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Reset all Valor with 1.1


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Simple truth is that mixed level WZ is an EPIC FAIL. 50s are effortlessly farming low levels and getting undeserved valor. This not only creates situation where sub-50 WZ gameplay is broken, it also gives huge advantage to 50s who managed to exploit this situation and farm Valor.


Following needs to happen - as of 1.1 all Valor above 40 needs to be reset, so both old and new 50s get to compete on even basis.


Make it happen.


As long as they reset your characters levels too.


I assume your valor is low, otherwise why would you post this? So lets make you suffer too.

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"Serious" PVPers aren't even playing video games; they're cops, military, muggers. :p


LOL roger that ;)




Airborne infantry veteran w/CIB, EIB, etc

Now I "pvp" on my computer in my house instead of from a C-130 in another country.

Edited by Kheldor
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Simple truth is that mixed level WZ is an EPIC FAIL. 50s are effortlessly farming low levels and getting undeserved valor. This not only creates situation where sub-50 WZ gameplay is broken, it also gives huge advantage to 50s who managed to exploit this situation and farm Valor.


Following needs to happen - as of 1.1 all Valor above 40 needs to be reset, so both old and new 50s get to compete on even basis.


Make it happen.




Also all pve gear from raids needs to be deleted right? After all you want fair.

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You're advocating taking away stuff from the most self infatuated, self centered, whiny *** generation in world history.......


I agree with the premise but the powers that be would have to face a whinefest of epic proportions to do it..they won't.


As for all the people saying OMG! and acting all distressed at the prospect....Its a Game.

Edited by xtriadx
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Yes, and reset valor every couple of weeks so newbies can fight off players who played for much longer.





Are you suggesting I should have a huge skilless advantage over another simply because I've been outside less and given Bioware a larger portion of my billfold?


Man, either you're a troll, unable to think things through, or maybe that's what MMOs have come to these days. Farm and ****.



Edited by Zunayson
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Do you have any idea how many pvp matches it takes to get battlemaster?




there is nothing difficult about farming BG's if you dont share your account, an dont bot your still at an advantage over actual world pvpers, who get nothing whatsoever.

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time for someone to rage quit imo.

no no no no no and no


i have done countless pvp bgs and kill so many people in world pvp i cant even count and i am still only valor rank 47.


I will flat out say it...if they even considered this I would unsub and never look back.

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Are you suggesting I should have a huge skilless advantage over another simply because I've been outside less and given Bioware a larger portion of my billfold?


Man, either you're a troll, unable to think things through, or maybe that's what MMOs have come to these days. Farm and ****.





Are you suggesting that you should be given the same advantage as others who put time into their char? Derp?

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The entitlement of people these days is just beyond belief.


Just because you didn't pre-order and get the early start, you whine for bioware to negate the effects for those that did. Pure genius.


Yet the entitlement of those that entered a broken system and gained by it doesn't concern you?


Don't work in a bank do you?

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Yet the entitlement of those that entered a broken system and gained by it doesn't concern you?


Don't work in a bank do you?


I don't think valor means what you think it means, and your bank comment makes no sense at all.


But it doesn't matter what I say, you obviously think that you deserve some hand up or some crutch because you didn't bother to pay the extra bit of cash for the early start. I feel kind of sorry for you, with an attitude like yours, the trials of real life must be really tough to deal with.

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Rank 60 is required for Battlemaster (Tier 3) PvP gear. Rank 65 is required for the vanity mount.


Every 10 levels is a title... I know 90 is 'Basement Dweller' and 100 is 'Elite Basement Dweller'


lol, thanks, I actually didnt know that. been doing a lot more PvE lately to try and lvl my main.

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Exploiting Ilum?


Are you mad? The control point flipping takes place because that's what the daily demands you do. It doesn't ask you to kill people. Just point flip. If we've now debased the word 'exploit' to mean 'doing what a daily quest requires', then it has essentially lost all meaning.


- Early access, on that basis...is an exploit.

- Playing more than 'n' hours a day...is an exploit.

- Taking the vastly superior pve gear into wfs...is an exploit.


I never played WoW, so I don't share the common point of reference, but this is certainly the whiniest community I've come across thus far.


The original poster also misunderstands what valor buys - very little. Check out the stat differences between champion and battlemaster gear. It's negligible. In some cases, you can argue it's worse . Of course, at valor 65, you get to buy a speedster. Big whoop.

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Valor 58-60 is more valor required than going form valor 1-53.... its an EPIC grind(80-100 15 minute matches for those last 2 levels) and people who got there, deserve it.


After 1.1 People who get to BM get geared more easily that those pioneers as duplicate tokens no longer happen, instead BM bags will give a universal token, useable for a piece of BM gear of your chosing(reread the patch notes if you didnt understand them the first time)




  • Battlemaster Gear Tokens have been converted into Battlemaster Commendations, which can be used to purchase any Battlemaster gear. This allows players to purchase any piece of gear instead of requiring them to purchase the piece indicated by the token.
  • Battlemaster Bags now contain Battlemaster Commendations instead of Battlemaster Gear Tokens. They still also contain Champion Commendations.


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*** is wrong with you?


I haven't cheated at all. I'm valor 46 and if that were stripped from me I'd be fkn pissed. Maybe you should go level up, deal with the fact you cant take on a level 50 directly and just CC the absolute arse off of them to make their time in the warzone less controlling.


herp derp; if you can't beat them, CC them.


Strip people of their hard work - how selfish do you have to be to strip everyone who actually worked for their valor ranks of them just so the minority of cheaters/exploiters and lamers are equal with you.



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