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A few questions...


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Was wondering if someone could update me on a few things i read on the forums...


- Everyone is talking about how good pvp gear is and so on... But can/are you allowed to use the pvp gear for pve/raids/flashpoints and so on? Basicly forcing you to pvp if you want top gear (this because i normally avoid all pvp content)


- Also reading that crafting is useless and so on, my experience so far to lvl 44ish is that the crafted purple (atleast ranged and melee weapons) is by far greater than anything you can find/loot from normal drops, x2 and x4 quests or even the flashpoints i have done (only done up to lvl 30ish flashpoints though)... I do understand that ones you hit 50 there is and should be better gear than crafted... Bottomline is that during the leveling process from 1-50 my experience is that crafting is very useful and the best option for me this for. Im usually not a crafter ingame but the system in swtor really suits my playstyle perfectly being able to put this on your companions instead of standing hours grinding yourself. And the reverse enginering is a really neat feature, especially lvl 40+ trying to get that purple schematic :)


- And lastly can someone answer just how much affection on your companions affect their fighting ability/crafting success and mission success? So far i have max affecton on Corso Riggs (playing a gunslinger) and is currently working on "leveling" Bowdaar (Wookie tank) but i really dont notice any difference between those 2 with high affection than those with 0 or just a little...



Other than that i just simply love the game even with the current bugs and "flaws", first time since Asherons Call and Eq2 that i have been totally hooked on a game, thank god i have an understanding missis :D


Also wanted to mention without looking for a flamewar or trolling that those saying this game will die and never be a big hit is clueless, this is the biggest MMO (yes, it still is a mmo regarldess some peoples opinion) realese since WoW and there is no chance in hell that BW will mess that up... There are still issues and stuff to fix, yes, but i truly believe the majority of us playing see a bright future for swtor...


Peace out from the Hidden Beks server....

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I can have a go at it.


1. PVP gear is very good gear indeed. And relatively easy to get. I use it for PVE hard mode flashpoints etc. However you can also get the gear from PVE itself. the lvl 50 flashpoints, then Black Tallon hard mode etc etc. It would have taken me a bit longer if I did it that way though.


Also Ilum dailys give nice mods for orange gear and people use those in PVE alot i've seen.


2. Companion gain. I have no hard data on it, it seems to make them slightly faster but like you I have not realy noticed it.



Forgot about crafting.


3. Crafting seems rather pointless at lvl 50, BUT i have great hopes that new recipies will be added as drops etc to make crafting a bit usefull again. To me it makes sence that end game PVE > Crafted gear though. I have Biochem myself and all i can sell are my medpacks and stimms realy.

Edited by themacr
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You can use whatever gear you want. PvP gear is pretty OP at the moment as the mods in them is insane; beyond anything that you can craft.


Crafting seems to be a hit and miss at the moment on different trades. Until schematics are put out and populated, cost benefit doesn't seem all that worth it.


I'm adamant about rushing my characters to max affection. It does shave some time off, around 5 minutes on a 30m grade 6 mission. I've 2 chars I constantly run slicing/treasure hunting missions with, so they're racking in grade 5 gifts easily. I wouldn't go out of my way to raise a companions affection, unless you're wanting their story missions, which give a ton of experience (10k+ just for talking to them in some cases).

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