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why are the patches not incorporated


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I've just signed up and downloaded the client, and am staggered to still be waiting to play over 24 hours later because the patches arent downloaded yet. Is this a joke? Why not incorporate the latest patches into the client download as one file?


I've no idea how long this patching has to go, no feedback, no idea if its failed x number of times and started again... All it says it "downloading main assets 1 11.54gb remaining".. at 800kb/ssec (yawn).


Its not exactly the sort of welcome I'd expect, I havent logged in yet and I feel let down severely.

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Because it's a fairly massive undertaking to update the base client. They have been releasing patches quickly, i think there were 3 last week alone. They cannot update the client 3 times a week. So for now, there are quite a lot of patches. I'm sure they'll update the client to incorporate more of them, but probably not for some time. The patches so far haven't been that big, however, so they shouldn't take an extra 24 hours. Check your download speeds.


Edit: after re-reading your post, you're still downloading the full client, not patches. There have not been 11 gigs in patches.

Edited by Darthshnooky
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Dij, it's some kind of issue with Steam. I had the same issue. I downloaded the client from a different website, and then steam wanted me to download it as well even though I already did. I don't remember exactly what I did, but I had to fiddle around with a lot of stuff till Steam finally realized that I already had the client. I hate Steam.
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Dij, it's some kind of issue with Steam. I had the same issue. I downloaded the client from a different website, and then steam wanted me to download it as well even though I already did. I don't remember exactly what I did, but I had to fiddle around with a lot of stuff till Steam finally realized that I already had the client. I hate Steam.


Why did you use steam at all for TOR?

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