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SWTOR Arenas: How it Should be Done


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^ It's never hard to tell who is bad at arenas...


Asking to have arenas not implemented because YOU don't enjoy them is asinine. Bioware just needs to find a sound way to balance the entire game, that way people who like to play warzones can without being effected. If you still don't want arenas even if it is balanced because you're not good enough to get the gear/win games, then deal with it and get better.


I also think that bioware should have a rating requirement for each piece of gear and have them spread apart more than wow did. Past 2.2k in wow there was nothing to work torwards other then titles. Good players should be rewarded.


Wow not true. I (believe me or not, I don't care) was good in arenas. Thing is, and why I do not support this idea, or any arena ideas, is the horrible crowd it brings with it. There is a game called WoW that has this already. If you really enjoy it, why are you not playing it there. The player base is still high and it hasn't gone anywhere.


I did love arenas when they came out, and I was good at it, but if I had known what I do now, about them, and all the BS and horrible people that it brought in, I would have opposed it straight to the depths of hell it belongs in. It ruined a once great game, with a horrible increase of trolls/arseholes/immature adults and children.


People have seemed to forget what RPG is, or don't care, especially this crowd it brings. I want one mmoRPG to at least retain its true sense. Bring on the beloved D&D nerds, and leave this crowd out of a great game with a hopeful friendly bright community future.


TL/DR: I love PvP, I love RPGs. I also love a friendly helpful community. Keep arenas out.

Edited by Zappa
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I can see you're a little confused, the correct answer for how it should have been done, was indeed, not at all. Arena's are bad. If you want highly competitive PvP, play a game with a skill ceiling. World PvP is the only thing MMOs have going for it that other genres don't do better as far as PvP goes - at least until Planetside 2 comes along assuming it's half as good as the original.
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everyone is so happy to spew "this is a MMO" etc etc trying to put down PvPers are the bane of existance in these games. come one. say it proper M.M.O.R.P.G oh wait where did these 3 letter come from? people seem to forget the idea its still a roleplaying game.


if you consider Huttball a form of arena/sport event then you can figure out quite quickly that there WILL be professional huttball players doing this for a living. Im sure a universe such as this would be able to find at least a handfull of players who are willing to play SOME form of organised gladiatoric sport. I mean Romans had their gladiators so its not too far fetched fantasy.


The problem in all MMORPGs is people like to do carebear stuff sin coombayaa and PvE ad nauseoum and cry when they ger roflstomped in open world PvP because they dont know how to use their class.


point of example.

I used to play WoW on an RP server and enjoyed it a bit. very bad economy. almost nothing moved on the market. people were too keen to just craft things for others for free they even gave you discount on using their own mats and it was UTOPIA if you will. nice and relaxing.

so when you wanted to organise a PvP raid on another city or a proper raid in general it was like trynig to organise kindergarden kids to do anything. it was hard to make money and even harder to gear up because very few people wanted to improve as there was no competition, no gain in having best gear than just bragging rights.


As the top 3 guilds cleared Raid content slowly most other guilds asked to tag along so they can get soem gear too. they even paid to get a spot even had to buy Dragon points with money so they can be allowed to roll on MC gear.


at the time though i was too happy to just sit arround gather daisies, drink late, eat tofu and sing coombayaa to notice how bad things were. We had an awesome community but it was more akin to ahippie commune than a real world.


When BC came out i went to a PvP server. I can tell you that leveling on a PvP server with a proper world pvp teaches you more about playing your class to its fullest than my whole experience on the RP server. the PvP server economy was cutthroat too. useless junk never moved. only the best quality, consumables and some vanity stuff were the biggest movers. The constant struggle to level also contributed to learn to set up my keayboard setup for better violent action manuevers. Mobs rarely push your class to its limits but real people do every confrontation.


and then you have Arenas the pinacle of the PvP existance. sure class balance and group composition play a big role but you cant be lazy and expect to do good in PvP as you can in PvE.


sure raids require focus, time commitment and some knowledge of your class but the encounters do not change. the boss will always do his sets of manuevers and yoyu study this and eventualy you farm it.


hard to farm competitive Arenas where yuo have to work for your rewards.


Since PvP gear is different and 'incompatible' with PvE raid gear I do not see why should hard.core pvpers be denied playing in this awesome environment.


As for awards not beig given and just a name on a ladder, name on a ladder may be enough of a carrot for some people but if you consider time envested in such PvP, stress and skill needed to stay on top and then say compare to raid drops for similar time investment it becomes clear that name on a ladder is not enough. you nead something you can show for. ingame titles maybe but gear will go along way to intice players to keep improving themselves.


People that cry arenas ruin the game fail to support their predjudice with evidence.




PvPers want THE BEST OF THE BEST in gear, consumables and addons, they dont have time to grind as much as others and only grind for upkeep of their lifestyles. so they are likely to pick up professions that benefit their PvP directly and buy the rest from the market.

BUY= market stimulation and is good for the economy.

The raiders do the same but in a different set os stats.


so why is this detrimental to the game?

you now have 2 separate outlets to flog your wares to.


Arenas can not come in fast enough if you ask me. they can balance classes after if they want. I just want some good old a55 kickin 2v2 or 3v3 even.

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I would only want areas implemented if they were to follow this model. Arenas after season 4 ruined wow for me (Played as 2200 in 2's and 2400 in 3's).


If rewards are implemented in a wow style it will spell a quick end for this game

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To start, i will NOT continue to play this game without competitive/ranked pvp, and i know a lot of friends that aren't playing because they seem to be dodging it.

im taking my time leveling, because there is no reason to cap without being able to pvp competitively.


In response to single arena bracket:

simply best idea ever. that's it. bottom line.


In response to balance:

I'm no game designer, but it seems pretty clear. You should only have to balances classes around PVP.

It seems much simpler to balance PVE around the classes??? :confused: earth shattering concept i know. Zybak's proposal is one method amongst a myriad of potential methods to accomplish this easily. (a pretty good one at that)


And finally, in response to PVP reward:

This is a must IMO. i understand what Zybak is saying about this being sell-able, but most everyone wants SOME trinket to show for their efforts:cool:. Money will always find away to attack the integrity of things.

However, these rewards should in NO WAY grant ANY statistical advantage. Titles are great, but maybe make them only available while HOLDING the rank required?

I am also a fan of cosmetic tweaks as well.

I say implement titles and unique customizations as rewards immediately (with release of competitive pvp). Making them something that cant be sold is an issue for the back burner.



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Please no arena, blance should be around large groups not 3 v 3.

Area ruined wow and the sort of people it atracts are esports fools not mmo players, those sort of people are better off in fps games, they add nothing beneficial to the community.



Arena ruined WoW? yeah right.

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Arena ruined WoW? yeah right.


It did, hands down, community wise that is.


Here is what I do not get: Bioware has long stated there stance that there will be NO ARENAS. Why come to this game, then threaten to quit if they are not implemented, when, from the beginning, they said no anyway? Why'd you leave a game that had something you liked, to a game that doesn't have it, nor will have it at all, only to stamp your feet demanding it?

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It did, hands down, community wise that is.


Here is what I do not get: Bioware has long stated there stance that there will be NO ARENAS. Why come to this game, then threaten to quit if they are not implemented, when, from the beginning they said no anyway? Why'd you leave a game that had something you liked, to a game that doesn't have it, nor will have it at all, only to stamp your feet demanding it?


Well i played since launch and i cant say the same about arenas ruining community.


Anyways, they might aswell toss in 4 man arenas also since they are adding rated premade warzones soon. Im also sure that there will be nice rewards in their rated warzones for organized groups competing each others.

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It did, hands down, community wise that is.


Here is what I do not get: Bioware has long stated there stance that there will be NO ARENAS. Why come to this game, then threaten to quit if they are not implemented, when, from the beginning they said no anyway? Why'd you leave a game that had something you liked, to a game that doesn't have it, nor will have it at all, only to stamp your feet demanding it?


they will come arround. they want our money. they always come arround.


wow started as endless World War 1 like trech warfare at Tarren Mill grinding each other to death. it created a field of developers wet dream in data mining.


I know warriors fear bombs were balanced to only affect few people i think the first change was from infinite/ALL in range to 8 players max then it went lower or the range was lowered i forget, its been a while.


Those taht attained Field Marshall at Tarren Mill are proud to sport that title since that system was removed with the arival of battlegrounds so thos very special characters NEVER get deleted.


Imagine having a Title or tabard "2012 - Season 1 Champion" that stays with your for the rest of your characters existance not just for that season.


They WILL come arround. trust me. money is a great motivator and you wont get the money if you dont make the customers happy.

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I only picked up this game cause Im hopeful they will add Arena and give us some new maps from time to time.


3v3 should be the main thing, but I enjoy 2v2 cause I have a limited window of play and the MAJORITY of players have to much epeen issues, it's hard to find a cohesive group.


Would just want titles still as people like rewards in a MMORPG. Different titles for 2s and 3s would be cool but thats asking a bit much.


I know they are implementing the 8v8 rated, but organising a large group isn't easy and is annoying.


I prefer small scale so I can play with people I like not people I can tolerate, which is a huge difference in enjoyment

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Please no arena, blance should be around large groups not 3 v 3.

Area ruined wow and the sort of people it atracts are esports fools not mmo players, those sort of people are better off in fps games, they add nothing beneficial to the community.


No harm in adding an option. YOU don't need to participate!!


It didn't ruin wow Ghost Crawler did. Imagine if they only tweak things instead of 'hey lets up this damage by 110% and drop this guys heals by 45%'

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I can see you're a little confused, the correct answer for how it should have been done, was indeed, not at all. Arena's are bad. If you want highly competitive PvP, play a game with a skill ceiling. World PvP is the only thing MMOs have going for it that other genres don't do better as far as PvP goes - at least until Planetside 2 comes along assuming it's half as good as the original.


wow what a fight you put up, great examples and explanations... oh wait...

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I also think that bioware should have a rating requirement for each piece of gear and have them spread apart more than wow did. Past 2.2k in wow there was nothing to work torwards other then titles. Good players should be rewarded.

BW already stated they will not do that only cosmetic rewards, which is what it should be. Past 2.2k was always fun past 2.4 got even better as the games became better cept for any DK teams lol

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I feel like im spamming, but I just want to say Arena didnt ruin WOW the forums did and most of these same QQ babies came here too. Offerring several aspects to cater for more people is never a bad idea. Having all the same aspects from the most played MMORPG and doing it better is.
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Wow not true. I (believe me or not, I don't care) was good in arenas. Thing is, and why I do not support this idea, or any arena ideas, is the horrible crowd it brings with it. There is a game called WoW that has this already. If you really enjoy it, why are you not playing it there. The player base is still high and it hasn't gone anywhere.


So why did you leave WOW then???

I left cause I got bored of the same thing and dumb PR systems.

Go back to wow there is plenty of PVE there and its still the main focus. I cant get past apage without reading a dumb response, but ahh well more bumps

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No harm in adding an option. YOU don't need to participate!!


It didn't ruin wow Ghost Crawler did. Imagine if they only tweak things instead of 'hey lets up this damage by 110% and drop this guys heals by 45%'


He didn't say anything about it effecting gameplay mechanics, just community, and it truly did, around the end of season 2, beginning of season 3.


I played since pretty much launch, and EQ before WoW. I raided, and I did endgame PvP for awhile. I never had to big a problem with the mechanics affecting one another, you just adapted. No one is complaining it ruined game mechanics, only the community. This isn't some news flash, and its pretty agreeable around the net. E-sport crap brings in bad attitude players, and immature folk, as it did with WoW. Not saying all are, but a vast majority are. I did enjoy it, but then I didn't anymore, because of said community. I felt pretty alone being one of few 2k+ rated players who didn't have the terms "umadbro" and the term troll memorized and normally used. I tried to help people get better, with tips on comps and how to play a mage (what I played) effectively in arenas. I'm nice friendly guy, who helps people who don't quite know what they are doing and have no problem admitting someone is better then me in defeat.


Most "competitive" people are not this way, and have real bad attitudes. This only seems to derive in gaming, cause you definitely don't see this crap during football games, or practice. I sure didn't, if I wanted to continue playing. But I don't guess most gamers have really delved into organized sports. (that is not an insult, just an observation)

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So why did you leave WOW then???

I left cause I got bored of the same thing and dumb PR systems.

Go back to wow there is plenty of PVE there and its still the main focus. I cant get past apage without reading a dumb response, but ahh well more bumps


Because I am a gigantic star wars nerd/fanatic. And it stopped being fun because of community. Read above post. And learn some respect while you are at it, we may be anonymous people to each other, but we are still, said people.


Also I game to this game to both end game PvP and PVE. Preferably without arenas.

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