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Dual Spec: Let's Talk about it.


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you can achieve playing multiple facets of your ac class without dual speccing....


but i guess that isnt convenient for you, since you will have to earn it?


If you can already do it now, what is the problem with making it more convenient to do? Now the rest of your party doesnt have to sit twiddling their thumbs on Belsavis for 20 minutes while you take a taxi (doh, quick travel was down) back to the spaceport, back to your ship, to the fleet, respec, re-do your bars, back to your ship, back to belsavis, and then travel again.


It's not changing anything, it's making it less of a time sink. People have come to accept gold/currency sinks in game, which is why no one is arguing that dual spec should be free...but forcing an entire group (or raid, or GUILD) to wait while one guy runs to the fleet to respec is just silly.

Edited by Sireene
use of retarded - due to age of post, no action
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It's funny, all you 'dual spec is the bestest thing ever' people are obtuse. The system in place caters to people who want their one role, and also the people who want the availability to switch specs. It's the middle ground for both types of players, the people who want the one can still be asked to switch specs, which they would prefer to avoid, and the people who want to do anything and everything can switch. It's not convenient to either side, but it's also not restricting to either side.


You say that I should find new friends, or find a different guild. Why the hell should I limit my play style, or who I play with because of a system that isn't needed? It's also a good thing that you aren't in a position to make major decisions for this game, because how easy you say to people 'move the hell on if you don't like it' is quite disturbing. You don't get millions of customers on a new game by saying 'if you don't like it leave', you try to cater to all the play styles. Like I said earlier, the current system caters to both sides of the players on this subject.


If I'm in the mood to DPS PvP, I'll load up my DPS PvP character. If I want to heal in PvP, I will pull up my PvP healer character, I want to tank, I load up my tank character, etc. Unlike you half-pint gamers, I'm willing to make my characters based on what I want to do, and I am willing to spend the time to get there. The way I look at you guys, is you want all the benefits without putting forth all of the work.


PS. I never said dual spec was the pinnacle of end game stuff in WoW, stop being obtuse.

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Sith Juggernauts are ALREADY capable of changing from a tanking character to a dps character. By your views, they are ALREADY capable of being '2 different roles for the price of 1" Dual spec doesnt change this. All it does is make it so the rest of the group/raid doesnt have to sit around waiting for him to travel back tot he fleet, respec, re-do his bars, and then come back to wherever they are. It's not giving you anything you dont already have the option to do, it's just making it less of a pain on the REST of your group.





If the ability to respec is already there, and we can do it any time we want, WHY is it such a horrible thing to ask that we save two FREQUENTLY USED spec's for convenience? Again, it's not giving us anything we can't already do. It's just making it less of a pain to do it.




How is dual spec dumbing the game down? Statements like these piss me off on a personal level. Do people all of a sudden turn into morons because they hit the 'dual spec' button? Do bosses magically fall over dead because the entire raid paid for dual spec?


I'd argue that it does the exact opposite, because now I can try to perfect multiple specs instead of one, and find the best uses for each. Yes, there are people that will suck at their 2nd spec...but guess what? most of those people suck at their primary spec already. Oce again, it's not adding in anything that's not already there.

No one is expecting dual spec be free, it should be a money sink.


i guess i should have stated that in my opinion there should be no respeccing at all.... period. make a decision and live with it.


i cant believe that you people for dual speccing want to basically make the game to where there are ONLY 4 different roles in its entire faction.

Edited by sskinzz
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Dual spec is coming they already said it is but people are still complaining about it! To all those who are gonna post the "I'm leaving if they do this....then GOODBYE!!" . When I play I want to see all the zone including heroic 4's spending 2-3 hrs praying for healer or tank is sad just to do an instance and everyone saying SKIP IT and just level is fine for them but no, I bought the game to see and experience all of it not just rush leveling.


And some people need to learn to read they havent decieded about dual specc yet.


Meaning they don't really know if the game /community /players will benefit from it.


But people seem hellbent believing that when a dev said Want that that means 100% certainty that it will get implemented.


Will copy paste Everything that have been on Dual Specc by the developers



Dual Speccing is something we want to add soon after launch. Also, features like Guard, PvP Taunt, Resolve, etc. work to narrow the gap between PvP and PvE specialized skills (i.e. a +Block skill would be helpful in both PvE and PvP).


that is the whole sentence and that is around 7-10 months old but that aswell doesnt say that they will implement it into the game.

and then we have this from about the same time



Georg Zoeller

Seems obvious that he avoided the question, probably because they won't have dual spec at release.


I think the translation makes it sound like I'm avoiding something there, which isn't the case.


First, we fully understand why dual spec is a popular topic.


Currently, we do not see the need to allow for dual spec at release. It's something that we'll definitely monitor over time, but we do think there is enough flexibility in the class system to keep people occupied well past launch.




Georg Zoeller clears up any confusion about changing skill trees within an Advanced Class and the ability to have two different specs simultaneously.


Georg Zoeller

What it doesn't say is "you can longer pay to reset your tree points and re-do them",which being able to was confirmed a long time ago.


Correct. The ability to respec your skill point distribution is still in the game.


Summary, since this is a confusing topic:


You can change your skill point distribution by paying credits at a vendor on your capital world. That has not changed.


There is currently no plan to add dual spec (the ability to swap almost instantly between two skill point configurations) for launch. At this point, it seems not necessary for us, but we're not opposed to add it at a later point / patch should we feel that the game would benefit from it.


Hope that helps.


then we have the latest update from Stephen Reid from now in December


Q: do you think that alternative specs will be allowed at some stage in the future? Also, legacy system, any further insight you are willing to share with us at this point in time?


Dual specs could well come at some point in the future - it's been discussed for sure. Legacy System... will be cool? :)

But still where in those posts above do you actually see that they are 100% that they WILL implement it?

And still it doesnt stand that they will not implement dual specc either.


This is all the information that exists about Dual Specc so as i said there isnt anything 100% concrete how this game will handle and or and if they will implement Dual Specc.


And when people are saying that Bioware have promised that they will implement Dual specc they are either misinformed or havent realised that want doesnt mean will



Hope that can clear up some misunderstanding about that BW have already promised dual specc.


And if anyone have anything else from the Devs feel free to correct me :)

Edited by Varghjerta
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I think the amount of storylines and time put into it promotes multiple playthroughs.


I think the legacy system promotes multiple playthroughs.


I think dual specs would go right against the 2 previously mentioned items and not make any sense in this game. Which is interesting for me, because i'm usually for dual specs.


Uh, considering theres only 8 character slots per server, if anything, lack of dual spec makes it harder to justify playing all 8 storylines. If I cant keep a tank spec for helping friends while soloing as a dps or heal spec, why should I ever spec tank?

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Rolling for loot would go.


Main Spec

Off-Spec or specs

Dps companion

Tank companion

Heal companion


Do we really need one more option?



Rift has the most open class/spec system and guess what happened.


As soon as they added meters all that went out the window and you ended up with everyone using the same soul combo/specs.

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I really have no other way to put my response besides...


You just don't get it, and are missing the point entirely.


I think he gets it. He's saying that he has is preference just like everyone else has their preference. He's not saying his preference is right and others are wrong. He's just saying he hopes the game stays with his preference.


Other people are saying "Your preference is invalid/ you are delusional. I' am right, you are wrong."


I would use Dual Spec if they added it. What I don't see is a valid argument for having it, other than "We should have it because I want it."


The argument "I would enjoy it more if we had Dual Spec" is every bit as valid as "I would enjoy it more if we didn't".


Obviously having the game your way makes the game better for you. How does having the game your way make it better for everyone else?


Does having Dual Spec make it easier for someone, who can switch specs to different roles, to find a group? If the answer is yes, then doesn't that make it harder for some classes to find groups since they can't switch to anything other than DPS? If you make "hybrid" classes more preferred, you make non-hybrid classes less preferred.


Do the hybrid classes have some disadvantage that makes then currently less preferred, such that Dual Spec is needed to bring them up to par? That would be a good argument. But I don't see that argument being proven anywhere. All I see is "I want to be the best at every role and not have to grind for cash to pay for it, or level alts." Which is just as valid as "I want to be the best crafter, but I don't want to have to grind for materials" or "I want to have multiple craft skills but I don't want to have to roll alts or have to buy materials."


Like I said, I would use Dual Spec, but I don't see a valid argument for how it would make the game better, just arguments that would make one play style more convenient. So, why not make all play styles convenient.


The way I see it, If one player is skilled enough to be able to use one spec to heal and DPS, while I'm doing it with two specs, that player should have some advantage to match their superior skill. Currently their advantage is having more money available. If I can't match or beat that player with skill, I need a more focused spec. Currently I have to pay for that advantage. I don't see a problem with having to pay for that advantage. Certainly, I'd rather have the advantage and not pay for it.

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You say that I should find new friends, or find a different guild.
I think some people are saying that the people you currently have labeled as "friends" actually aren't friends, and that you should find some, because it's good to have friends. Also, they're saying that if your "friends" or guild treat you badly, you should find ones that don't.


Why the hell should I limit my play style, or who I play with because of a system that isn't needed?
You shouldn't. Nor will you have to if it's added



It's also a good thing that you aren't in a position to make major decisions for this game, because how easy you say to people 'move the hell on if you don't like it' is quite disturbing. You don't get millions of customers on a new game by saying 'if you don't like it leave', you try to cater to all the play styles. Like I said earlier, the current system caters to both sides of the players on this subject.
Eh, if you don't like it, don't use it. You don't have to leave. It won't affect you a whit if you choose not to use it. Edited by ferroz
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If I'm in the mood to DPS PvP, I'll load up my DPS PvP character. If I want to heal in PvP, I will pull up my PvP healer character, I want to tank, I load up my tank character, etc. Unlike you half-pint gamers, I'm willing to make my characters based on what I want to do, and I am willing to spend the time to get there. The way I look at you guys, is you want all the benefits without putting forth all of the work.


See your talking about making all these alt's, leveling all these alt's, gearing all these alts becoming a master at playing all these alt's ... Jack of all Trades in time but in the short time with current patches and changes to toons relearning will occur so truthfully your a Master of None. Alt's are fun but there still alt's some people like playing with a main and you must have a awesome guild if they base all there play style's around you.


I leveled the multiple toons in the past to play as multiple classes it's fun but gearing all of them is a pain when your other guildmates/friends are only gearing one toon ... majority of guilds gear main's 1st your alts are just that alts.

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It's funny, all you 'dual spec is the bestest thing ever' people are obtuse. The system in place caters to people who want their one role, and also the people who want the availability to switch specs. It's the middle ground for both types of players, the people who want the one can still be asked to switch specs, which they would prefer to avoid, and the people who want to do anything and everything can switch. It's not convenient to either side, but it's also not restricting to either side.


The problem is that it's restricting and time consuming for the people that are grouped with the player that wants to respec. The current system does NOT cater to people that want to play multiple aspects. If it saved my hotkey ability bars when I change to the second spec that i ALWAYS use, I would agree with you. If i didnt have to drop what i was doing and fly to the fleet, I would agree with you. Personally, it's the time wasted that bothers me, epecially when you have 15 other people waiting for you to go respec.


You say that I should find new friends, or find a different guild. Why the hell should I limit my play style, or who I play with because of a system that isn't needed? It's also a good thing that you aren't in a position to make major decisions for this game, because how easy you say to people 'move the hell on if you don't like it' is quite disturbing. You don't get millions of customers on a new game by saying 'if you don't like it leave', you try to cater to all the play styles. Like I said earlier, the current system caters to both sides of the players on this subject.


I'm saying that dual spec has NOTHING to do with how you and your friends interact with each other. Dual spec wont make it worse for you, or for them. We're not saying dual spec is NEEDED. We're saying that putting it in the game HELPS a lot of people, and HURTS no one. If they can make groups easier to form, reduce wasted time, and help more people see more content, without ruining ANYONE's gameplay experience, why shouldnt they?


If I'm in the mood to DPS PvP, I'll load up my DPS PvP character. If I want to heal in PvP, I will pull up my PvP healer character, I want to tank, I load up my tank character, etc. Unlike you half-pint gamers, I'm willing to make my characters based on what I want to do, and I am willing to spend the time to get there. The way I look at you guys, is you want all the benefits without putting forth all of the work.


Dual speccing doesnt stop you from doing this. You also sound like you dont raid, which I have to admit where most of the utility of Dual speccing comes in. If you have a pvp healer, a pvp dpser, and a tank character, but your guild needs a dps for their hard mode raid, which one are you using? None of your characters work for this situation.


PS. I never said dual spec was the pinnacle of end game stuff in WoW, stop being obtuse.


You hinted that dual spec 'dumbs the game down', which i've seen multiple people claim. I've called out every single one of them, and NONE of them have given me an answer on how this happens. Stupid people will be stupid, with OR without dual spec. Good players will be good, with OR without dual spec. Dual spec changes NOTHING for you, and makes it MORE fun for at least 75% of the gaming community. You lose nothing. Everyone else gains...HOW is this bad?

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Rolling for loot would go.


Main Spec

Off-Spec or specs

Dps companion

Tank companion

Heal companion


Do we really need one more option?

We could just go with

  • roll
  • pass


seems sufficient to me.


Rift has the most open class/spec system and guess what happened.


As soon as they added meters all that went out the window and you ended up with everyone using the same soul combo/specs.

People like to specialize. They even do it in pen and paper gaming.
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I think he gets it. He's saying that he has is preference just like everyone else has their preference. He's not saying his preference is right and others are wrong. He's just saying he hopes the game stays with his preference.


Other people are saying "Your preference is invalid/ you are delusional. I' am right, you are wrong."


I would use Dual Spec if they added it. What I don't see is a valid argument for having it, other than "We should have it because I want it."


The argument "I would enjoy it more if we had Dual Spec" is every bit as valid as "I would enjoy it more if we didn't".


Obviously having the game your way makes the game better for you. How does having the game your way make it better for everyone else?


Does having Dual Spec make it easier for someone, who can switch specs to different roles, to find a group? If the answer is yes, then doesn't that make it harder for some classes to find groups since they can't switch to anything other than DPS? If you make "hybrid" classes more preferred, you make non-hybrid classes less preferred.


Do the hybrid classes have some disadvantage that makes then currently less preferred, such that Dual Spec is needed to bring them up to par? That would be a good argument. But I don't see that argument being proven anywhere. All I see is "I want to be the best at every role and not have to grind for cash to pay for it, or level alts." Which is just as valid as "I want to be the best crafter, but I don't want to have to grind for materials" or "I want to have multiple craft skills but I don't want to have to roll alts or have to buy materials."


Like I said, I would use Dual Spec, but I don't see a valid argument for how it would make the game better, just arguments that would make one play style more convenient. So, why not make all play styles convenient.


The way I see it, If one player is skilled enough to be able to use one spec to heal and DPS, while I'm doing it with two specs, that player should have some advantage to match their superior skill. Currently their advantage is having more money available. If I can't match or beat that player with skill, I need a more focused spec. Currently I have to pay for that advantage. I don't see a problem with having to pay for that advantage. Certainly, I'd rather have the advantage and not pay for it.


Must say a very well written logical post :)

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i guess i should have stated that in my opinion there should be no respeccing at all.... period. make a decision and live with it.


i cant believe that you people for dual speccing want to basically make the game to where there are ONLY 4 different roles in its entire faction.


This mentality works fine for single player games. In group oriented games, having your entire guild crippled because one guy's wife got hit by a car (so he can't show up to raid) is silly.


All it does is make it easier for guilds/groups to make a raid/group composition that actually has a chance to succeed in an encounter. Note that it does NOT guarantee success, it just makes it possible, where before (due to a key person being absent) it was impossible.

Edited by Sireene
use of retarded - due to age of post, no action
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The problem is that it's restricting and time consuming for the people that are grouped with the player that wants to respec. The current system does NOT cater to people that want to play multiple aspects. If it saved my hotkey ability bars when I change to the second spec that i ALWAYS use, I would agree with you. If i didnt have to drop what i was doing and fly to the fleet, I would agree with you. Personally, it's the time wasted that bothers me, epecially when you have 15 other people waiting for you to go respec.



Actually correct me if i am wrong that you are talking about Operations here?


And in that case didnt you know what specc you where going as before and if things happened doesnt the group have lenience against you going to respecc?

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Rolling for loot would go.


Main Spec

Off-Spec or specs

Dps companion

Tank companion

Heal companion


Do we really need one more option?



Rift has the most open class/spec system and guess what happened.


As soon as they added meters all that went out the window and you ended up with everyone using the same soul combo/specs.


Apparently you have not seen the level 50 pvp or raid loot system.


You dont pass/roll for gear, you either get it assigned to you by the boss, or you dont. The only thing rolled on are recipes/crafting materials.


In flashpoints, it's really a moot point. Either someone needs it, or they dont. If no PLAYER needs it, almost everyone has a companion that can use it, so they roll. I dont see a problem here.

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I think some people are saying that the people you currently have labeled as "friends" actually aren't friends, and that you should find some, because it's good to have friends.


You shouldn't. Nor will you have to if it's added



Eh, if you don't like it, don't use it. You don't have to leave. It won't affect you a whit if you choose not to use it.


Problem is, it is effecting my game play. I have tried explaining how it will, and you don't seem to get it. It was like the other day, I was on my assassin (dps), and the party leader couldn't find a tank, so he asked me to re-spec. I said no, because I had no interest in tanking, guess what, I was booted from the group because I was being 'unhelpful'. Tell me, how does that not affect my game play? I have been booted in WoW because of my priest (holy/disc at the time) was booted from raids and parties because I had a dual healing spec, rather than a healing/dps spec. That is affecting my game play because the way I wanted to play got me booted from playing the game.


My solution is simple, if they add it, I'll just find another game to play. I'm not saying this for dramatics, or as a threat, i'm just stating the fact. If i'm forced into a similar play style to WoW, I may as well go back to WoW. I have more time invested there, I still have my group of friends there, I still have my guild over there. The more games become like WoW, the more likely I will go back to WoW. I didn't get this game to play a re-skinned version of WoW, I came here to play something different.

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Does having Dual Spec make it easier for someone, who can switch specs to different roles, to find a group? If the answer is yes, then doesn't that make it harder for some classes to find groups since they can't switch to anything other than DPS? If you make "hybrid" classes more preferred, you make non-hybrid classes less preferred.


No it doesnt, because the other dps in the group, that has the option to respec, CAN respec, and let the pure dps do his/her thing. The only time this would be an issue is if you had an ENTIRE group/raid of pure dpsers (people that can't respec to tank or heals), in which case, the group was doomed from the start anyway.


Like I said, I would use Dual Spec, but I don't see a valid argument for how it would make the game better, just arguments that would make one play style more convenient. So, why not make all play styles convenient.


Really, it's not about making it "convenient", it's about making it waste less time, because you've got 3, 7, or 15 people waiting on you to travel, respec, and travel back. Personally, if they allowed me to respec on my ship, have it remember my hotkeys, and actually had the pre cap system working (it seems to be broken atm), i'd be fine with it. From a programming standpoint, once you have the server remember your hotbars, having it remember your talent build is really less than a stone's throw away.


The way I see it, If one player is skilled enough to be able to use one spec to heal and DPS, while I'm doing it with two specs, that player should have some advantage to match their superior skill. Currently their advantage is having more money available. If I can't match or beat that player with skill, I need a more focused spec. Currently I have to pay for that advantage. I don't see a problem with having to pay for that advantage. Certainly, I'd rather have the advantage and not pay for it.


There's 2 schools of thought on this, which i'm surprised havent been touched on here. On one hand, having dual spec easily available to everyone at a low/mid level will make grouping for flashpoints/heroics while levelling much more fun and enjoyable. On the other hand, having it available only at max level, and only after a dramatic credit sink, would make it feel epic. That's really another topic entirely, but I dont think anyone here is arguing that it should be free.

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I said no, because I had no interest in tanking, guess what, I was booted from the group because I was being 'unhelpful'.


I thought it would happen because of dual spec. Oh wait, we don't even have dualspec. I'm puzzled... The problem here was not with you but with that group... That's what you don't seem to get. We didn't say you should change friends, only that you maybe only THINK that your friends would not like you if you wouldn't want to heal or something.

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Actually correct me if i am wrong that you are talking about Operations here?


And in that case didnt you know what specc you where going as before and if things happened doesnt the group have lenience against you going to respecc?


The problem occurs when one or more members have a real life emergency/scheduling conflict. If your main tank's wife has a car accident, he can't raid (and obviously has more important things to worry about).


In this case, you can have your off tank step in, and have whichever of your players has the best gear/experience respec to be a temporary tank. The problem here isnt that he has to respec, the problem is the amount of time it takes to do so.


you also have a situation where, for any number of reasons, your guild, which normally runs 16 man operations, has multiple people missing, and will only have enough for an 8 man operation. Part of this is a logistics issue (deciding who to take for what roles), but part of it is an ingame problem too. Instead of everyone having pre-assigned secondary roles (that way they gear up for those roles ahead of time) makes it easier to continue raiding with as little downtime as possible.


Dual spec takes NOTHING away from anyone, it has no negative impact (assuming it's implimented intelligently), and helps MANY raid guilds.

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This mentality works fine for single player games. In group oriented games, having your entire guild crippled because one guy's wife got hit by a car (so he can't show up to raid) is silly.


All it does is make it easier for guilds/groups to make a raid/group composition that actually has a chance to succeed in an encounter. Note that it does NOT guarantee success, it just makes it possible, where before (due to a key person being absent) it was impossible.


im not going to debate this anymore...


i guess im just against the principle of it....


you want the convenience and ease of being able to fill multiple roles with a RULE CHANGE.


im against this rule change, because i think this convenience should be EARNED by yourself and your guild mates by roling another character and working for these abilites with another character. these CONVENIENCES shouldnt just be given out by changing a rule.


respectfully, were going to just have to agree to disagree ....



already getting sick and tired of all these wow players (i have never played wow), coming over to this game, and begging and pleaing that the rules set in wow, should somehow be applied to this game, a DIFF game.


sounds to me like you all want wow, just with a star wars skin on it.

Edited by Sireene
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There are lots of people in WoW who never used their dual spec to change roles. Nobody will be able to force you to do it.


There are lots of people in SWTOR that never change their specs. Nobody is able to force you to spend those credits.


So is that an argument for or against Dual Spec/Free Respec?


It sounds like you're saying Dual Spec is fine because you don't have to use it. By the same reasoning, paying for respecs is fine because you don't have to respec.

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You hinted that dual spec 'dumbs the game down', which i've seen multiple people claim. I've called out every single one of them, and NONE of them have given me an answer on how this happens. Stupid people will be stupid, with OR without dual spec. Good players will be good, with OR without dual spec. Dual spec changes NOTHING for you, and makes it MORE fun for at least 75% of the gaming community. You lose nothing. Everyone else gains...HOW is this bad?


It does because you can have multiple people filling multiple roles. So instead of teaching someone how to effectively run a raid, you just one person to fill the roles as needed. Instead of bringing in a new guild member to tank a raid, you bring your experienced DPS to switch to his tank spec, and you bring another one of your seasoned DPS players.


The stuff you are listing makes it easier for seasoned players to do the maximum potential of their class, I understand that. But what about the new player, who hasn't played an MMO before? Not only are you stuffing one spec down his throat, you are cramming in a second spec for them to learn just so they can be considered a viable option for a guild.


Want to know the biggest problem I see with you on this subject? You are keeping your point of view locked tight into your play style, rather then seeing the big picture. I understand the benefits of having a dual spec, I haven't once claimed otherwise now have I? All I'm doing here is providing you with a different point of view, and the only thing you seem to be able to do is try and prove me wrong. You can say anything you want from me, I stand where I stand, and I have no qualms about spending my $15 a month somewhere else.


Instead of trying to argue with me, how about you use my posts as a education tool, and understand that different people see things differently from you. Like I said, I have my tank character, I have my DPS character, and I have my healing character. Heck, I even started a DPS PvP and a healer PvP character. I like doing playing different roles in this game, I just don't see why you should have access to multiple play styles without putting forth the time. To be honest, I think that re-speccing shouldn't be in this game, but I understand that there are many people who want this option, and if I want those people supporting the game I enjoy, I will have to accept that there are things that I want that won't be included in this game. It's really too bad that you can't say the same thing.

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No it doesnt, because the other dps in the group, that has the option to respec, CAN respec, and let the pure dps do his/her thing. The only time this would be an issue is if you had an ENTIRE group/raid of pure dpsers (people that can't respec to tank or heals), in which case, the group was doomed from the start anyway.



Actually is that why you had people all the time asking for OT OH with DPS specc in WoW?

Really, it's not about making it "convenient", it's about making it waste less time, because you've got 3, 7, or 15 people waiting on you to travel, respec, and travel back. Personally, if they allowed me to respec on my ship, have it remember my hotkeys, and actually had the pre cap system working (it seems to be broken atm), i'd be fine with it. From a programming standpoint, once you have the server remember your hotbars, having it remember your talent build is really less than a stone's throw away.


And i dont think no one is against people to be able to save theire hotbars and specc aslong as you limit it in some way and cant switch wherever whenever you feel for it,


But what most people are complaining about isnt the time it takes it is that respeccing actually that it cost credits in this game

There's 2 schools of thought on this, which i'm surprised havent been touched on here. On one hand, having dual spec easily available to everyone at a low/mid level will make grouping for flashpoints/heroics while levelling much more fun and enjoyable. On the other hand, having it available only at max level, and only after a dramatic credit sink, would make it feel epic. That's really another topic entirely, but I dont think anyone here is arguing that it should be free.


Actually when people are demanding dual specc to be avaible after 3 weeks og gametime and avaible at lv 10 they actually are saying it will be for free.


As i said before i think 1-2 month in the game 4-5 million credits will be the norm to have so the cost can be 25-50 million credits.


Credit sink : YES


Time Sink :YES


the people that think they absolutley need it will get it the others will complain and leave it be

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Problem is, it is effecting my game play. I have tried explaining how it will, and you don't seem to get it. It was like the other day, I was on my assassin (dps), and the party leader couldn't find a tank, so he asked me to re-spec. I said no, because I had no interest in tanking, guess what, I was booted from the group because I was being 'unhelpful'. Tell me, how does that not affect my game play? I have been booted in WoW because of my priest (holy/disc at the time) was booted from raids and parties because I had a dual healing spec, rather than a healing/dps spec. That is affecting my game play because the way I wanted to play got me booted from playing the game.


Thats amazing sounds like your friends in WoW are just as crappy as your friends in Swtor


My solution is simple, if they add it, I'll just find another game to play. I'm not saying this for dramatics, or as a threat, i'm just stating the fact. If i'm forced into a similar play style to WoW, I may as well go back to WoW. I have more time invested there, I still have my group of friends there, I still have my guild over there. The more games become like WoW, the more likely I will go back to WoW. I didn't get this game to play a re-skinned version of WoW, I came here to play something different.


Well all that says is .. GOODBYE...

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