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Not sure if this exists in any other game but... Want: smart targetting system


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Say you click an area on the screen with your less mouse button. Normally it does nothing. Say an enemy player is on the horizon... and you click 1 inch to the left or right of him with nothing else around. Nothing happens.



A "smart" system would make it so that if you click around an area it "guesses" and picks the target. that way you don't have to specifically click some characters body to target them.


I hate targetting... especially after an operative goes into stealth and I have to cast my probe to uncloak them... but then i have to target them again. I want to be able to just click in the general area the player is and have them targetted.

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how about no? Tab doesn't do much good when there are 8 enemies on the screen and you need to target them fast.


and what harm is there in a smarter targetting system?


If you have 8 people on your screen you would end up targeting people you don't mean to... think about what your just said.... contradictory....

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I'm fairly certain not able to select a stealthed enemy is working as intended.


Also you are using a mouse. Why are you having trouble selecting things? If the screen is crowded with enemies, wouldn't this "smarter" system of yours make it worst?

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If you have 8 people on your screen you would end up targeting people you don't mean to... think about what your just said.... contradictory....


What part of what I said don't you understand? With multiple enemies on the screen tab just cycles through them. it doesn't magically arrive at the one you want. So when you need to target one particular person fast tab isn't usually the best method. Which leaves clicking on them. Clicking in this game is cumbersome... and there is no reason why you can't have a smarter system either by clicking around them and having it be smart....... or as boobafet said with tab simply selecting the nearest to where your cursor is. either will work.

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I'm fairly certain not able to select a stealthed enemy is working as intended.


Also you are using a mouse. Why are you having trouble selecting things? If the screen is crowded with enemies, wouldn't this "smarter" system of yours make it worst?


No read what I said.


". especially after an operative goes into stealth and I have to cast my probe to uncloak them... but then i have to target them again." . after they cloak and you break their stealth (Not stealthed anymore) through some AoE or probe for instance... targetting them again is a pain in the ***.


And no it wouldn't make it worse in a crowded situation because the targetting system would give precedence to whatever you actually clicked on. So it wouldn't guess at all. in other words if there is just one guy on my screen.. and i left click my screen it should target them. If there are two guys... it should target the one i click closer too. What harm is that? It's not programmatically hard to do and it could even run on the clients side (like through an addon) so as not to put anything on the server side

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What part of what I said don't you understand? With multiple enemies on the screen tab just cycles through them. it doesn't magically arrive at the one you want. So when you need to target one particular person fast tab isn't usually the best method. Which leaves clicking on them. Clicking in this game is cumbersome... and there is no reason why you can't have a smarter system either by clicking around them and having it be smart....... or as boobafet said with tab simply selecting the nearest to where your cursor is. either will work.


You can keybind to select your closest enemy... Then tab from there.

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No read what I said.


". especially after an operative goes into stealth and I have to cast my probe to uncloak them... but then i have to target them again." . after they cloak and you break their stealth (Not stealthed anymore) through some AoE or probe for instance... targetting them again is a pain in the ***.


And no it wouldn't make it worse in a crowded situation because the targetting system would give precedence to whatever you actually clicked on. So it wouldn't guess at all. in other words if there is just one guy on my screen.. and i left click my screen it should target them. If there are two guys... it should target the one i click closer too. What harm is that? It's not programmatically hard to do and it could even run on the clients side (like through an addon) so as not to put anything on the server side


My reading is fine. Your explanation is not.


And I will still ask the same thing, why are you having problems clicking something with your mouse? Do you play fps and ask why it don't have aim assist like console games?

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Your reading isn't fine if you think what I was trying to say was you can't target a stealthed enemy. Read it again maybe?


And why be against making target easier? Sure you say it's not that hard. But could it be a little easier which would make it a little faster? Yes. Without downsides? Yes.


I hope the guy who said that it would complicate things in a group understands the flaw of his logic. If the game targets what your mouse is closest too... and that causes a problem in a group... then you will have that problem without any target helping as well. If you have a group of people and you click directly on an enemy... it would select that enemy.. (in both the current system and the proposed system) . However if you have a group of people and you select nearest the enemy you want.. then smart targetting will select that enemy. If you don't? Then guess what... you wouldn't have targetted the person you wanted in the current system either. It is really simple to understand.

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I just want to chime in here because I've played MMO's for a looooong time. The targeting in this game is amazing. Tab works so much better at targeting what I want it to than it does in WoW. Doesn't mean it can't be improved further, but I figured I'd chime in with a positive note.
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How about we start by letting us be actualy able to kite?


Have any of you tried to be able to look behind yourself and click someone while running away from them?



doesn't work ><



you would think ctrl would lock the auto centre camera swing but nope...

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