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Ninjas - why do they still do it?


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Why do people feel it's still reasonable to walk right past someone fighting some mobs guarding a security chest or gathering node and just take it? They could at least wait a few seconds to see if that's what the fighting player is going after. I've had this happen to me many times in this game already.





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Why do people feel it's still reasonable to walk right past someone fighting some mobs guarding a security chest or gathering node and just take it? They could at least wait a few seconds to see if that's what the fighting player is going after. I've had this happen to me many times in this game already.






Well, they are sneaky. Must've been great ninjas in their previous life.

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Welcome to the human race.

Many only care about themselves.


When I see this behavior I think of my 8 - 12 year old children.


They still have that 'Me Me Me!!' defect that life needs to ween out of them.


I have had it happen to me as well.

But I know I will get to harvest another node, and get the spawn when it returns.


That person will still be an ***hat after he/she logs off.

Edited by Fraxture
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Why do people feel it's still reasonable to walk right past someone fighting some mobs guarding a security chest or gathering node and just take it? They could at least wait a few seconds to see if that's what the fighting player is going after. I've had this happen to me many times in this game already.






That's like asking why people urinate on the toilet seat or take up 2 spots when they park.


There is simply no accounting for d-baggery.

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I think the simple answer is because they can. These people are a minority of players however they know that they can act horribly with no negative consiquence what so ever. The only thing that eases it a bit for me is that they are such horrible pepople here they probably act in a similar way in RL and there they do face consequences for their selfishness such as deserved isolation. Edited by DevonDs
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Why do people feel it's still reasonable to walk right past someone fighting some mobs guarding a security chest or gathering node and just take it? They could at least wait a few seconds to see if that's what the fighting player is going after. I've had this happen to me many times in this game already.






well, I do it because I honestly don't care if that player takes longer to complete his quest. I want to finish my quest. I get it too, I've literally had to sit in front of a console waiting to destroy it because the 3 or 4 people who came after me happen to have a better latency and destroy the console before I could.


The thing is if you're so careful about being friendly to people you're going to be spending a lot of time watching other people grab that last node you want. I'm not saying you should go out of your way to do it but I'm fine with it happening to me if I can do it to others.

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Why do people feel it's still reasonable to walk right past someone fighting some mobs guarding a security chest or gathering node and just take it? They could at least wait a few seconds to see if that's what the fighting player is going after. I've had this happen to me many times in this game already.





Most people are jerks.


But on the plus side, the sooner they loot it, the sooner it'll respawn. Waiting around just means both of you have to wait longer.

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well, I do it because I honestly don't care if that player takes longer to complete his quest. I want to finish my quest. I get it too, I've literally had to sit in front of a console waiting to destroy it because the 3 or 4 people who came after me happen to have a better latency and destroy the console before I could.


The thing is if you're so careful about being friendly to people you're going to be spending a lot of time watching other people grab that last node you want. I'm not saying you should go out of your way to do it but I'm fine with it happening to me if I can do it to others.


Do unto others before they do unto you?


Is that the idea?

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Do unto others before they do unto you?


Is that the idea?


I won't jack a node if someone is killing the mobs next to it. However, if someone does not reciprocate that courtesy, I will promptly follow them and jack their nodes. I won't start it, but if they do I will return the favor in spades.

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Why do people feel it's still reasonable to walk right past someone fighting some mobs guarding a security chest or gathering node and just take it? They could at least wait a few seconds to see if that's what the fighting player is going after. I've had this happen to me many times in this game already.






you know its funny, somebody accused me of doing this. Right after their group member had stolen one from me and then the duo had gone to the next set and gotten themselves killed by the mobs guarding it. Of COURSE i LET the mobs kill them since they were foolish enough to bit off more than they could chew and proceeded to take their quest obj and loot box. Still I did end up having to report them for harassment afterward because they were calling me unacceptable names and such.


My opinion of course is that ninja's are selfish and should be persecuted, but I believe I was in the right taking "their" stuff since they took mine AND they could not kill the mobs guarding themselves.


Was I in the wrong and deserving to be called names and harassed?

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Same experience with running FPs and people rolling need for companion gear and getting it over something that would have been a great upgrade for you.


I think the main reason is because the game allows for anonymity.


For example, I ran a FP with a Sith Warrior - I'm a Bounty Hunter. The last boss dropped a rare blaster. He rolls need on it, gets it and then tells me this


"I know that's sneaky of me, but my companion needs it and I don't know you and probably won't meet up with you again..."


Logs off...


People don't care because they don't know you, will only interact with you for that brief moment and then they'll move on and totally forget about it a minute later.


Sucks but that's how it is. I wish there was a way you could hold them accountable. Maybe like flag them so eventually they get bad rep that everyone could see. But that'll never happen.

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Do unto others before they do unto you?


Is that the idea?


This is unfortunately the idea that most people use in MMO's. It has happened to me once in a while and i usually ignore those people permanently. There wasn't one in WOW, but does anybody know if there is a way to put an information in your ignore list here about why you ignored that person?

Edited by Ruthlessboy
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because we can. you should have killed them faster or evaded my attempts to stalk you for just that purpose. Why should I care about you? I'm trying to level up so I can do my class quest here. You're just some random <insert class here>. I'm the hope of <insert faction here>.
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Do unto others before they do unto you?


Is that the idea?


pretty much, although I never Ninja loot from FP's or anything of the sort, but stealing kills or quest items I'm fine with (since in the end it only slows people down)


however ninjas who take items they don't need are a whole different kind of jerk.

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It's no different than that jag off that KNOWS traffic lanes are merging down to 2 lanes and SEES the big yellow sign, yet he will stay in his lane and race down and try to get pole position in front of all the normal people that merged and are leaving that lane empty.


If I see it, I pull out every time in the middle of the lane and shut them down RIGHT there lol..

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Yes, because there really is no repercussions for their bad behavior.


Just, take a deep breath and move on.


Actually, I'm guessing a few of those ninjas are here on the forums complaining of how hard it is to get a group, I've put everyone of the ninjas I've met on my ignorelist (quite a big list by now) and they've been refused access to quite a number of groups I've tanked/healed for, revenge is sweet :D

Edited by WereMops
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I think the real question is why did bioware design the game in a way that exacerbates the problem. There's a number of solutions to the issue, like not deactivating quest nodes for 2+ minutes after it's been "looted", but it seems like they get some jolly kick out of watching players squirm. I really can't believe the concept that they just didn't think about it, or have somehow missed it.
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It's no different than that jag off that KNOWS traffic lanes are merging down to 2 lanes and SEES the big yellow sign, yet he will stay in his lane and race down and try to get pole position in front of all the normal people that merged and are leaving that lane empty.


If I see it, I pull out every time in the middle of the lane and shut them down RIGHT there lol..


I love this example because I don't let those people merge and don't care when they give me the bird.

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Same experience with running FPs and people rolling need for companion gear and getting it over something that would have been a great upgrade for you.


I think the main reason is because the game allows for anonymity.


For example, I ran a FP with a Sith Warrior - I'm a Bounty Hunter. The last boss dropped a rare blaster. He rolls need on it, gets it and then tells me this


"I know that's sneaky of me, but my companion needs it and I don't know you and probably won't meet up with you again..."


Logs off...


People don't care because they don't know you, will only interact with you for that brief moment and then they'll move on and totally forget about it a minute later.


Sucks but that's how it is. I wish there was a way you could hold them accountable. Maybe like flag them so eventually they get bad rep that everyone could see. But that'll never happen.


Because there is no cross realm lfd, lfr and what not, eventually ppl will know them by reputation. I am becoming all too familiar with the dbags on my realm and know not to group with them.

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It's no different than that jag off that KNOWS traffic lanes are merging down to 2 lanes and SEES the big yellow sign, yet he will stay in his lane and race down and try to get pole position in front of all the normal people that merged and are leaving that lane empty.


If I see it, I pull out every time in the middle of the lane and shut them down RIGHT there lol..


I'm actually conflicted on this. On one hand, it does seem rude to not merge when you know the lane is ending, but on the other hand, if everyone merges early, then there's an entire lane left open, and traffic starts backing up when it could be spread out.


On topic, though, people tend to be selfish. It sucks, but I usually just sigh and move on.

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