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premades. knockbacks. autoface


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Autofacing is fine because it takes a whole second to run through someone to interrupt a 3 second channel or 1.5 second cast, setting them on a 1.5 second global cooldown (plus wasted resources, time, health, etc) and a free interrupt for the melee.


Running through someone doesn't interrupt a channel. Fail.

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Anyway, I agree that they need to get rid of the knockbacks, or at least put them on longer cooldowns, and give them to less Classes. This game has way too much CC in general. And autofacing shouldn't be in, period


What? You don't think an assassin tank should have an aoe knockback? Or a jugg tank a force push? I mean it certainly makes sense a melee AC should have the ability to not only pull in the enemy but also mass push them off.../facepalm


Iirc Assassins also have some sort of ability that gives them immunity to all CC for 5 seconds as well. If they're going to keep knockbacks in the game everyone should have an ability like that, kinda like the pvp trinket ability.

Edited by Jooji
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Premades is what it is, cant really tell people not to play as a team in a team based game, jsut because most people are to lazy to make their own.


Knockbacks are a pain in *** yea, way to many of them, and auto facing needs to go to.


Not all people are lazy. Some, like me have responsibilities which do not take place at static times and also different work shifts. No premade will really take you in if you can't play regularly when the rest are online.

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I wouldn't be against the idea of a queue like CoD had with Mercenary TDM. If anyone is unfamiliar it is team death match that doesn't allow any groups to enter the queue. That way if you want to just play alone you're not going to run into pre-made teams at all. However, I don't really see that being much of an option until cross-server warzones are implemented.
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MM so i can tell you play alone, and play melee

Why is that obvious?


I think they should remove stealth and give my class my root abilities as if they nerf knocbacks it would render my class pretty useless in PVP.


Hell why not just gimp all the classes except mine, or just make every class exactly the same.


Leave the damn autoface and knockbacks alone, this game is doing somethign different, thank god!

It sounds like you just want to play WoW, this isnt wow so leave here and go play there.


I agree on one aspect, premades, they should be put int he same pot as other grouped ppl and solo queueing people should pool with solo.


Everything else was rubbish mate.

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Autoface- melee trying to use speed bursts to run and jump in circles through a caster, if they get rid of autoface, they need to add CD to balance it out. As is, autoface is a good thing to have in, only WoW rogues who are used to sprinting through enemies while keeping up stunlocks really benefit from it being gone.


Knockbacks- not the reason WAR failed, at all, that's a completely stupid argument. Just because WAR had it, and WAR failed, doesn't mean the two have any sort of relation. Knockbacks are fun- albeit they're a bit overused, but, without them, let's face it, Huttball games would never less more than three minutes. They have a purpose, and resolve prevents you from being batted around endlessly.


Premades- meh, they're never going away- with luck there will be a competitive bracket for them in time. Once there's a 50v50 bracket, you'll find those 50 premades aren't nearly as good as they seem- and were really winning off the face that they had full expertise gear and were stomping level 15s.

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Autoface is stupid I agree, but depending on lag it may be impossible not to get constant interrupts. As long as autoface only works on abilities where you have to be stationary.


If they removed autoface they would need a window of time where the game didn't check for facing, or all abilities would fail.

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