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Female body height


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Just a litle inconvenience but cant there be litle more height on at least body type 1 or 2.


Compared to all male characters they feel almost child like in height and litle taller woman and i mean woman not a girl without too much muscle or breasts would be nice addition.


Just like 1 more male body type with litle more slander look on it.


Heigh adjuster would be best.

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The whole point of the first size option is for younger/petite characters. My sentinel is a tiny female with adolescent goth mentality (no I don't "role play" but I enjoy playing a "character" even if it does cause issues with current relic/item mechanics). It's much more interesting than going a pure good/evil route.


Second option is more standard body and use it for my gunslinger. Third is least favorite by far and I actually chose option four as my vanguard tank. Think she will look nice in heavy armo. Have male toons too but created some females after my first Jedi as male robes bugged out and flaired out too cartoonishly exaggerated female proportions when I wanted to make another.


In comparison I think female body types were better done than male actually (option 3 is just huge by comparison and 4 is kind of ridiculous most of the time). Granted have a character of every size but still bit too large.

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