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Expand OPEN World PVP On PVP Servers


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The Crossroads is under attack!


Sounds to me like people want to shut down quest hubs and terrorize newbies, nothing more. World pvp is fun, providing there is some degree of accountability. A level 50 Jedi walks into a level 10 area and destroys everything, making 20-30 people who may not have a high level character lose several hours of play time? Nah.


WoW was fun in Vanilla. Got worse with each expansion as the power differences piled up, and then flying mounts made it ridiculous. Seeing what a level 50 does to my level 24 even bolstered in a warzone here makes me shudder to think of what a geared one could do to newbies.

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I support this.


My last MMO that I enjoyed was Allods(F2P that not many people know).


At around lvl 21 all players had to quest in an active PVP zone. No level restrictions. There would always be lvl 40s(max lvl) wreaking havoc on lowbies, but there were also lvl 40s trying to help out. On my server, most of the time, our lvl 40s got wrecked. Heck we got spawn camped where sometimes we literally had to log off and wait for them to get off. Sometimes they would invade the major cities and just kill everyone in the starter areas.But you know what? It was fun! I always had to watch my back and having a random encounter with someone the same level as you and emerging victorious...there is nothing else that compares to it in a game.


If you roll on a PvP server, expect blood and tears...your blood and tears. Too many games these days are leaning towards the carebears and its really getting boring. The randomness and not knowing what will happen is what makes me want more open world pvp.

Edited by KroganElite
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So far SW:TOR is turning out to be a MSORPG (Massively Single-player Online Role Playing Game)

I could have just as easily played this on my Xbox, or offline (baring the Warfronts, but jesus they don't count!).


I joined SW:TOR, because my guild did, and we joined because we where promised world PvP (dreaming of RvR), and with some mythic folks aboard, we thought it might be possible.


Right now, it's turning into yet another theme park ride (a big, pretty theme park, but still).

Let the PvE servers be themeparks.

Let PvP servers have, cater to, and promote PvP.

Pile people into the same areas, and let em stockstrike each other to bits!


Also +1

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Add points for open world PvP kills. ITs something THAT MUST BE. No dobuts. Its like some huge error.


yeah, when I was told absolutely nothing happens for open world PvP I figured the guy was wrong/misinformed and so I asked someone else. What? Really? How did they oversight this, obviously they didn't, it's intentional, oh but WZs let you get valor and rewards...WHAT?! I don't get it! give me an ear, give me 10 points, just keep a damn record that I've killed 5 stinking sith so far it's not that frikken hard.

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I see alot of valid points to why there is need of more world pvp but..


World pvp isn't everything. I consider myself to be a serious pvp'er. I spend more times in warzones then out questing on most of my toons (yes I have several).


World pvp is not now and have never been the mark of a serious pvp'er. I can understand that some have the need to be able to walk around and wtflolpwn low level toons, god knows I've seen alot of that over the years since I started playing MMO's.


Myself I play on a PvE server. Why? Because I want to be able to quest and do stuff with my friends without the need to have a second pair of eyes glued to the back of my neck. When I pvp its by choice and when I want too.


More world pvp will only discourage people from rolling on PvP servers, especially new players that have never played an MMO before but is entrigued by the PvP scene.



That's my two cents, flame on.. or wait. *Runs and gets coffee* Now flame on. ;)

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