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Your favourite line of dialogue?(possible spoilers)


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"Do I have to ignite my lightsaber to get your attention?" - Warrior arguably has the best line delivery in the entire game. Confident without being cocky. He just always sounds completely certain of himself and his abilities. Props to Mark Bazeley, the VA who brought the male SW to life. :D
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I like what the SW says to Darth Baras when he's interrogating a prisoner. The prisoner won't spill the secrets and Baras gets really mad. He yells something (that i don't remember) and the SW says:


"What a fine pair of lungs you've got there."


I don't know if that's exactly what he said, but it was hilarious!

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I like what the SW says to Darth Baras when he's interrogating a prisoner. The prisoner won't spill the secrets and Baras gets really mad. He yells something (that i don't remember) and the SW says:


"What a fine pair of lungs you've got there."


I don't know if that's exactly what he said, but it was hilarious!


That whole convo is a great opportunity to troll Baras. You should see his response to "Is there a problem here?" LOL

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BH quest: When Darth Bad'*** comes storming onto the bridge, taking out every republic in his path AND his own men for the hell of it, gault says "If I'm betraying you, it's to THAT guy"


And also the SI part where Kallig says watch your back, don't be surprised by anyone... and then Zash calls you, saying she has a gift. There's an option Oh? and then the SI goes "I LOVE SURPRISES!!! :3"

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I started an IA, and just picked up Kaliyo as a companion. In our chat she says:


"I was looking to trade up anyway...and I'm guessing I can ride you a way before you break."


That's what we need: Fewer double crosses and more double entendres.

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Kaliyo, upon introducing her to some alderaanian Noble (after all i pose as a noble myself). The Noble thinks shes exotic, she: "Yeah i crawled out of my moms womb and grabbed a blaster, now i watch over your new friend"


Doc Lokin in the scene where you discover his secret, after transforming back: "Ah that was refreshing."

Edited by Kheldras
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I have a couple...


First from Kaliyo's storyline. During the mission when she is telling my IA why she left her home planet, and you ask for some clarification...


"When you say... stoned..?" Or something along those lines.


And my other favourite line is from 2V-R8.


"The galaxy will continue trembling at your approach if it knows what's good for it master. Maker knows, I do."

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Some random Imperial officer you run into on Dromund Kaas tells you about how he executed his whole squad for conspiring against him because they were holding secret meetings and talking when they thought he wasn't listening. He then finishes his monologue with:


"...how was I supposed to know they were planning a SURPRISE PARTY in honor of my promotion?!?!?"


Favorite line of the game.

Edited by Hraken
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There's a quest on Hoth where you end up working with the Imperials for a common cause. When the Imp leader insists his men will he there to back you up the Trooper says "You stab me in the back, I will shoot you in the face." I play a fem Trooper so hearing Jennifer Hale say that made me all kinds of giddy.
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Honestly, I can't pick an all time favorite line, except for maybe Master Orgus Din's


"If this thing eats us, you're fired!"


Just the way he said it reminded me of an old Sergeant Major I knew when I was in, back in the day. Same no nonsense gruff demeanor. lol


There are so many good lines in the game, though. It's insane. lol

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