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Decking out a Deception (chain shock) specc


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I've been tossing around numbers and thoughts about my deception focused specc. The main issue I have now till I can declare it nailed down are four points either to spend in thrashing blades / recirculation or thrashing blades / static charges or recirculation / static charges.


I'm getting to the point were my head is so wound up that I can't stand the math. What would you say out of those three options will be the greatest increase in BURST DAMAGE.

Especially since I don't get static charges. Is it about every time the charge procs AND when discharging or only about discharging?


I tend to go with thrashing blades / recirculation because the priority list is VS > VS > SHOCK with the occasional discharge. which means that the main attack (VS) gets an increase of 6% in damage while discharge is ready more often. otherwise thrashing blades / static charges would give me 6% more damage per discharge AND/OR increased damage on proc.


So after this wobbly explanation of my dilemma what would you suggest taking?


BTW: This would be my specc: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200MZhGrRkhr0tzZf0c.1

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Interesting concept... I actually might try this out...


Personally I'm taking Thrashing Blades and Static Charge... and I'll tell you why I wont take Recirculation.


In my experience, the chances of getting 5 stacks of Static before the CD on Discharge is up is low... I can usually get about 3.. If I'm lucky (I'm currently spec'd for both Static and Circulation.)


To add to the low proc chance point (again this might just be me) your VS is a 100% to apply a charge for your shock. Meaning you'll get the most out of your abilities. Not taking Recirc also gives you more chance to build up charges before the CD is up.


One issue is your lack of fillers in-between the CD's Shock's CD is relatively short when you take into account GCDs of other. From what I've heard on the forums a lot of people are saying Shocks/Discharges are your strongest abilities... It might not be as beneficial to lose the ability to Discharge as often... But, like I said I'm not seeing the Procs/numbers I want to see from Discharge to think it's as good as people say it is... I see some big numbers occasionally but, nothing I'm impressed over and to be honest Maul does a surprisingly decent amount of damage with the spec I'm using so it's hard to say...



TL;DR I'd like to try this just not 100% sure how much you're giving up to be a little bit bursty...

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