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Playing vs Pre-Mades is frustrating, disrespectful...


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the amount of hate and "go make your own premade" comments in this thread astounds me.



The problem isn't premades. The problem is placing premades against groups of pugs. The people queuing solo CLEARLY dont want to (or no one is on) group up to PvP at that precise moment, so why should they be thrown against a team where, in all likelihood, they stand no chance of winning.



If you want to premade pvp, fine. Do it against other people who want to premade. I would even take part it that occasionally, but not as my main form of pvp.


Should always be pug vs. pug and premade vs. premade

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Definition - member of a pre-made group: A loser who doesn't have a real live or responsibilities that sits in team chat and awkwardly socializes with people they won't ever meet in real life or have any kind of meaningful relationship with....channeling all their pent up ****** frustration into a video game.


Sure, it's frustrating but you my good sir fail. Really.

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the amount of hate and "go make your own premade" comments in this thread astounds me.



The problem isn't premades. The problem is placing premades against groups of pugs. The people queuing solo CLEARLY dont want to (or no one is on) group up to PvP at that precise moment, so why should they be thrown against a team where, in all likelihood, they stand no chance of winning.



If you want to premade pvp, fine. Do it against other people who want to premade. I would even take part it that occasionally, but not as my main form of pvp.


Should always be pug vs. pug and premade vs. premade


How would you write code to determine the difference between a "pre-made" group and a "PUG"?


This is how, the players would have to designate themselves as such. Guess what? The majoirty that run almost exclusively Premade do so to give other players that are not in a Premade a beat down.


In other words, they would work around the constraint.

Edited by Quinlynn
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I remember back in the day when I had 10 to 15 real life friends who all played on one server. We would group for PvP and for the most part had a good time. There were plenty of matches where we paired up against a pug and slaughtered them...this was not fun and felt like we were just grinding out rep. Back then i would have preferred similar matching options.


Pre-mades should play other pre-mades, pugs should play other pugs so you limit the occurance of extremely noncompetitive matches.


If I could find a group of friends to pvp with every once in awhile and have a drink with on the weekend thta would be perfect but I just don't see that happening.


In life you're either a Sheep, or you're a Wolf, I choose to be the Wolf.

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people that premade knowing they're going to face pug groups are pretty much ezmode scrubs in my opinion. I'm all for premade pvp, as a matter of fact its my favorite form of pvp...when im' facing other premades. Pug stomping is for no talent clowns.



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the power gap from a geared toon to a level 11 new player is the biggest I have ever seen in an mmo. I've played many mmos and pvp'd in almost all of them.


why is it ok to have a series of 11-40s on your team vs all 50s? the queue system is quite bad. these should not be paired against each other, that's just a bad pairing.

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I don't see what's wrong with having a pug vs pug option. Why is everyone suggesting "make friends, make ur own premade"?


There are plenty of people that try to spend their limited game time on actually playing. It's not always easy to find enough good players, that happens to be on at the same time, and wants to do warzones at the same time, every time you feel like doing a warzone.


For PvE, there are enough solo quests that gets you to 50, giving players an OPTION to solo comfortably. I'm sure if bioware made PvE all 'group-only' content, and told people that complained to "make friends, or don't play", the game won't sell very well.


Nothing wrong with providing options for pug vs pug only queues or premade vs premade only queues as options, so players of all kind are catered for.

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Really? People need to quit ************ about others having fun with MULTIPLE people in an MMO.


"MMO: A massively multiplayer online game. A computer game in which a large number of players can simultaneously interact in a persistent world; A massively multiplayer online role-playing game"


Google it before you buy the game.


I get rocked by premades as well, but guess what I did. I asked around, got some lowbies together from general chat and we tore the other premade apart.


P.S. (Neither group was 50, much easier to do then. But it still happened and was pretty awesome.)


this game can be played and enjoyed solo for players that choose to do so. I've noticed when I grab a coffee at a local coffee shop I see people with laptops doing there thing alone but in the company of others, same difference. "don't buy the game unless you group" why cause of a Google definition, so rigid with you view man.

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Not PVP logic Mr. Opposite of smart. It's Psychology 101.


If you were in the game to have fun and a challenge, you would not care if you were in a Premade group or not.


Obviously you do care.


Try again.


If you really want to go into Psychology, you actually have a lot more to learn.


You took one aspect of a condition and made it absolute. That's not how it works.


"Meh, premades are just weenies that don't really like a challenge and can't handle losing. When they do lose, trust me, they probably smash their keyboard and throw the mouse out the window lol."


This is simply not an absolute. If you really did take Psychology (or understood the fundamentals) you would know there are various reasons and goals behind such groups.


There are many cases premades are to simply play with friends/guildmates and progress together. Yes, there are those groups that steamroll pugs and are happy about themselves. Those are the ones you can feel pity for. But aside from those groups, there are premades that are just playing to better themselves.


You're assuming that ALL premades are somehow elitists and are flawless at the game. That's simply untrue. There are groups that get together and show each other the ropes and are just there to support each other in a team environment. Premades can still lose if they're still relatively new to the concept of working together for a common goal.


And in psychology you should know that working toward a common goal is trained, and not a given. It is more natural for people to do things for themselves, and not trust people right off the bat. But once you train that trust and coordinate, that's what makes a team.


I can go on and on about other aspects of the human mind, but there's really no point. I'm just making a case that if you're going to use Psych101 to pad your points, you really should take your own advice. Jumping to absolute conclusions is highly immature for a person who claims to have a higher level of intelligence.


I know plenty of groups (back in wow), or where I was involved, that losing to another pre-made is not a rage thing, but a learning experience. If we're pissed, it's because we did something stupid that messed up the game for us. We learn from it, and carry on. That's how real teams play.

Edited by Lazorous
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People that premade knowing they're going to face pug groups are pretty much ezmode scrubs in my opinion. I'm all for premade pvp, as a matter of fact its my favorite form of pvp...when Im' facing other premades. Pug stomping is for no talent clowns.


Agreed, best post in this thread.

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In many cases I've joined pugs and as long as there are a few good players, we do just fine.


I worry there would not be enough opponents/pops if we separate 1-49, and then separate solo from groups...


But I agree in principle.


if only every other aaa mmo with bgs had found a solution to this problem. like server clusters sharing queues. that would be a great idea...

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the amount of hate and "go make your own premade" comments in this thread astounds me.



The problem isn't premades. The problem is placing premades against groups of pugs. The people queuing solo CLEARLY dont want to (or no one is on) group up to PvP at that precise moment, so why should they be thrown against a team where, in all likelihood, they stand no chance of winning.



If you want to premade pvp, fine. Do it against other people who want to premade. I would even take part it that occasionally, but not as my main form of pvp.


Should always be pug vs. pug and premade vs. premade


Couldnt have said it better myself.

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