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Why oh why can I hurt other players if I am not PvP flagged?


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Name an MMO where catching an enemy player in an AoE, even if you were targeting an enemy with it first, does not throw you into PvP mode. Go ahead.


That's just how it works. If they're flagged, anyone and anything can and will do damage to them. If you do damage to someone, you become flagged.


RIFT. When I would be in Stillmoor killing RIFT spawn mobs, flagged players would run in and my Warlock AoE never flagged me nor did it ever damage them.

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RIFT. When I would be in Stillmoor killing RIFT spawn mobs, flagged players would run in and my Warlock AoE never flagged me nor did it ever damage them.


This heavily armored and much skinnier man that myself speaks more than 10 characters and truth!


Hat - Broach - Pterodactyl

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SWG. If you were not flagged pvp then this doesn't happen .




I played DAoC years ago, on that MMO there was no flags or ways to avoid PvP. What I learned from that experience is this: PvP Players can and WILL find all ways possible to engage in PvP. PvP Players WILL wait for you to be engaged in a PvE fight and THEN they will attack you. Standard PvP tactics. Same lesson I learned in EVE. Even in High Security Space Players found sneaky ways to get Players to "accidentally" trigger PvP. Many times it was the same trick the OP describes here... AoE damage. PvP Players want to fight even if you don't and find ways to bring the fight to you even if you don't want it.


At least in SWG if you didn't want to PvP no one, and I mean no one, could get you to "accidentally" attack other Players from what I remember. On a PvE Server that is the way it should be.

Edited by Kyrmius
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Pretty sure it was. It was OFF by default so tons of players never knew about it.


Yes in Rift it was off by default, and I found out the hard way. Thankfully a much more experienced Player there explained to me how to set the setting up for no auto PvP and I never had to PvP again.

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I choose to play on a PVE server so that I can PVP on my terms, not someone else's. I should not have to be the one to look out for others that are flagged for PVP or in any other way alter my playstyle to accomodate them; it should be the other way around. Afterall, that's why they have PVP servers to begin with.


I have not experienced this issue yet, but if it does exist the way the OP describes, then I would take issue with it and would certainly ask that it be looked into and fixed.

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I choose to play on a PVE server so that I can PVP on my terms, not someone else's. I should not have to be the one to look out for others that are flagged for PVP or in any other way alter my playstyle to accomodate them; it should be the other way around. Afterall, that's why they have PVP servers to begin with.


I have not experienced this issue yet, but if it does exist the way the OP describes, then I would take issue with it and would certainly ask that it be looked into and fixed.


It's difficult to understand why we can't get a simple answer to this after the period of time this thread has been open.


I WANT to subscribe to and play this game, but I won't until I'm sure of what the intent is here.


It this is an intended measure to "get us involved in PvP" I want no part of it.

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I played DAoC years ago, on that MMO there was no flags or ways to avoid PvP.


Actually there were two:


1) don't enter the frontier zones where PvP happened (and later Darkfall or whatever the PvP dungeon was) It wasn't possible for other factions to enter the home territories.


2) roll on the co-operative server, where there was no PvP at all.

Edited by VorpalK
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I have to agree. I have been watching this thread... it's been ongoing for 11 days. I'm just asking for official word one way or another. Is aoe splashing flagging a player on a PVE server intended or not?


If it is, so be it, I'll know how to respond to that (tbh I'll unsubscribe, in over 10 years of gaming I've never once been flagged for PVP on a PVE server without fully intending to PVP and purposefully performing an action to cause that flagging). If it is not, then I also know the dev's will be coming in with a fix at some point either soon or further down the line. I can wait patiently if that is the case.


About only 2 things will cause me to leave at this point. Not being able to chat with others and forced PVP against my will. You fixed the chat (thanks so much for that!! *happy customer*). But the first time I am out minding my own business questing and some opposing faction member sneaks into my AOE to flag me for ganking kicks... I'll be fit to be tied. Please fix this.

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happened to me and another jedi (not in party) today whilst doing the class quest on Hoth fighting to get through to the quest entrance a sith kept popping up when we were fighting groups and getting us flagged by running into AOE heals/abilities to kill us in seconds then hiding away again.


on a PvE server and have no interest in PvP (i will play TF2 if i want to kill other players), needs to be fixed...submitted a report in game but we know what will happen with that

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its a MMO, PvP is a part of it, pay some attention or go play a Single player game.


Actually, it's a MMORPG. Unless specified otherwise, RPG assumes that PvE-type content is the focus of the game. PvP on a PvE should be voluntary, period.


I think you would like a one faction, friendly game.


Such a stupid statement sounds like an excuse one would hear from someone ganking people 20 levels below them.


Fact of the matter is that, on a PvE server, one should not be flagged for PvP unless the player uses a single-target offensive ability on a flagged enemy player or uses a single-target heal on a flagged friendly player. Resurrecting a flagged player should either not cause a flag or should pop up a confirmation window. Entering a flash point or operation should also remove PvP flags.

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Gotta agree with most people in this thread. If you roll on a PVE server, pvp should only ever happen if you intentionally flag, or que up for a PVP match. People abusing AOE in order to cause others to become flagged should be reported as using a game exploit and/or griefing.
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So... you hit someone cause you weren't paying attention and now your wanting it fixed?


how about you don't AoE around other faction players?


Or... why not give a non-flagged player the ability to one-shot-kill a flagged enemy player? You think that's unfair? Just pay attention when you are around someone who is not flagged.


Seriously, we listed plenty of reasons why the current system is a bad idea. Name one reason why the current system is actually a good idea and why we should not get a simple checkbox "prevent any PvP action when not flagged" that we can set in the preferences.


By the way, there are people who manage to delete a toon by accident and want it restored. I have not seen anyone argue that these toons should not be restored, since the players could just pay more attention.

Edited by Shoraan
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I'm not a fan of pvp either, I'm just too unco, I always die within seconds before I get a chance to gather my bearings :o I learned very quickly in another MMO I use to play that being nice and healing people I'm not grouped with could possibly be to my detriment lol :p Needless to say I keep a low profile while out and about by myself... its scary to think I could accidentally flag myself, that would make me a very sad panda :(
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This definitely needs to be fixed. I was recently out with my guild doing a datacron run, and some of the 50s decided to grief a level 30 by flagging and getting into their AoE. Definitely not cool, as far as I am concerned that is griefing..and particularly pathetic griefing at that. If your companion does AoE it will also flag you, so that along with the fact that people can stealth makes the "just dont AoE if you see a flagged player" argument pretty thin. The bottom line is we pay for our game and no one should dictate how we are going to play it. If I am going to pvp it should be because I decide to..not some idiot griefer.
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