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Hutball is broken.


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Vanguards, powertechs, operatives and scoundrels all have various speed increases.


Hmm, ill have to look at that, what level for a Vanguard, because at 45 I have no speed increase abilities. That is unless your counting speccing extra points into enhancing Storm with a movement buff, which is totally pointless IMO.


Vanguard is pretty much useless in PvP IMO (would assume PT is in a similar situation). Your shield and defence chance don't trigger for elemental attacks, and llmost all the damage you will ever receive from another player is elemental.


Harpoon is so broken it's not even funny, it only actually works if you use it when you are almost ontop of the enemy at which point there is little point (animation delay and skill range issue).


You have 1 CC skill (that I know of up to lvl 45) unless you spec additional points into making Ion Charge damage have a chance to slow, but you are making yourself squichier to do that.


The only use you have really is to shield someone and taunt a little, then try and stay out fo the fight.

Edited by Loxion
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If you have a good team you'd know that the BH/Imperial Agents are meant to intercept the balls and/or defenders protecting the carrier and the Force users are suppose to run the ball. EVERYONE HAS A ROLE They just need to learn how to play and/or co-operate with others in implimenting tactical manuvers!


The only BH that has a useful in Huttball is the Powertech. Everything a Merc can do someone else does much better.


Damage? OPs and Sorc to the same amount, AND have escapability.


Sorc's are better healers than BHs. Don't get me wrong BH are decent, but the healing and bubble of a sorc is just clearly better.


Handing the ball to a Merc is a death sentence for them. No movement abilities, minimial midigation abilities. A Sorc with a ball can bubble and force run through fire, heal himself and others and top both healing and damage charts.


Other classes can DSP AND move. Making them useful to follow the ball carrier. While I have to set and be immobile, while the ball LOS's me and runs away.


I love my merc, but it's not hard to see that hiding on the ramps and spamming damage to anyone below me is my only use in huttball. We don't have the tools in our toolbox to be useful in huttball.

Edited by Typheran
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I play a sorcerer.


If you let me stand alone on the catwalks, turret players below, shield others, and pull team mates up all while unmolested then ya, you deserve to get roflstomped. You are letting me be free to do what I am best at.


Make be burn my knock-back, CC break, and sprint to survive being attacked. Pressure me so I can not just stand there and turret other players. I have no armor and few hit points so even with the shield up I am squishy, if you see me in a great position to pull another player then it is your job to kill me. Attacking the ball carrier is not always the best tactical option.


You are not losing because of my skills as a sorcerer, you are losing because you are letting me maximize those skills. Change your tactics and you will see we are not as powerful as you think we are.



Even shielded and sprinting, I lose a ton of health running through fire. And doing that is a huge risk unless I have a full resolve bar as any good opponent will just stun me in the fire and I will die. And for the quiz later: when do sorcerers have high enough health to run through fire while having a full resolve bar? Hint: remember we are squishy cloth.


My shield does not protect me from knock backs, although if I am rooted by one of your team mates then I am protected from knock backs (but so is every other class).


In one Hutball I ran yesterday, I was over 100k higher in damage then any other player there....except one other, who was a merc bounty hunter who was 100k in damage above me. I did a ton of damage there because everyone ignored me and just let me run free while they chased our tank carrying the ball (it reminded me of watching 6 year olds playing soccer where the entire pack of kids is doing nothing but chasing the ball). So in a game where I was totally free to do what ever I wanted, a merc BH, which you all call useless, destroyed the entire other team 10x over.

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The fix is actually an easy one which needs no class rebalancing, by building on existing Huttball rules.



- if a stealth class goes into stealth, they drop the ball


So, logically building on that:

- when a force user leaps, they drop the ball,

- when a force user pulls a friend, the target drops the ball,

- when a force user speed buffs, they drop the ball.


Which should cover most of the flagrant problems.


I like this idea

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There are people posting here who SERIOUSLY want to change class skills for one WZ? Sure, why the hell not balance the game around Huttball.


Jesus wept.


nah they still won't be happy unless their class is the only one with said abilities. multiple class have gap closers and pulls/knockbacks. I don't really see a problem here other than premade vrs pug QQing.

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Huttball sucks. Queue selection ftw.


I agree.



It would be interesting to see the metrics of how often someone queues for Huttball, when other Warzones are available to them -- just to see how popular the design really is.

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What are you talking about? Sprint doesn't block damage, and the shield can only absorb about 1 1/2 ticks of the fire.


So basically if shielded and using your sprint ability you take 0 damage going through the fire :)


People seem to forget that Agents that do not have some of these "Force Powers" have other powers that can be utilized if you use your head. Stealth with long knock downs and high damage. Or massive range that allows you to target ball carriers nearly anywhere on the "obstacle course" portions of the map from one location. Also "Cover" prevents us from Leaping/charging to your location.


Honestly, besides huttball and the hallway after the second bomb door is down in Voidstar, Immortal juggernauts are near useless. I hate civil war as an Immortal Jug since I cannot do enough damage to be useful. 150k is an exceptional game (or a game played against a bunch of non-50's)


But you think it was bad before. This stupid Force Push change increased Jugg mobility to move the ball. It was a dumb change (And I am a Jug) which is gonna cause stupid nerfs to an already UP class.

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I doubt most people agree with the OP. Pulls/pushes/leaps/knockbacks/shields are what makes hutball fun, unpredictable and challenging.


As with most complaints on this board, your time would be better spent problem solving and thinking of counters to these abilities. They present a challenge. You can either rise to it, or ask for the challenge to be removed.


And this may have already been mentioned in this thread, but all classes except operatives get at least one of the useful huttball tools (knockback, push or pull), so unless you're an operative you shouldn't be complaining at all anyway.

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