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The initial rush always dies in a few weeks. People were on vacation over the holidays. Then Bioware has been increasing the server pop cap.


The biggest mistake I think Bioware made: too many servers. The pop caps should have been higher with less servers. Some of them are going to have an almost non-existant player base I think (especially the ones that were launched after the early access started.)

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During prime time the US servers say either heavy or standard. The same with the EU ones. Depending upon the time of day you will see different things. Plus we do know that the devs put extra hardware behind the servers to allow them to handle more capacity.
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So tell me why the server count went from all servers from high to standard... Now about 80-90% of the servers are low...



Looks like the games lifebar going into red..


Troll much?


First people complain about horrid queue times. Now we have people questioning why there aren't any. Go figure.

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The initial rush always dies in a few weeks. People were on vacation over the holidays. Then Bioware has been increasing the server pop cap.


The biggest mistake I think Bioware made: too many servers. The pop caps should have been higher with less servers. Some of them are going to have an almost non-existant player base I think (especially the ones that were launched after the early access started.)

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Population cap on servers increased. Holidays ended and people had to go back to work. The initial rush of all the people that just came here for the hype of a star wars game, but kept whining about it not being as good as wow, are leaving again.


This happens with all mmo's that come out. Server queue's at first. More servers come/pop cap increases. The initial rush ends. Servers go to standard~high in prime time, or if it's a bad mmo to light~standard. This game is at standard~high at prime times, which is how it should be for an mmo that's doing good.

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On the off chance you have a legitimate question, you do realize that "Server Load" is an arbitrary and changable number, right?


OK, so on Server Alpha at launch, BW sets the limit at 100 (made up numbers). 98 people logged in, Heavy Pop; at 100, Full with queues.


So, people go to Server Beta. Cap set at 100 by BW. 100 people, Full, with queues.


So, people go to Server Gamma. Cap set at 100... etc. Population gets spread out across servers this way.


Now, game population has stabilized, server load handling statistics analyzed. Servers can handle more, plus peak population of Christmas break is down.


BW sets cap on servers to 150, so everythinng is suddenly "Standard" on population.


Doesn't mean less people, just moved the numbers. They could cap it all at 50 and bring back queues if they so desired...

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