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A Review of SWTOR PVP!


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This will be an informed review on player versus player, and how PVP stands in Star Wars The Old Republic. The following of course is my opinions, and that should go without saying, but the internet is filled with idiots, morons, and trolls.


Itemization, Random Number Generating, Luck versus Effort, and Cost Ratio


I honestly don’t know what went wrong in the itemization process. The relics for tier 1, 2, and 3 PVP are absolutely piss poor when compared to the purchasable relics through the Light and Dark side vendors, or player versus environment drops. Simply put: the PVP relics are worthless. The relics acquired through PVP provide no advantage for PVP, and the PVE relics are actually better by a long shot, which also trump the PVP relics in every way, and what the hell happened to a steady armor progression in pvp? You neglect an entire 10 levels in the 30 brackets, and have ripped clean the level 50 pvp starter set. This is just ********.


The next issue plaguing PVP is the complete randomness of PVP rewards. The current system of RNG—random number generating—bags is the developer’s poor attempt at extending subscriptions through tedious, repetitive, and asinine grinds that reward pure chance instead of effort or skill. A player completely covered in tier 2 PVP gear with a valor rank lower than 50 is absurd, and if that same player did it in little under a week makes the whole reward system a complete joke. Worse yet, the system is basically gambling forced upon the player, and that rarely rewards the more dedicated or talented PVPERS. Those with little skill, effort, or time should not be out gearing players who have more skill, time, and effort in PVP. No one signed on to SWTOR to play craps, slots, or black jack.


Also, how or why did the development team think the best system of progression and rewards should be random chance? Does Bioware realize how unfulfilling gambling truly is to the masses, and actually gives no sense of accomplishment? Players—more importantly people—are sinking their hard earn time—more importantly money—into the game, and as such should be rewarded accordingly, and not based off dumb luck. Stop with the lazy development, coding, and excuses. Reward the players according to their time, effort, and skill.


The cost ratio for bags, centurion gear—tier 1 pvp set—and mercenary commendations do not match with the amount of time at which the commendations are accumulated. The ratios are insanely skewed, and reek of yet another attempt at extending subscriptions. The set values for every purchase are absurd, and especially in regards when those costs are matched up against reward versus effort. The fact a player can gear themselves out quicker in end-game through PVE, and must take a long daunting road if they keep rolling snake eyes is sad. I don’t know if this is simple favoritism, or the developers attempt at ramming their content down the player’s throat.


Stop forcing your product onto me Bioware.


Progression, Art Design, Pre-Mades, and Brackets


The progression at which a player rises through the tiers in PVP is downright moronic. Some players will hit tier 2 in little more than a week, while others will spend upwards to a month trying to kit themselves out in tier 1 and 2 because they are constantly opening duplications of items already earned—the worse being the worthless relics—while easily holding a higher valor rank then players who were lucky enough to roll twelve’s every time and come fresh into the 50 scene sporting tier 2.


I’ve never seen such a lack of art design on a product that has been in development for 6 years. The excuse of TOR being a new game is running old and thin. You’ve had more than 6 years in development to come up with rich, stimulating, and unique looks that both represent the star wars universe and the archetypes themselves, yet instead the player is forced to look like every other player in the archetype, and are only given color variations to represent that progression. This is simply lazy, and shows a lack of proper planning of time and resources.


Why Bioware did not have the forethought to place Pre-Mades in their own separate brackets against other pre-mades shows yet again a lack of development. I don’t know how anyone in the Bioware calls themselves a gamer, let alone a developer, without realizing how this is an issue no matter the game? The coordination that happens between a premade will nine times out of ten always stomp a pick up group, or commonly referred to as a pug.


I rightfully don’t care for your excuses Bioware when it came to brackets. This idea should have been a no brainier, and not an afterthought. Next to the RNG reward system, this right here—the lack of brackets—disappoints me the most. Especially when the fact of expertise, skill points, pre-mades, and level 50 gear is thrown into the mix.


Final Thoughts


I expect polish from Bioware and not ****. Do not give the costumer, or player, excuses when your team and developers have had well over 6 years to really knock out what has become common practice. I expect bugs, stability, and balancing issues at launch; but what I don’t expect is poor development, a lack of fore thought, and excuses when a final product is released with luxury prices attached to it along with a subscription. Don’t think for a second that players/customers not rushing to the boards to voice their displeasure are not upset in some way or fashion by the overall poor design of PVP. You’ll be lucky to hear a customer complain because that means he/she still wants the product despite its faults.


Bioware can spout telemetry, numbers, and statistics all they want, but the drop in subscriptions will happen if they don’t nip these idiotic issues in the butt. I wouldn’t rely on “soon” as a motto either.


I thought Dragon Age 2 was going to be a onetime thing Bioware, out dirty little secret, but now you’ve gone and cheated on me twice. Consider me not a fan any longer. You can polish a turd all you like, but that turd still smells like **** no matter how sugar coated it is. I don't owe you a damn thing, remember that Bioware. To say I am displeased with the PVP experience would truly be the understatement of the year.


Edit: Oh, and get your customer service act together. The employees at Trion Worlds are making you look like chumps Bioware.


TL;DR: PVP isn't rewarding, the whole tier progression is a literal gamble, and the whole experience feels like a rushed job, but at least we have a rail shooter mini-game.

Edited by BrolleunHunter
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Free month is almost over, BW will realize folly of their ways the hard way.


I agree with all that you wrote in OP and when you add piss poor performance and delay of skills to original "rant" this game is not worth it`s monthly subscription, hell when I consider everything it was pretty much not worth buying the game in the first place.

Edited by CommVeles
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You didn't even hit on the subjective issues of PvP, which is handy because it forestalls the naysayers.


PvP subjectively, is also quite horrible, far too many CC abilities in the game that make the player feel as if they cannot do anything, a resolve bar that is best described as random and ineffectual, the brackets don't help because it makes every single class appear ridiculously overpowered compared to anyone not in the same rank/gear so judging class balance is a nightmare so no meaningful feedback can be given on where the classes are in relation to each other, a fundamental requirement in PvP to ensure that everyone has an enjoyable time playing.


And macros, the lack of macros is just indefensible, for both PvE and PvP, giving instructions is a matter of typing in every single word you need to say, assisting someone is a matter of typing in /assist every single time, its pathetic.


This is of course subjective and open to debate, but the fact that there is such strong debate in the air regarding these issues does tend to point to a real issue underlying it all.


I posted before that I truly believe this is the worst PvP I have ever experienced from a premium MMORPG. I stand by that statement.


I cancelled my sub and put PvP as the reason. Effectively there are about 20 days left to turn it around and make it worthwhile.


Was talking in a Warzone the other day and someone stated that they think it will be 6-12 months before the PvP is where it should have been at launch, that is basically £100 of mine that I should be shelling out on a game hoping that it gets to where it should have been on day one.


I refuse to pay someone £150 for a game that works. I think £50 and £9 is enough to expect a game to actually work immediately.


As you state, bugs, latency, queues, little issues that need to be ironed out, are all acceptable, but a full part of the game that is basically trash, that isn't good enough.

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