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Ninjas - why do they still do it?


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I won't jack a node if someone is killing the mobs next to it. However, if someone does not reciprocate that courtesy, I will promptly follow them and jack their nodes. I won't start it, but if they do I will return the favor in spades.


hahahaha that is actually what I did a few days ago. I even helped someone out who was almost dying (healed him a few times) and a minute later who stole my node. twice.


so what do I do? of course I steal his nodes right back



apart from that I usually shrug it off, but that dude just took it a little too far.

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I'm actually conflicted on this. On one hand, it does seem rude to not merge when you know the lane is ending, but on the other hand, if everyone merges early, then there's an entire lane left open, and traffic starts backing up when it could be spread out.


On topic, though, people tend to be selfish. It sucks, but I usually just sigh and move on.




I don't know about the USA but over here in Germany it's actually law to stick to the 'zipper rule' (meaning you .have. to go to the end of the lane and then it goes 1 left, 1 right, 1 left, 1 right...)

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Welcome to the human race.

Many only care about themselves.


When I see this behavior I think of my 8 - 12 year old children.


Some only care about themselves. I would never do this and my 7-year old daughter would know not to do this.

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Why do people feel it's still reasonable to walk right past someone fighting some mobs guarding a security chest or gathering node and just take it? They could at least wait a few seconds to see if that's what the fighting player is going after. I've had this happen to me many times in this game already.








its funny you mention this scenario, because this happened to me lastnight. so im fighting the mob infront of whatever i have to deactivate, it gets taken by another guy, i tell him literally to go F himself, he than questions why i would be upset as he had done nothing wrong? some people are just ignorant of their actions and dotn even realize what they are doing. than again, some people are also just *****.

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Ninja do it because Bioware allows them to do.

Bioware copied everything from WoW except the most useful tools, like the LFG tool, the PVP system, a decent Auction House, and the anti-ninja tool (where a Plate wearer cannot Need a piece of Cloth Armor even if he can wear it)

Bioware just overlooked the things that make a great MMO from an average one.

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Why do people feel it's still reasonable to walk right past someone fighting some mobs guarding a security chest or gathering node and just take it? They could at least wait a few seconds to see if that's what the fighting player is going after. I've had this happen to me many times in this game already.






Yeah, this has happened to me too a bunch of times, last time I was doing one of the first quests on Hoth, fought some mobs guarding a sensor or whatever, a jk comes by on his speeder takes the sensor and moves on, sure it respawned before the mobs but it was frickin annoying anyway.


If someone is fighting a mob that's guarding an object I'm also out for I wait to see if they get it first or if they were just after the kills if not I take it, if they do I can just wait for it to spawn again. the only exception is holocrons and the like since they aren't rendered unusable if I take it while someone else is fighting the guard.


Some people are just rude f***s.

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Ninja do it because Bioware allows them to do.

Bioware copied everything from WoW except the most useful tools, like the LFG tool, the PVP system, a decent Auction House, and the anti-ninja tool (where a Plate wearer cannot Need a piece of Cloth Armor even if he can wear it)

Bioware just overlooked the things that make a great MMO from an average one.




Then you prevent someone who says "Hey folks my main companion can really use that as an upgrade, do you mind if I need?" from rolling need if the rest of the group doesn't care.


You seem to forget that companions aren't Warlock Pets or the latest dumbed down Hunter pets.

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It is annoying but since this has happened to a great many players, I'm sure BW is aware and they likely have some fixes coming down the pipe - they'd be foolish not to do so. Especially the reset timer on quest objects - that's one of the sillier things BW did with this game.


I like this thread:


1) It brings a problem to BW's attention, and;


2) It draws the ninjas to this thread like flies on dog poop -- and I get to place them on ignore.

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Then you prevent someone who says "Hey folks my main companion can really use that as an upgrade, do you mind if I need?" from rolling need if the rest of the group doesn't care.


You seem to forget that companions aren't Warlock Pets or the latest dumbed down Hunter pets.


Doesn't matter if it's not as dumb of a pet as in WoW. The point is that other players who are actually there doing the FP or heroic, or what have you, are more important than your companion, always. Common sense, really.

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Ninja do it because Bioware allows them to do.

Bioware copied everything from WoW except the most useful tools, like the LFG tool, the PVP system, a decent Auction House, and the anti-ninja tool (where a Plate wearer cannot Need a piece of Cloth Armor even if he can wear it)

Bioware just overlooked the things that make a great MMO from an average one.


I am pretty sure Blizzard hasn't implemented anything that would prevent a ninja from taking a node/chest which you just cleared.

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It's the worst thing about our wonderful advancing technology.


People don't get pounded as much any more for their d-baggery. Used to be, social stupidity would get you shunned or smacked.


No consequences = bad behavior. It's human nature.


Most of these people don't even know that they are d-bags. That's the worst part. As you can see from some of the posts already in this thread, people can justify anything. Total lack of self awareness...


Edit: I mean, think about the concept of no consequences for yourself too... If you knew, you *absolutely knew* that you could steal 10 million dollars with *no chance* of getting caught... No chance at all.... Would you steal that money? It's just a degree thing.


They are just willing to be a D-Bag for a Green Item in a chest and you only think about it for 10 million dollars. Lol.

Edited by pjskull
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It's the worst thing about our wonderful advancing technology.


People don't get pounded as much any more for their d-baggery. Used to be, social stupidity would get you shunned or smacked.


No consequences = bad behavior. It's human nature.


Most of these people don't even know that they are d-bags. That's the worst part. As you can see from some of the posts already in this thread, people can justify anything. Total lack of self awareness...


Edit: I mean, think about the concept of no consequences for yourself too... If you knew, you *absolutely knew* that you could steal 10 million dollars with *no chance* of getting caught... No chance at all.... Would you steal that money? It's just a degree thing.


They are just willing to be a D-Bag for a Green Item in a chest and you only think about it for 10 million dollars. Lol.


No, I wouldn't steal 10 million dollars, I have integrity.

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Why do people feel it's still reasonable to walk right past someone fighting some mobs guarding a security chest or gathering node and just take it? They could at least wait a few seconds to see if that's what the fighting player is going after. I've had this happen to me many times in this game already.






It doesn't have your name on it. For all they know you're killing the mobs for a quest and don't even have the right gathering skill for the node. I hardly ever have stuff like that happen to me anyway so it doesn't really matter. The people who are against it are far worse. I accidentally harvested some node some dude though was his birthright the other day so he calls me all kinds of names and follows me around harvesting anything I even go near and stealing my quest objectives for at least half an hour until I got tired of it and switched instances and put him on ignore. It's just a resource node, people. They respawn and there are tons of them. There's literally an infinite supply. Don't get so butthurt over insignificant things.

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I am pretty sure Blizzard hasn't implemented anything that would prevent a ninja from taking a node/chest which you just cleared.


Well, they have actually implemented tapped nodes so if you touch it and then enter combat, no-one else can take it. I guess that could be a solution, and then we'd know to start gathering/taking even if we know we'll get interrupted by combat.



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This reminds me of something that happened on my alt yesterday on Tatooine. I was in an area trying to complete a bonus mission (stage 2) which was to find and destroy some water tanks. The vast majority of sand people in the area were cleared out as stage 1 of the bonus mission required you to kill a number of them. Without needing to fight anything any longer, I hopped on my hoverbike to search for the glowies. Me and this BH spotted one next to the final objective tent so we both headed towards it. I was on my bike and he was on foot so naturally, I beat him to it. He obviously wasn't too pleased about that so he started saying things like "f***** a*****" in general chat to which I made no response because frankly, twits like him is of no consequence to me. Better to just ignore him than putting my brain cells in harms way by listening to his senseless drivel.


Now with stage 2 completed, I parked myself at the final stage tent waiting for the boss to respawn. This twit then came over and started spamming his BH AoE attacks on top of me for the next 30 seconds and aggroed the mob as soon as it spawned, thereby claiming the kill. I guess I *could have* reported him but the GM probably wouldn't have taken action. I just wish he had tried to aggro the boss one more time, even after his objective was completed, so I would have had a more solid footing in reporting him for griefing.


The moral of the story is, sometimes "ninjaing" is a perception issue. While one person feel that he is entitled to get the first crack at something, another person can also feel the exact same way. Unless the action was clearly intentional and beyond blatant, it is hard to determine who was right and who was wrong.

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It's the worst thing about our wonderful advancing technology.


People don't get pounded as much any more for their d-baggery. Used to be, social stupidity would get you shunned or smacked.


No consequences = bad behavior. It's human nature.


Most of these people don't even know that they are d-bags. That's the worst part. As you can see from some of the posts already in this thread, people can justify anything. Total lack of self awareness...


Edit: I mean, think about the concept of no consequences for yourself too... If you knew, you *absolutely knew* that you could steal 10 million dollars with *no chance* of getting caught... No chance at all.... Would you steal that money? It's just a degree thing.


They are just willing to be a D-Bag for a Green Item in a chest and you only think about it for 10 million dollars. Lol.

I'm dirt broke right now because of a long chain of people screwing me over so yeah I'd take the money. I figure the world owes me a solution to the problem it created.

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