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Seeing equal amounts of Nerf threads for each and every class means...


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Seriously, people... Just because you got rolled by on specific op/sorc/mara/merc on your server doesn't mean that the general consensus is the same everywhere... Most servers already have 1 or 2 really stand out 50's in PvP gear that are plowing through everyone they face...


And if you aren't yet 50, there's no reason you should be weighing in on class balance... Not because "oh, L2level newb, u suk!" but rather because you can't gauge the class balance of a game until you see it played where all the classes being compared have ALL their abilities and ALL their skill points spent...


Please, Stop the insanity... Nothing needs nerfed, because nothing in imbalanced...


And as a side note, Dear video posters...


You got rolled by someone who has far more expertise gear than you do... youtube deserves better!!!


Emperor Punjab

The sensemaker


What it means mostly is that everyone is coming from other traditional MMO's and are missing some things that usually is carved in stone. So we all get confuzzled like crazy. Such as:


1) Heals are for healers. Pure healers with faster instant heals.

2) Brute melee warriors with big *** axes with good consitent dmg.

3) Melee tanks that have some advantage over other classes, such as higher health or more armor.

4) Ranged classes not in heavy armor.

5) Dps mages (sorcs) not healing themselves. Duh.

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From what I have seen there has been no "Nerf Assassins/Shadow" threads, as there should be because the class is *********** useless compared to the rest. I heard something about "Nerf vanish then sprint" Oh right.. so it's overpowered to run away because the class sucks so much *** it can't kill anything 1 on 1 with equal gear? :p


ps Shadow/Assassin is a waste of time leveling, they're a joke, peace out!

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If they were the most popular class but balanced, more bad players would be playing them, and less players would be playing all the other classes, resulting in a decrease of complaints.


Your logic came out of stealth and knocked my brain down, wow what is this I don't even.


So many things I could put a saddle on and ride to the sunset but let's go with this:


A decrease in relation to what, exactly?

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The amount from beta?




I guess that explains it then. No one bought the game anyway. And it's not like people who think the game is fine don't come here raging about how this and that class is not OP and how that is not ruining their experience.


I am particularly sick and tired of all these sorcs coming here to cry about how their counter class did not kill them and should be buffed. And those damn non-stealthers are always offering to buff the poor sorcs' bubbles to make it a little fairer. Afterall, you can't make ze bubbelbath without ze bubbles.


You come in loud and clear, my friend. If I could afford the ticket, I would hop on the very same train. If only, Narnia, if only.

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What it means mostly is that everyone is coming from other traditional MMO's and are missing some things that usually is carved in stone. So we all get confuzzled like crazy. Such as:


1) Heals are for healers. Pure healers with faster instant heals.

2) Brute melee warriors with big *** axes with good consitent dmg.

3) Melee tanks that have some advantage over other classes, such as higher health or more armor.

4) Ranged classes not in heavy armor.

5) Dps mages (sorcs) not healing themselves. Duh.


This made me laugh especially 3 and 4.

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I guess that explains it then. No one bought the game anyway. And it's not like people who think the game is fine don't come here raging about how this and that class is not OP and how that is not ruining their experience.


I am particularly sick and tired of all these sorcs coming here to cry about how their counter class did not kill them and should be buffed. And those damn non-stealthers are always offering to buff the poor sorcs' bubbles to make it a little fairer. Afterall, you can't make ze bubbelbath without ze bubbles.


You come in loud and clear, my friend. If I could afford the ticket, I would hop on the very same train. If only, Narnia, if only.


I'm obviously talking in proportions.

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