players would reroll?


I was one, I couldn't handle being on a faction overrepresented as much as Empire was so I rerolled (and found out I preferred Republic anyway), but there aren't many people willing to do that, convinced Empire is cooler or w/e.


Again I've seen this problem in other 2 faction games, it never works out, I see no reason to have a positive outlook for SW:TOR.


All I see here is QQ.

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All I see here is QQ.


Your sig says:




I DO NOT support SGRAs."


So aside from the fact you are homophobic, you claim to want to real PvP (while saying no to battlegrounds -instead of warzones), which would mean you should know what inbalanced factions in a 2 faction game does to world PvP.


However, I can wager a guess the main MMO you've played PvP wise was WoW (and that you play Empire), so i won't bother bringing up other examples.

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Your sig says:




I DO NOT support SGRAs."


So aside from the fact you are homophobic, you claim to want to real PvP (while saying no to battlegrounds -instead of warzones), which would mean you should know what inbalanced factions in a 2 faction game does to world PvP.


However, I can wager a guess the main MMO you've played PvP wise was WoW (and that you play Empire), so i won't bother bringing up other examples.


I love your false assumptions. Troll elsewhere, please. This thread was clean for a long time until now.

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