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Disinformation and a lot of propaganda is all I am reading from these Trolls


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Disinformation and a lot of propaganda is all I am reading from these Trolls … ( must likely hired by a outside source to just knock the game. )


I have no issues with the game at the moment it is close to perfect for me.


Just install a LFG que mechanic like in wow and I be even more in static.


The 4-Mans for so fing Epic.. Has any one done T-Five yet ? Esseles.? So much fun I feel like I am in part of the Star wars Universe while playing this game.


Many fixes are incoming many nerfs are incoming . I am for one happy I left 5 years playing wow which 4 of the years spent in Org. doing nothing .


SWTOR 4 LIFE Keep up the great work Bioware ( the real trolls dont have enough time to post here cuz we enjoying the game atm This game )


<3 may the force be with you . DIE IMP SCUM

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Part of the problem is that A LOT of the people complaining are coming from WoW. WoW was the first MMO they played and they started playing it during BC or Wrath. They weren't there for the first couple of months in WoW where WoW was WORSE than TOR.


They expect a fully polished, bug free, glitch free, game with 5 years of developed content. They have no experience from any other MMO launch to compare to and since they aren't getting their way they're throwing a temper tantrum like my 5 year old son when he can't be a Lego Star Wars level because the boss won't stand still for him.


It'll get better as time goes by but you'll always have whiners on forums.

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Understandable. Now you have a ship for that and no other ppl obstructing the view.


rofl lol lmao.... hahah ok I need a smoke



by the way, spot on, theOP is the troll by the way, problem is, trolls never know what they are themselves.

Edited by TheHirogen
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So no one can be positive about the game? Is that right posters above me?


I am not saying OP is right, attacking people being trolls, while putting his entire arm in Biowares bottom/backside. Is two things that both are horrific for a forum.

Edited by Merihim
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Part of the problem is that A LOT of the people complaining are coming from WoW. WoW was the first MMO they played and they started playing it during BC or Wrath. They weren't there for the first couple of months in WoW where WoW was WORSE than TOR.


They expect a fully polished, bug free, glitch free, game with 5 years of developed content. They have no experience from any other MMO launch to compare to and since they aren't getting their way they're throwing a temper tantrum like my 5 year old son when he can't be a Lego Star Wars level because the boss won't stand still for him.


It'll get better as time goes by but you'll always have whiners on forums.


This is so true. And one thing i found so funny is the way i saw some people complain about that they don't have enough money for everything(skilss, etc). Damn it was hard to get your mount in WOW at the start, i grinded so freakin hard for that it wasn't even enjoyable at the time :D

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Part of the problem is that A LOT of the people complaining are coming from WoW. WoW was the first MMO they played and they started playing it during BC or Wrath. They weren't there for the first couple of months in WoW where WoW was WORSE than TOR.


They expect a fully polished, bug free, glitch free, game with 5 years of developed content. They have no experience from any other MMO launch to compare to and since they aren't getting their way they're throwing a temper tantrum like my 5 year old son when he can't be a Lego Star Wars level because the boss won't stand still for him.


It'll get better as time goes by but you'll always have whiners on forums.


True, and, this game is actually a challenge.

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