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Jedi Guardian PvP Movie - INSANE CRITS!


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I played a Guardian at first, I thought they looked cool. And I liked the single saber style.

I quit at lvl 17 because I thought killing stuff was too slow and un-dynamic.


I rolled a Shadow and kept enjoying myself.

My friends started to complain like: Omg how can you stop playing that imba class?


But I see now: you're a 1 skill class.

That AoE whirlwind must feel so boring to press.


Otherwise, nice video!

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Hello, I just made a PvP movie, hope you guys like it







Screenshot of one of the footage: (NOT the highest crit shown in video)




New screenshot of new record crit I just got: (not in the movie)



i can see another nerf coming that has got to be nerfed no freaking way is that gonna stay like that.

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People aren't reading, and think a Guardian can just hit that hard. Its Biochem buffs. That ability without expertise or bio chem would be critting for 2.9k. With all the stacked buffs from biochem,double expertise buff, it can hit for 7k+ on a lightly armored target.
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That AE Burst, Perma slow, Guard and Taunt makes the Guardian/Juggernaut the best Melee in the Game.


But people only care about Damage, so probably Operative/Scoundrel will stay the #1 OP class in this Forum?


A tank class that can spam AOE hits for more than the smug/op single target, only from behind, only from stealth, 9second CD opener.....


NEWFLASH almost ever class i this game has something that is very OP. They seem to be going for some sort of OP equilibrium

Edited by da_krall
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No screenshots, build post or stat chart.


Don't need a bunch of copy cats who can figure it out for themselves.


Happens in EVERY game and I'm kind of tired of it.


Someone finds an efficient build, everyone copies it, it gets nerfed.



Edit: And that's because the majority of players take the easy road.


AkA play known overpowered class /specs.

Edited by Tiaa
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maybe many here will remember one particular World of Warcraft PvP Video - PAT


showing insane ownage critz with a very overbuffed character on very undergeared enemies only creates a feeling of "nerfnerfnerf" just likely to make the community pressure the developers to implement completely unneccessary nerfs to a fine class.


insane critz are a matter of circumstances, not about class.

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A tank class that can spam AOE hits for more than the smug/op single target, only from behind, only from stealth, 9second CD opener.....


NEWFLASH almost ever class i this game has something that is very OP. They seem to be going for some sort of OP equilibrium


Yeah, with the difference that Guardian has Taunts, -damage for the team, Gap Closer and strong defensive cooldowns. But like i said, people only care about damage.

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Video is legit. He hits quite hard, nothing imbalanced though.


Are you kidding?


A tank class should not be critting AoE for 8000 damage. players only have like 15k geared at level 50.


This game is so overtuned for damage that pvp is basically broken until bioware addresses these massive damaging attacks that every class seems to have.


PvP should be more then a 2 shot fest.

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So it's just like all the high crit operative videos then?


Edit: Yeah, except the part in THE FIRST 30 SEONDS on Illum where he AOE's all 50's.


Edit 2: And the part at about 5:30 where he takes down a 50 BH with 16k health while a 43 and 19 beat on him, then kills them too without grabbing the heal powerup.


Edit 3: And the part at 6:05 where he shreds a 31 while a 50 Op beats on him the entire time then kills him too.


Edit 4: And the appropriate finale where he takes on three 50's at once followed by a fourth and wipes the floor with them. Yeah, I would love to see an Operative do that. I know for a fact I couldn't even with adrenals if they had half a brain between them.


So yeah, NERF GUARDIANS/JUGGS!!! DO IT!!! WE HAVE UNDENIABLE PROOF NOW!!! rabble rabble rabble ect. ect.


Hardly any of those 50s were in PvP gear.


A BH with 16k health doesn't even have all his Champion gear yet.


Expertise needs to be removed from the game to normalize PvP.


Instead it should be replaced with PvP set bonuses that only work in PvP. Things like you have a 15% chance to resist a stun or 10% to resist a knockback come to mind.


Resilience ruined WoW PvP, and was a major contributing factor as to why I quit that game a few months after BC. I feel that I may also leave this game, or stop trying to seriously PvP because of Expertise.

Edited by AidenPryde
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8k crit on an all-day-long-spammable skill by a tank vs a possible 9-10k by burst damage op once in a while squishy.


clearly everything is op.


people just need to whine less and l2p.


With this in mind anyone though about a build like this?




my guess is stack crit/surge, use crit surge ruins and stack it with the buffs like the op, but your smash is now instant use and cost no rage and you have unstoppable so after you charge you can bubble and use range for slows to setup a big hit smash.




Possible Immortal build built around smash critical and an unchanneled shockwave builder. + Soresu stance.


Less damage more survivability.

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Any post containing the words "tank class" need to just stop. Guardian has a tanking spec, but this guy ain't in it. It's like calling Scoundrals/Op a healing class.


8k crit on an all-day-long-spammable skill


Once every 12 seconds, with setup required, is spammable?

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just hit for 10k record crit








I'll take your 10036 on your Guardian and up you a 10298 on my Op. Mine was single-target, btw ;)




Wish I had screenshotted my 10886.


I formally welcome you to future "nerf xxx class" thread by noobs who don't know what damage classes are capable of at 50 with gear and buffs. Of course, only look at damage -- nothing else.

Edited by jbrdude
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Thats *********** crazy, Im not even getting close to that damage being a SNIPER. I have nothing to give to a team besides damage and quick kills and a Jedi guardian who has SO MUCH utility like taunt/guard and also has MASSIVE defenses like Heavy Armor and offhand Shield generator . . . .


Seriously, im in almost full champion gear with my Sniper. WIth 150 cunning flask, +600 power adrenal and +220 surge cooldowns together the highest ambush crit I see is 4100.




This damn Jedi is doing 5k like its nothing.


Brb, rerolling

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