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Endgame Sorcerer gearing -- PvE and PvP


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So, for all the 50 Sorcerers out there -- what stats should I prioritize for endgame PvE and PvP? For reference, I play Corruption spec, but I'm interested in advice on all three specs. So far, this is the knowledge I'm working off of (based on research thus far):


- Endurance as high as possible (duh)

- Willpower as high as possible (duh x2)

- Critical Rating as high as possible (25% or more with items)

- Power (I'm assuming this is another "as high as reasonably possible" thing?)

- Accuracy Rating (roughly 1% per 28 -- do I need this at 105% or 110%?)

- Alacrity Rating (should I prioritize this over Surge?)

- Surge Rating (should I even prioritize this at all?)

- Expertise (as high as possible for PvP gear)


I'm mostly confused over whether I should prioritize Alacrity or Surge (and why), how much Accuracy % I need for PvE and PvP, and what general targets I should be trying to hit for everything else for PvP and entry-level raiding. Thoughts?

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You don't really need accuracy as a Sorcerer, except, some say, in PvP. But I haven't noticed any real need for it in either PvE or PvP, tbh.


IMO, you need to find a balance between Alacrity and Surge. Depending on the gear, I have about 8-11% alacrity and 63-75% Surge. When you're talking about alacrity, you are talking about 0.1s of a second.


IRC, with about 40 alacrity, Dark Infusion casting time drops 0.2 without Resurgance and even less when you cast Resurgance.


Open up your character sheet and change it to Force; observe and experiment. One particular set of boots gets me 5% more surge for 0.2 more casting time. I think it is worth it. Some, not so much.


On the other hand, if you go full Alacrity, as some do, you will achieve formidable casting times, which comes very handy in HM flashpoints and operations, considering that the operation frames are bugged (I've seen them lagging at least a second). Not so relevant in PvP.


tl;dr: As a healer, you have two options: find a balance between Surge and Alacrity or go Full Alacrity (50% Surge). Drop Accuracy.

Edited by Xehoz
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prioritize willpower over endurance for pve. it might be different for pvp but i dont see how.


crit caps at 30 percent, power never caps. with the way diminishing returns works in this game at some point stacking crit is gonna be less beneficial than going power.


same with surge only it caps at 50 percent.


personally to me alacrity is not that great of a stat for sorcerers. well maybe lightning with all the cast times, madness is all instants. alacrity dont affect HOTS or DOTS as in making them tick more often, just makes the total time lower, it doesnt lower the GCD unless the spell cast time is lower than the GCD. I havent noticed alacrity affect the cooldown on death field at all, the tool tip says its still 15 seconds where all my other spells tooltips are reduced. thought it was just a tooltip error but i timed it and it is indeed still 15 seconds and should be 14. something. so to me alacrity is the last thing i would try to gear for.


to me its crit rating to a decent amount 27 or 28 percent or so, surge rating to 70 to 80 percent than straight power. that is what im looking at right now though, havent done all the maths yet to figure out when diminishing returns on some of this stuff gives less benefit than power but that is what im gonna shoot for at this time.

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