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Are You Enjoying SWTOR?


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It seems to be a much more rail driven MMO. The story drives the game much more and there isnt a great deal of freedom in the journey. Personally, i prefer the sacrificing some of the feeling you get from the openness of other MMO's for the additional narrative and RP experience.

I was trying to explain SWTOR to a friend today, when he asked "so is SWTOR a good game? i've heard mixed reviews"


i told him that it's a pretty well polished game, with a great story that allows the player to be highly immersed, BUT, I thought that the highly integrated story is a double edged sword that is just as likely to cut yourself.


as others have pointed out, the storyline for different classes are different, and diverse, but the side quests are exactly the same, and you can't skip those, or else you won't progress (unless you're determined to only do class quest and then level via space quests / pvp)


this also kinda locks you in on expansions. right now, it's a very linear progression, if you are level xx-xx, yy-planet is where you must be, because that's the only planet with quests in your level range. The planet is tied into your character story development, and even if they wanted to add leveling options, i'd imagine it to be pretty complicated to tie it into the class storyline.

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No I'm not enjoying SWTOR, it's a game that I have for several years looked forward to, and being one of the first people to even book it I feel simply, for the lack of a better word, betrayed.

There's nothing that will help the game, it's a bad clone of WoW (No matter how much you try to smear it in glitter) and a disgrace, the developer saying that the voice-over's are the biggest thing Bioware are proud of was absolutely correct, I hate when random nuts on the internet are correct. =/

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I do love the game, it's enjoyable and the stories are good (imo).

However, lately I've been noticing (in the european servers) that there isn't many people playing. Al the servers are either at Standard or Light whereas the NA servers have a big number which are always at Heavy :/

Is it just me or are Europeans leaving the game?

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Great game, it's not a MMO though, it's a beautiful single player game that has other people in it.


The community is overrun by Lucasite trolls that actually like SWG and hate all things WoW so much that they take all constructive criticisim as heresy. Bring up anything related to mods or macros - and the community reacts like you asked for a basket of fried baby kittens.


I don't mind difficulty, but there is a sharp disconnect between the leveling experience and the endgame experience. I didn't feel like there was any place for me to learn the ropes.


The game is like a really hot girl with borderline personality disorder. I want to love it, but it keeps doing randomly horrible things to me.


no /roll really?


no combat log?


over 40 abilities, and no UI / macro. Maybe i'm just too old to play video gmaes anymore, but I needed a macro enabled keyboard to be able to access all of the abilities without resorting to mouse clicking on them.


the mental fracturing continues with the end game content - I can't figure out if this game is trying to be ultra casual or the most hardcore MMO ever, because it has aspects of both without any transition in the middle.


YMMV - in before the standard Lucasite "door is <--- " comment


Dont get the the not an MMO stuff, which is never explained by anyone.


Its as much of an MMO as anything i have ever played....Some people cannot seem to understand. In fact, if you quest with others the experience is awesome.


Massive, check

multiplayer, check

online, check


Did WoW force you to team up to lvl, or warhammer? what is so different. Having played pretty much everything...i dont understand. To prevent me from assuming you are taking hyperbole from others to try and prove a vacant argument - please explain.


I reckon there are a lot of people that bought this game because their friends did, and are death riding it because they dont want to lose friends from 'their' game to TOR.

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I enjoy the game, it is fun. However, I definitely am looking/waiting for changes to be made to make it better so I want to stick around rather than finish a few character stories like a single player game and leave in 1 or 2 months.
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Overall, yes. A few highlights so far: 1) The initial story-driven flashpoints and group conversation system were extremely fun and innovative. 2) The endings to the story arcs at each location have felt pretty "heroic" or "epic" and keep me wondering what's next. 3) The tension between what makes your companions happy and what you want to do about dialogue/plot choices was unexpectedly innovative and kind of interesting.


Lowlights: 1) Finding people for flashpoints past the intro ones has been a lot harder than I thought. Better in-game tools would help A LOT. 2) Graphics performance has been hit-or-miss, even with shadows off, etc., etc.. A little older machine but still well above min.


It hasn't "blown me away" (although I did get that sort of rush during the first BT runs). There's some good bones here, so I'm looking forward to see how it develops.

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I liked playing through the story the first time


The second time, i had already seen the planets, and kept spacebaringthrough every sidequest, nothing was new and i had seen every place


The 3rd time i stoped at lvl 9, it was just to boring going through the same areas..again



The voiceovers..the npcs are just telling me to kill 10 boars..with a voice instead of text, most npcs are using the same voice, and apperantly one meaning can mean 100 different thing in twilek, ompa wompa? same meaning and voice beeing used over and over on every npc, on all planets.


Only 3 skirmishes, can only do them so many times before they get boring.


Ilum is a quite uninteresting pvp zone, to small, no real "objectives" nothing real important to fight over.


The endgame flashpoints and operations are done in one day, no other PvE to do other then that.


Another "jump around AH area" game



Next time, make a game based on PvP with 3 factions, those game starts at 50, not ends with huge raiding grind like PvE games

Edited by SeloDaoC
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Dont get the the not an MMO stuff, which is never explained by anyone.


Its as much of an MMO as anything i have ever played....Some people cannot seem to understand. In fact, if you quest with others the experience is awesome.


Massive, check

multiplayer, check

online, check


Did WoW force you to team up to lvl, or warhammer? what is so different. Having played pretty much everything...i dont understand. To prevent me from assuming you are taking hyperbole from others to try and prove a vacant argument - please explain.


I reckon there are a lot of people that bought this game because their friends did, and are death riding it because they dont want to lose friends from 'their' game to TOR.

do you consider a fiero a sports car? same thing. it looks like one, but isn't one.


MMO is about community.


by your definition, counterstrike is a MMO.

Edited by oredith
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Massive, check

multiplayer, check

online, check



17 peps in your area doesnt really make it massive

Its very much a solo game, with a choice to group up for social points, to make the content extremly easy

Online yes


a STOG, Story Telling Online Game, not a mmo

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I enjoy it for a while and then I'll ragequit. Sometimes it's because something in PVP pisses me off. Sometimes a quest will bring it on. Sometimes it's the space combat. What begins as fun usually ends up not fun at all.


But I keep coming back. Glutton for punishment? Maybe.

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Out of all of the games I've played lately, this is by far the best. It reminds me of the older MMO's that were challenging to learn and explore. Sure the story line is rather linear but that's easier then running around multiple planets randomly trying to figure out where to quest next (ala Anarchy Online).


I have enjoyed the interactions with the companions and while I wish they had more interaction the only thing I really hate is the multitude of females on my ship! I'm a female sith warrior and I would LOVE more interaction in the game...male characters get to have more fun/flirts...


I have really enjoyed the challenge of the game with exploration and learning new things. Sure I miss a few things like being able to see my own damage but I remember gaming when we didn't have threat or damage meters and we had to think!


Thank you BioWare for a great game, sure it's got some bugs but what game hasn't?

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Honestly, I was so excited for this game to come out for years. And although I am enjoying the leveling grind better than other MMOs (read VO/Story), it is still a grind. There does seem to be a limit for me on how many times I am counted on to save the universe and completely incompetent the republic and jedi order is without me, but such is the story of a hero.


I have been very patient with the problems, but some are really starting to irritate me, and affect my enjoyment:

- Ability Delay, I can't count how many times I have stared at my toon channeling a telekinetic throw with no animation and doing no damage. Or on a Tidal Force proc have to hit my telekinetic wave button 3 or 4 times (each with a GCD) before it will actually cast (oh, my toon has hands raised to God, but no bang).


- Companion AI craziness. From disappearing after a dismount, to not following me off an elevator. The worst is when I CC and my companion charges in with an AoE attack. Yes, I can toggle off these abilities, on EVERY FRIGGIN pull, but I really shouldn't have to micromanage my companion to that detail, these aren't supposed to be dumb pets, right?


- Level 40 mount speed increase is very underwhelming, 10% increase for 230K, really?


- Ship hangars and orbital stations, I really don't see they serve ANY purpose except to lengthen my run, bad design, not cool.


I am primarily a raider, I just don't have the hug amount of time to grind the leveling, I expect to be 50 in the next week or so, but I am loathing the ability delay and ops bugs I keep hearing about.


And yes, I will at least be going back to check out pandas, whether I stay with SWTOR or move back to WoW remains to be seen and depends heavily if BW can address some of these issues.

Edited by Turando
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Lost all interest for wow right after I bought Cataclysm, tried to reactivate it, but the magic was gone. With flying mounts, dungeon finder, what once was a massive world, ended up feeling like an empty space. I still missed playing a mmo, but I initially hesitated with SWTOR. I wanted some of the hype to die and then start looking into it after the opening rush.


Having played it for a couple of days, I'm positively surprised. Lots of similarities with wow, but it is defenently it's own master. Love the art style, the locations and eventhough I never really got into the movies, I'm starting to embrace the lore.


It's nice to be playing a mmo again and it's nice to be playing something else than wow. Heck even lightsabers are becomming cool.



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Thanks for all the great feedback! It was really nice to hear what the community thinks about the game so far, and to hear some well-thought out cons from those who didn't like the game.


From what I gather, the people who aren't satisfied with the game are


Now for my two cents: I'm not a Star Wars fan, and I haven't played a ton of Bioware games either. I played a Paladin in WoW until level 19, then I got bored and quit, leaving my toon on a sandy bank with a bunch of murlocs for all eternity (or until WoW goes free-to-play ;).


Basically, not a Star Wars geek, not a Bioware nut, and not an MMO gamer. And yet somehow, I'm really enjoying myself.


SWTOR isn't perfect at all, but it's really the first game in 7 years that's really been "The Game" in terms of even getting close to WoW's recognition and popularity. There are bugs, and there are imbalances, but really, how many other MMORPGs (besides RIFT) have even gotten close to the amount of polish that SWTOR has? My long-term subscription will ultimately depend upon whether or not Bioware can deal with the bugs AND add fun endgame content and features in the next 3-4 months or so. (And whether or not GW2 will get as many subs, or more.)


Bottom line, the game is nowhere near perfect, but a strong fan community and regular fixes/content from Bioware may make this the next big thing. Not necessarily the "WoW Killer", but a big thing nonetheless.

Edited by TrueBlueAstrax
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