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Synthweaving Re-engineering question


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I've been messing around with re-engineering to obtain new schematics and have so far found the following to be true for synthweaving.


green item produces three blues --> Overkill, Critical, Redoubt


Overkill produces multiple purples --> Expert, Commander's, Vehemance

Critical produces multiple purples --> Supermacy, Tempest

Redoubt produces multiple purples --> Veracity, Exactitude, General's, Anti-Armor


I suspect that each blue, in the end, will produce 4 purples but I am not sure on that yet.


Can anyone confirm this and, if so, what are the missing three from that list?


Also, can the purples be re-engineered into something else?


I'm working with light armor at the moment while I figure this out.


I'd also like to know what the trained blue schematics break down to.

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