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The reason people complain about Tracer missle spam.


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Get rid of the ranged auto face in PVP and it would be a non issue.


That would break the Mercenary class 100% where it would become unplayable. Remove force leap, the pull abilities and stealth from the game so that I can have time to attack before people run through me 100 times a second while spamming abilities. Or let me use it on the move :)

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If you lose to having one Tracer Missile being interrupted, you deserved it. As far as the ability itself, people need to understand just how important it is to an Arsenal Mercs rotation.


1-at 16 heat (specced) it has the highest single target damage per heat ratio.

2-if it crits, it costs even less (8 heat) but no more than every 3 seconds.

3-it gives a 20% armor debuff with 3-5 uses (depending on spec).

4-when specced it also applies a 10% damage reduction to the player. 5 Tracer Missiles are needed to apply the full buff.

5-it procs the use of and increases the damage of Rail Shot with a stack of 5. 5 Tracer Missiles are needed, regardless of spec.

6-it increases the damage of Heatseeker missiles with a stack of 5. 3-5 Tracer Missiles are needed depending on spec.

7-it gives a chance to proc a damage boost for and finish the cooldown of Unload.


It's been like this for months since beta. If they were going to nerf it, they would have already. There's plenty Arsenal Mercs don't get (all Mercs for that matter) that counterbalance how strong TM is. Playing a BH myself, I make it a goal to point out the true Tracer spammers (and Commando counterparts) in WZs to my guild to grief them.


Does it need a nerf? No. If they increase the cooldown of it, expect the damage to go up as well. I think if the devs made Power Shot just as viable and important to the BH's rotation, people would stop complaining. Then again, they probably would still complain, knowing these forums.


You know, for playing a BH yourself, you sure don't know your skill tree. The 8 heat crit is for Unload.

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First people have to have something to complain about whenever they are killed by anyone.


The reason people complain about the BH tracer missile spam is because that is the only thing they see them cast when in fact there are several other abilities they use, or at least I do. They just don't see them cast them because they are instant and are normally following at tracer missile.


Yes tracer missile is most used but its not the only thing I use 15 other abilities in pvp most of them used in a single fight. 13 if you don't count cc break and medpac.


I use heatseeker missiles (31 point arsenal ability) and rail shot to follow up tracer missiles for added burst. Explosive dart, Heatseeker and tracer missile for a big burst. Other abilities i use include my level 50 merc ability that makes my next cast instant, vent heat to manage my heat resource. My damage shield to reduce damage, 3 AoE abilities during aoe fights. A couple heal abilities, my stun and knockback.


In fight I use tracer missiles followed by my instant damage abilities for extra burst. I make my next heal instant cast for a quick 3k heal, medpac for 4-5k heal, kolto overload for a small HoT, shield to reduce damage, stun and knockback, and vent heat. I also use unload when it is off cooldown and has its damage boost procced (from talents).


I don't always have to use all abilities, sometimes people just fall over from 3 tracer missiles and a heatseeker missile.





TLDR: People only see tracer missile being cast so thats what they pick to complain about.


I don't play the class, so I would agree with you if it wasn't for the people doing absolutely nothing fro 4 seconds after I interrupt their missile.

They just run around not using any skill.


I'm not saying everyone does, but in all honesty, I usually say "watch this guy panic" on TS and 9 out of ten times I'm right about it. They just run around unable to comprehend when they can't use tracer missile.

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I don't play the class, so I would agree with you if it wasn't for the people doing absolutely nothing fro 4 seconds after I interrupt their missile.

They just run around not using any skill.


I'm not saying everyone does, but in all honesty, I usually say "watch this guy panic" on TS and 9 out of ten times I'm right about it. They just run around unable to comprehend when they can't use tracer missile.


Then you should kill them when they do that. If I get interrupted when my other abilities are on CD then it sucks but if other abilities are up I use them.

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Then you should kill them when they do that. If I get interrupted when my other abilities are on CD then it sucks but if other abilities are up I use them.


To be honest, I kill them even with tracer up.

My point was, a lot of them seem to do ONLY tracer missile spam.


You don't seem to understand that YOU are the odd one out cause you don't.

Which works on your favor, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't change the fact that the majority of your class, cross server only knows of one skill to use, in PVP.

Edited by stevesetoe
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To be honest, I kill them even with tracer up.

My point was, a lot of them seem to do ONLY tracer missile spam.


You don't seem to understand that YOU are the odd one out cause you don't.

Which works on your favor, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't change the fact that the majority of your class, cross server only knows of one skill to use, in PVP.


I wish they would change the tracer missile because we do rely on it a lot and it is boring and we have to sit in one spot to do it. Pyro tree is more mobile but the overall damage for warzones is a little bit lower the single target damage is nice.


TBH i would rather get some more mobility. Or make some other ablities viable.

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I wouldn't say it needs nerfed due to its power as an ability, rather it needs reworked so that it takes more skill for an arsenal merc to output the same damage. I re-speced to pyro as I got sick of how mind numbingly boring arsenal is, yes they have plenty of other offensive abilities, but what's the point of using them if they aren't as effective in 90% of situations?
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First people have to have something to complain about whenever they are killed by anyone.


The reason people complain about the BH tracer missile spam is because that is the only thing they see them cast when in fact there are several other abilities they use, or at least I do. They just don't see them cast them because they are instant and are normally following at tracer missile.


Yes tracer missile is most used but its not the only thing I use 15 other abilities in pvp most of them used in a single fight. 13 if you don't count cc break and medpac.


I use heatseeker missiles (31 point arsenal ability) and rail shot to follow up tracer missiles for added burst. Explosive dart, Heatseeker and tracer missile for a big burst. Other abilities i use include my level 50 merc ability that makes my next cast instant, vent heat to manage my heat resource. My damage shield to reduce damage, 3 AoE abilities during aoe fights. A couple heal abilities, my stun and knockback.


In fight I use tracer missiles followed by my instant damage abilities for extra burst. I make my next heal instant cast for a quick 3k heal, medpac for 4-5k heal, kolto overload for a small HoT, shield to reduce damage, stun and knockback, and vent heat. I also use unload when it is off cooldown and has its damage boost procced (from talents).


I don't always have to use all abilities, sometimes people just fall over from 3 tracer missiles and a heatseeker missile.





TLDR: People only see tracer missile being cast so thats what they pick to complain about.



That about sums it up. We use way more then Tracer Missle. The entire Arsenal tree is built upon Tracer missle that is why it must be spammed. I usually do Tracer Missle -> Tracer Missle -> Unload -> Heatseeker -> Rail(Maybe, probably already dead).


BTW these forums suck you shouldn't waste your time. This entire place has become a real **** hole since launch and you shouldn't listen to any of this crap.


First its nerf slicing, then its nerf biochem, then its nerf ops, now its nerf the ability the entire arsenal tree revolves around. ****, quit crying and learn how to play. The time people take to cry about **** like this they could be actually getting better at the game. Maybe learning how to LoS someone, interrupt them and **** before I shove another rocket up their ***.

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people will never be satisfied until they nerf every class in the game that they themselves don't play...otherwise they will QQ about how op everyone else is anytime they die.


A lot of people don't think it's just OP though. A lot of the time you hear, "lol, look at this noob only spamming tracer" and then they kill the spammer.

It's not about being OP. It's about being laughable as a class.

It's kinda like Lightning spam on a sorc. It's annoying at best. Hardly OP.

In a group situation though, that's all they need to do, which is where the laughable part comes in.

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To be honest, I kill them even with tracer up.

My point was, a lot of them seem to do ONLY tracer missile spam.


You don't seem to understand that YOU are the odd one out cause you don't.

Which works on your favor, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't change the fact that the majority of your class, cross server only knows of one skill to use, in PVP.


We aren't the odd ones out.


We are the ones playing the class properly. They are the bad players. And people dying to a Bh who ONLY uses tracer missile then you are worse than that BH.

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To all previous posts arguing against Tracer Missile spam:

It is literally our only low-cost ability without a cooldown. you can spam Explosive Round 4-6 times, but it's not as good as Tracer/Grav Round anyway.



I think that's what most the complaints would be about then.


I am a DPS specced guardian. I have 1 spammable ability.

If we'd both have equal gear and I would spam my ability and you would spam your tracer, you would win with about 60% HP left.


Like I said, I've never played the class, but I hear that a lot of it relies on Tracer. Not sure if this is true, but if it is, it explains the spam. However, it's also clear that all they have to do is spam tracer, regardless of effect on other skills to be more than half decent damage wise.


If it does rely on tracer, then maybe lower the damage so people have to actually use more abilities to be effective.

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We aren't the odd ones out.


We are the ones playing the class properly. They are the bad players. And people dying to a Bh who ONLY uses tracer missile then you are worse than that BH.


And that was my argument. people who play the class properly, as you claim you do, ARE the odd ones out.

As in, the bad players are the majority.


And I personally don't know of anyone getting killed by just tracer spam.

It may have been mentioned somewhere here, but my argument was that it seems like that's all they have to use. I already mentioned killing them wether they spam tracer or not.

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Problem is that tracer missile appears to do significantly more damage than gravity bolt which is the trooper equivalent so something has to give.


Really? I haven't noticed that. I play trooper, so excuse me if I use references to both classes interchangeably.

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I think that's what most the complaints would be about then.


I am a DPS specced guardian. I have 1 spammable ability.

If we'd both have equal gear and I would spam my ability and you would spam your tracer, you would win with about 60% HP left.


Like I said, I've never played the class, but I hear that a lot of it relies on Tracer. Not sure if this is true, but if it is, it explains the spam. However, it's also clear that all they have to do is spam tracer, regardless of effect on other skills to be more than half decent damage wise.


If it does rely on tracer, then maybe lower the damage so people have to actually use more abilities to be effective.


Slash does way more damage than Grav Round if we both have equal gear and are equal level. You could just use Enrage, then use Slash twice immediately. That's over 8000 damage compared to the 3000-4500 I could do in the same time.


But this is about Tracer/Grav Round. Let's stick to that.

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Slash does way more damage than Grav Round if we both have equal gear and are equal level. You could just use Enrage, then use Slash twice immediately. That's over 8000 damage compared to the 3000-4500 I could do in the same time.


But this is about Tracer/Grav Round. Let's stick to that.


I said spammable. Which would be strike.


And I assumed tracer was spammable as in no/low cost aswell.

Again, I don't play the class so if I'm wrong, i apoligise.


And I run around with 1650 strength atm and my slash doesn't do anywhere near those numbers even in PVE on low level mobs ( helped my brother do some nar Shadaa Heroics earlier today). So I dunno where you are pulling those numbers from.

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To be honest, I kill them even with tracer up.

My point was, a lot of them seem to do ONLY tracer missile spam.


You don't seem to get it. If HSM and rail shot are on cooldown (which they always should be) and we are interrupted, the only thing we can do is white attack, electro dart, and a weak unload unless proc'd. So yes, this is why we spam tracer, because it's the only ability we have, besides white damage, that isn't on a 15 second CD. Don't like it? Complain to BW for bad design, not us.

Edited by crrypto
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