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Anyone have Razer Naga keybindings? (Healer)


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I'm not sure exactly what you are asking. Do you want the actual spells for each bind or what keys are bound?


Make sure you switch your Naga to use the number pad. I bind all my # pad keys as well as Q,E,R,F,Z and X. I also bind 1-5. With so many abilities, I have also bound Shift and Alt to number pads 4-9 for and additional 12 binds. 4-9 are the easiest for me to reach on my Naga.


My healing abilities I use the Alt modifier.

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Apologies. I meant actual macro type things.


At present I have 1-5 for offence, and num keys 1-5 for healing type stuff. I was wondering if there's certain things like there are for WoW, where you can auto select and cast with macros? I would assume not, but it never hurt to ask.

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