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Are You Enjoying SWTOR?


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I LIKE the game.



Considering I've waited for 5 years to see it come out, that's not very good.



It's great as a story driven single player game. I feel like 8 different story lines justify the price of the game.


I love how I can start a single player quest and not have to give up on the ending because the last part requires me to find a random group. That's a total let down in most mmo's.


I like the voiceovers for the major characters, they've done a great job.


The reason I don't love the game is because it is so sterile and plastic.


Character creation is just a joke. There's no excuse or justifiable reasons for it to be so terrible in the year 2012.


The world is absolutely lifeless. The planets have no ambience, the music is non dramatic, the npc's all wear the same drab grey and beige clothing. The hairstyles all look the same. Nothing changes in the world after you complete a quest.


I'm frustrated with the lack of thought gone in to designing for female players. Our romance companions are just.... ugh... for the most part. We can't flirt nearly as often as our male players. Why can't I brag in chat that I just snagged a hottie like all the boys do? It's 2012 guys!


There are no mini-games to speak of.


I will be trying other games soon.

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I am enjoying the game personally and it has became my main one. Now retaining me will depend on the direction of the developers. The game has flaws but I never believe you buy a MMO off launch (or near it) expecting every single thing to be perfect. It never works that way. But you have to be pleased enough with the foundation to wish to continue forward and see if the developers will give it the attention it needs and not sit on their hands. So far Bioware is patching like crazy and already got a big patch in the works. And reading:




Told me more of their direction in a general sense. It's good to see they have a plan in mind and are working on it. So they have me retained through the month. As for the other games I am looking forward to some like GW2 and TERA and such but I never handcuff myself to waiting for a game. It's about enjoyment and having fun. Last I checked, waiting is not fun. I did that with AoC and was thoroughly disappointed. When they come out I may give them a whirl especially GW2 since it is B2P but I am for the here and now. ToR has plenty of time to update and get better before anything else comes out. It's all on the developers progression.

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I'm enjoying it to roughly the same level I enjoy any MMO in the first month I play. I enjoy it as much as I enjoyed AutoAssault and about as much as I enjoyed Shadowbane (minus the cool city building part). I enjoy it much more than my first month playing WoW, but that's damning with faint praise. And I enjoy it much less than my first month playing SWG, as that was an innovative and original game.


The only problem with swtor is that all the small problems are more visible, as there is nothing new and interesting to draw attention. It is so absolutely mundane and ordinary and derivative that every little flaw stands out.

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I honestly find it boring. In my opinion, it's a fancy single player game with multiple servers and a few people (sometimes) online.


The voice stuff for the first few levels was good, but it soon becomes the same thing.. Get me this, here, but said by someone different, or by some robot.


It's far too heavily instanced. I feel like I'm on my own in this world. Sure, I do see some peeps sometimes, but not so much as to make me feel I'm part of a huge player base.


Quests are the same as any other out there except they have voice. And when you have killed 15 guards, you're asked to now kill 35 of them for a bonus. (Hint, I was bored killing the first 15)


Space combat is a joke. It's like a coin-op in the local snooker hall.


Everyone looks the same. Everquest 1 had armor dye's some 12 years ago, yet here we are in the (apparently) best MMO ever, and we all look the same.


Why can't I fly in the zones? The other games have it, Aion has it, but here we have to take a taxi to the next instance. I can see all those cars or whatever they are flying all over, but me the player? Nope, no flying for me.


The craft is just bad. It's like asking someone else to do the work for you. I don't actually make anything, the companion does.


The Auction Hall. Just bad.


I'll play til I reach 50 just so I can say I did. but after that, *yawn*


Sorry to burst the good-feeling bubble, but that's how I feel. You did ask :)

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Been wanting to address this post, since it's pretty detailed.

I honestly find it boring. In my opinion, it's a fancy single player game with multiple servers and a few people (sometimes) online.


The planets and shard system do tend to spread people out a bit. I like the fact that the questing planets aren't ovverrun with people, but the space stations/social points are. Still, it can seem a BIT empty at times, but it's better than fighting over who gets the kills.


The voice stuff for the first few levels was good, but it soon becomes the same thing.. Get me this, here, but said by someone different, or by some robot.


That's every MMORPG. "Kill X of this, get Y of that, etc. GW2, dynamic as it is, will have the same basic mechanic. The big difference being that the GW2 quests affect the world and aren't doled out by a quest-giver. At least give Bioware credit for making the quest activities somewhat meaningful to your personal story.


It's far too heavily instanced. I feel like I'm on my own in this world. Sure, I do see some peeps sometimes, but not so much as to make me feel I'm part of a huge player base.


Again, the social centers such as the Republic space station, usually contain a gaggle of players. You get multiple player when you need them, and lower-key biomes when you quest.


Quests are the same as any other out there except they have voice. And when you have killed 15 guards, you're asked to now kill 35 of them for a bonus. (Hint, I was bored killing the first 15)


Again, it's an MMO.


Space combat is a joke. It's like a coin-op in the local snooker hall.


The key difference being that the snooker hall shooters are fun, while space combat isn't. Bioware failed in this respect


Everyone looks the same. Everquest 1 had armor dye's some 12 years ago, yet here we are in the (apparently) best MMO ever, and we all look the same.


It's better than WoW's customization. My toon literally looks like millions of other male human paladins. The body types need serious work though. Dyes need to happen, but I personally think only purple gear, raid gear and PvP stuff should be customizable.


Why can't I fly in the zones? The other games have it, Aion has it, but here we have to take a taxi to the next instance. I can see all those cars or whatever they are flying all over, but me the player? Nope, no flying for me.


Because flying mounts/free flying makes the game look distant and ugly. GW2 won't have any flying of any sort in the game. And personally, I prefer taking a taxi in Nar Shadda over taking a Gryphon in WoW


The craft is just bad. It's like asking someone else to do the work for you. I don't actually make anything, the companion does.


A lot of people like this. I personally LOVE crew skills. It implements the companions in a useful and unique way and makes it so you can have your gear crafted while you go do something else. Still, it's a matter of opinion

The Auction Hall. Just bad.


No exaggeration here.

I'll play til I reach 50 just so I can say I did. but after that, *yawn*


Why bother? Themepark MMOs don't seem to be your cup of tea


Sorry to burst the good-feeling bubble, but that's how I feel. You did ask :)


Indeed I did. And the bubble's still floating :)

The people who seem to hate the game generally seem to either have had insane expectations for the title, hate sandbox mmos, or are powerlevellers who spacebar the whole story in 2 days and complain that Bioware didn't gave the endgame. The game itself is solid, and claiming that one of the smoothest and most feature rich (but not by any means PERFECT, mind you) MMORPG in YEARS doesn't cater to the RvR/Sandbox crowd doesn't mean the game sucks.


At the end of the day, It's like The Dude said:


Well, that's just like, your opinion man"

Edited by TrueBlueAstrax
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Enjoying enough to have just ordered a new graphics card. GTX560 on the way tomorrow to replace my GTX260. Hopefully now I'll be able to play Warzones without too much FPS drops.


Game was running pretty good already on maxed settings so this should be the final push to a steady game. :D

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I'm partially enjoying it. The story is interesting, but doing all the side quests feels like work. I also have no interest in doing the end game or PvP, at least for now. Therefore I'll most likely cancel after finishing the story (or stories, if I level up my alt too).
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i love the game.


I hate the fact that:

  • there are no server forums.
  • instanced worlds are taken to an extreme.
  • the ui is locked down.
  • guis are needing many improvements (gtn, /who, guild, etc...).
  • community is on it's own.


i still love the game itself. I just don't know if it will be enough, given enough time passing by without improvements.

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I'm a level 48 sniper, and I love the game.


I have no problem with the cover mechanics - I love the Sniper class.

The Imperial Agent storyline is just amazing.

Even tho I'm only 2 levels away from endgame, I still have so much to do that I don't understand how everyone complains there's nothing to do at level 50.

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I am thoroughly enjoying this game.


There may be a few factors biasing my opinion though:


#1: I am a rabid Star Wars fan. I was the only girl in town with more 3 3/4" action figures than nail polish colours and, when I was working at Toys R Us for all the midnight releases, I managed to snag all of the 5' long ships when the store took them down.


#2: I have comparison to my few months in BETA...When I first played it then, I thought it was boring. Then again, I realised I was trying to play it like WoW and rushing through the dialogue and storylines to get some OMGAWESOMESKILLZYO. I've also been able to see the improvements they've made for launch, no matter how rushed. I have seen the error of my ways and their efforts and am happier now that I listen.


#3: I am searching for a Wilhelm scream. It's a hobby.



Other than that....The Light Side/Dark Side gains, affection gains, companions, storylines, characters, general friendliness of the community, fairly quick responses of the employees (they were probably as unprepared for the immediate popularity of the game as anyone else), and immediate action against spam, flaming and trolls on the forums have won me over totally. Much to the dismay of my 8-year guildmates on WoW, who have probably wondered if I died.


Technically, the quality of the graphics (while sometimes they seem to overreach themselves and stages were rushed) have impressed me. I have a computer that can handle everything cranked up...and I've compared it with the lowest of the low...only to find the slightest nuance of changes (light, shadows, facial features, etc). I can easily play this on my ancient Mac (with Parallels, of course) and not feel like I'm losing anything...then switch to my boyfriend's gaming PC and not have a heart attack. (Like in Rift or Warcraft....the switch between low quality and high quality always takes me for a loop.)


The talent trees are well set up, I believe. I've been able to customise my character without noticing any 'perfect build' to maximize your character. I doubt cookie cutters will be an issue because either way you go, you have a nice arsenal and if you favour some talents over others...what you lack can be made up in mods for armour and weapons. I like this a lot.


Interaction with my companions really takes me for a ride...In other games, I'll have companions that I can't wait to get rid of/kill of/drop off at the nearest toothy Ogre. But for the first time in any MMO, I am getting sucked into my character and actually cry out, "NOOOOO! Not T7! Poor T7! I'll save you!"


Or, alternatively, "Oh, I'm making Khem eat you the first chance I get."


I'm loving it.


Every MMO, though, has it's issues. I haven't experienced many with this game, having a higher tolerance for new games than most. I won't sit there and say, "Soon as xx comes out, I'm gone." or "If they don't fix xx, I'm cancelling my account." I sit and wait...patiently...hoping that the next thing will either be slight fixes or small additions. Having said that, I haven't really had any bugs besides a small stack of materials disappearing from my inventory and two total nodes that are unable to be clicked.


Conclusion: YAY! STAR WARS!

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I am really enjoying myself. As a life long stars wars fan, and MMO fan its a perfect fit for me. I will be around for a long time.


I have a close friend that has virtually no interest in star wars, is a veteran MMO player and he is enjoying it as well.


I do admit though, even as soon as the initial playing session I realised this game wasnt for everyone, and that it was going to upset a lot of people. It does seem to polarise opinion, and I can see why. It seems to be a much more rail driven MMO. The story drives the game much more and there isnt a great deal of freedom in the journey. Personally, i prefer the sacrificing some of the feeling you get from the openness of other MMO's for the additional narrative and RP experience.


I have to say that this is the first MMO where i have actually enjoyed the fantasy aspect, the lore and as such the story...In other MMORPG's i have tried really hard to get into the lore and the story but despite it being an excellent story the presentation was always poor and it always turned into a grind. people say TOR didn't fix the grind...well that isnt true, not if you enjoy the story. I define grinding levels as when you go to a quest hub, pick up a stack of quests, follow the little dots on the map...collect x number kill x number then return and get XP....you have no engagement, you are just grinding XP...For me, in TOR its questing, role playing and taking part in the story.


I guess some people dont like the game, and as i say, that to me was to be expected. Dont take this the wrong way, but i think if the people who are really suited to this game stay and some others who find it terdious leave then we will probably have a stronger long term community remaining. I mean, i dont want to play with jaded angry people, and i am sure many others are of the same mind. I'd prefer they do some that makes them happy rather than frustrated.


TOR drives the story so well...For me that is a massive bonus, for others i am sure that is a massive draw back.


There are bugs in this game, no more or less than any other mmo i have played, none of them are really effecting my love of the game.

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Its just 'okay' for me.


The gameplay is kinda generic pve wise, the combat system is kinda clunky and buggy. No its not my rig, I have a decent rig with 8gb ram and an i7 with 30MB internet.


I also find the voice acting overall is over done and more tedious the higher level I get. The reason I say this is because 75% of the NPCs speak galactic basic so you wind having to read subtitles anyway which kinda defeats the purpose of the voice acting, since I can read much faster than I can listen to some guy say, "Chumba wopa cheska sleetzka winte gomba".


Personally, I dont really find listening to a guy babble in some made up language immersive its just tedious.


Having abilities constantly not activate even though the gcd resets when you activate them is incredibly bad. It incredibly frustrating playing a Guardian. Half of the abilities are poorly designed and on long cooldowns or dont work against mobs that you would need them to work on. The tab-targetting is also really bad.


Overall, I'm fairly disappointed in the overall final quality of the release. Far too many glaring bugs that existed in beta made it into launch. Blah blah blah wow didnt have that at launch, give it time.


But its got a broken economy, unbalanced pvp, lots and lots of exploits, duping and other major issues besides the major issues with the gameplay itself.


No thanks. I'll give it 2-3 months tops and throw this one on the been there done that pile.


For as much money as they invested, this game is lacking badly in a lot of aspects. I had more fun playing both Rift and WAR than I do playing TOR.


I'll probably cap a couple of characters playing with friends that like the game while I wait for GW2, Tera, Firefall and the new Eugens game.


But then again D3 is coming on Feb 1st so TOR's first test is much closer than they think.

Edited by oflow
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