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The amount of CC is too high


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I don't mind the resolve system, it's a different approach and I like the idea. What I do mind is standing watching my character get scratch his eyes out while 3 opponents close in to help the guy i'm fighting.


Yes I am aware that every class has an ability to break free of CC; but every class also has multiple CC abilities. This makes it increasingly frustrating each time you use your escape only to get thrown right back into a stun.


Now this isn't a rage thread that I made because I just got stunlocked by class X and penetrated by class Y, nor is it a thread concerning balance of any kind- my only concern is the fun factor of warzones.


No one enjoys sitting there jamming keys to no effect then glancing at your escape ability to see that they used it for the last time out of nine-dozen stunfests. If you DO enjoy it then by all means carry on.


I don't think it would be all that outrageous to either:


A) reduce the duration of all CC's that last longer than 3 seconds by about 25%.




B) add a 1-3 second immunity after you use your escape ability.


Just my thoughts anyways, and yes I know there are many threads discussing CC, but forums allow more than one point of view rather than shoving everything into one massive thread.


http://memegenerator.net/cache/instances/400x/12/12751/13057074.jpg Ty sneaky

Edited by Kesal
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As I said in another thread, no amount of pointing out how it doesn't really work will overcome the ego of developers.


They had a bright idea, the fact that it doesn't work won't deter them from continuing to believe they had a bright idea.


And just before anyone else does.


l2p...because apparently learning how to play can overcome the stun fest.




not heard of the resolve bar lawls......because somehow getting stunlock killed and then by the time you respawn having an empty resolve bar helps you in the future stunlock deaths you will experience.


Every single person that I have asked to answer the second point, has summarily failed to answer it.


Resolve resets when you die, so what good is it if you are getting stunlock killed? It is of absolutely no value whatsoever.


I would be quite happy if they removed every single stun from PvP.

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I don't mind the resolve system, it's a different approach and I like the idea. What I do mind is standing watching my character get scratch his eyes out while 3 opponents close in to help the guy i'm fighting.


Yes I am aware that every class has an ability to break free of CC; but every class also has multiple CC abilities. This makes it increasingly frustrating each time you use your escape only to get thrown right back into a stun.


Now this isn't a rage thread that I made because I just got stunlocked by class X and penetrated by class Y, nor is it a thread concerning balance of any kind- my only concern is the fun factor of warzones.


No one enjoys sitting there jamming keys to no effect then glancing at your escape ability to see that they used it for the last time out of nine-dozen stunfests. If you DO enjoy it then by all means carry on.


I don't think it would be all that outrageous to either:


A) reduce the duration of all CC's that last longer than 3 seconds by about 25%.




B) add a 1-3 second immunity after you use your escape ability.


Just my thoughts anyways, and yes I know there are many threads discussing CC, but forums allow more than one point of view rather than shoving everything into one massive thread.


this isnt wow where a select few classes have cc, and some have total immunity and some have both (cough rogues)


everyone has multiple cc.

everyone has a cc break.

your argument is invalid.

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I don't mind the resolve system, it's a different approach and I like the idea. What I do mind is standing watching my character get scratch his eyes out while 3 opponents close in to help the guy i'm fighting.


Yes I am aware that every class has an ability to break free of CC; but every class also has multiple CC abilities. This makes it increasingly frustrating each time you use your escape only to get thrown right back into a stun.


Now this isn't a rage thread that I made because I just got stunlocked by class X and penetrated by class Y, nor is it a thread concerning balance of any kind- my only concern is the fun factor of warzones.


No one enjoys sitting there jamming keys to no effect then glancing at your escape ability to see that they used it for the last time out of nine-dozen stunfests. If you DO enjoy it then by all means carry on.


I don't think it would be all that outrageous to either:


A) reduce the duration of all CC's that last longer than 3 seconds by about 25%.




B) add a 1-3 second immunity after you use your escape ability.


Just my thoughts anyways, and yes I know there are many threads discussing CC, but forums allow more than one point of view rather than shoving everything into one massive thread.


I like the current amount of CC. It encourages teamwork.


Most classes only have 1 long duration CC which breaks on damage and 1 short duration (4s) stun on a 1 min cooldown (some cooldowns can be taken down 10s or so).


This is hardly overpowered if you are working as a team. If you are trying to cap the Huttball or turret by yourself I can see where this would be annoying... but then again, PvP shouldnt cater to solo heroes.


Nerfing CC would just encourage more of these solo heroes. Tanks would just grab the ball, bubble up and run straight over the line. Noone would cap in Voidstar because you wouldnt be able to stop the other team from zerging the doors to stop you capping.

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I don't mind the resolve system, it's a different approach and I like the idea. What I do mind is standing watching my character get scratch his eyes out while 3 opponents close in to help the guy i'm fighting.


Yes I am aware that every class has an ability to break free of CC; but every class also has multiple CC abilities. This makes it increasingly frustrating each time you use your escape only to get thrown right back into a stun.


Now this isn't a rage thread that I made because I just got stunlocked by class X and penetrated by class Y, nor is it a thread concerning balance of any kind- my only concern is the fun factor of warzones.


No one enjoys sitting there jamming keys to no effect then glancing at your escape ability to see that they used it for the last time out of nine-dozen stunfests. If you DO enjoy it then by all means carry on.


I don't think it would be all that outrageous to either:


A) reduce the duration of all CC's that last longer than 3 seconds by about 25%.




B) add a 1-3 second immunity after you use your escape ability.


Just my thoughts anyways, and yes I know there are many threads discussing CC, but forums allow more than one point of view rather than shoving everything into one massive thread.




I don't mind the stuns or the amount of them but they need to reduce the durations in PVP and have your CC breaker make you immune for atleast 2 seconds.

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Diminishing returns.


Spell schools.


Hope this helps.


diminishing returns. No. I don't want my abilities wasted on some dude with DR up. OP's best option was B.


But, I really could care less about people crying over CC, nor do I think it needs looked into. You shouldn't have free run of a battle field from start to finish without ever facing circumstances that either immobilize or slow you down. And if you're being locked down then you're obviously perceived as a threat so that should be a warning for you to back off and slow it down.

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I like the current amount of CC. It encourages teamwork.


Most classes only have 1 long duration CC which breaks on damage and 1 short duration (4s) stun on a 1 min cooldown (some cooldowns can be taken down 10s or so).


This is hardly overpowered if you are working as a team. If you are trying to cap the Huttball or turret by yourself I can see where this would be annoying... but then again, PvP shouldnt cater to solo heroes.


Nerfing CC would just encourage more of these solo heroes. Tanks would just grab the ball, bubble up and run straight over the line. Noone would cap in Voidstar because you wouldnt be able to stop the other team from zerging the doors to stop you capping.


There are still enough ways to stop people in huttball with push, pull, well timed leap on flames etc.


As for Voidstar.


the game unfortunatly stops you enough.

It is designed by someone who has no clue what's up since the defenders always get locked up and even if they don't, they respawn BEHIND what the attackers are trying to get passed, so even if you got out, you couldn't stop them.


I'm not saying you're wrong about teamwork, it's nice to have it encouraged, but this isn't the way imo.

You have to realise, PVP is more than just warzones.

And although you say the game shouldn't cater solo heroes, it also shouldn't encourage zergs in open world PVP too much. And right now, that's what it's leading to.

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diminishing returns. No. I don't want my abilities wasted on some dude with DR up. OP's best option was B.


But, I really could care less about people crying over CC, nor do I think it needs looked into. You shouldn't have free run of a battle field from start to finish without ever facing circumstances that either immobilize or slow you down. And if you're being locked down then you're obviously perceived as a threat so that should be a warning for you to back off and slow it down.


You're exaggerating a bit there.


No one is asking for a free pass to run from a to b uninterrupted. Read the posts again and quit being ignorant about it.

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Put there some immunity buff to cc for at least few seconds after being knocked down or stunned, in warzones i am permanently unable to move or stunned.


With only 1 cc break as powertech and 1 slow remover on shiedld {2 talents} its really annoying.


The ccs need to be either nerfed or they have to place cc immunity for few seconds on player to avoid stunlocks.


lvl 50 powertech , level 5o valor, 5 champion 2 centurion just for people that think I do not have anything to say to this problem

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I like the current amount of CC. It encourages teamwork.


Most classes only have 1 long duration CC which breaks on damage and 1 short duration (4s) stun on a 1 min cooldown (some cooldowns can be taken down 10s or so).


This is hardly overpowered if you are working as a team. If you are trying to cap the Huttball or turret by yourself I can see where this would be annoying... but then again, PvP shouldnt cater to solo heroes.


Nerfing CC would just encourage more of these solo heroes. Tanks would just grab the ball, bubble up and run straight over the line. Noone would cap in Voidstar because you wouldnt be able to stop the other team from zerging the doors to stop you capping.


It's not just the stuns. IMO, the snares and roots are even worse. I can't recall a time in a WZ where I wasn't slowed or rooted for at least 75% of the match. I am not saying it's unfair (since everyone can do it), but am arguing more from a fluidity of play and enjoyment perspective. It's just too much.


However, you probably do have a point about it being necessary for the WZ map designs.

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As I said in another thread, no amount of pointing out how it doesn't really work will overcome the ego of developers.


They had a bright idea, the fact that it doesn't work won't deter them from continuing to believe they had a bright idea.


And just before anyone else does.


l2p...because apparently learning how to play can overcome the stun fest.




not heard of the resolve bar lawls......because somehow getting stunlock killed and then by the time you respawn having an empty resolve bar helps you in the future stunlock deaths you will experience.


Every single person that I have asked to answer the second point, has summarily failed to answer it.


Resolve resets when you die, so what good is it if you are getting stunlock killed? It is of absolutely no value whatsoever.


I would be quite happy if they removed every single stun from PvP.


Brilliant. I agree wholeheartedly.

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Most classes only have 1 long duration CC which breaks on damage and 1 short duration (4s) stun on a 1 min cooldown (some cooldowns can be taken down 10s or so).




And there is also the juggernaut/guardian class, that has spells to CC himself, when enemy cc isnt enough. Force choke (which sometimes dont cc enemy but only u) and Ravage (especialy when it bugs the animation and u cant cancel it)

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Resolve shouldn't be an always on or off type of thing. The only way to make it work fairly is to allow the resolve bar to work when not full. As in if the bar is 25% full, it reduces the next cc abilities on you duration by 25%, 50% full means 50% reduction, so on so forth, until it is completely full, where it behaves just like it does. Just my 2 cents
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Resolve shouldn't be an always on or off type of thing. The only way to make it work fairly is to allow the resolve bar to work when not full. As in if the bar is 25% full, it reduces the next cc abilities on you duration by 25%, 50% full means 50% reduction, so on so forth, until it is completely full, where it behaves just like it does. Just my 2 cents


This is a good idea and I've seen similar ones brought up, but I think it should only apply to flat stuns.

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This is a good idea and I've seen similar ones brought up, but I think it should only apply to flat stuns.


I would have to disagree, nothing is worse than being in a full stun, then being put in to a full duration root or incapacitate. It needs to be all or nothing. It's not like it will gimp any one either. When people pvp, they want it to be fluid and fun. PvP is not fun when you spend the entire time either stunned, rooted, or incapacitated.

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Resolve shouldn't be an always on or off type of thing. The only way to make it work fairly is to allow the resolve bar to work when not full. As in if the bar is 25% full, it reduces the next cc abilities on you duration by 25%, 50% full means 50% reduction, so on so forth, until it is completely full, where it behaves just like it does. Just my 2 cents


There are "cc" like force choke, that a whole talent tree is based on them. If u cant get those 4 "smash charges" on juggernaut by a full force choke cc, u cant kill poopies...wasting the whole talent tree, leaves u with the tank and pve dps tree options...Hmm...no thx


I find resolve working fine...if u get stunned to death, dont fight ppl 3v1 , or find someone to help u /heal u

Edited by unicornfive
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