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PLEASE remove randomness from available crew missions!


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I think there should be a work bench available in game so when you're near it there are no wait times on crafting. I get a little sick of wanting to craft 10 or 20 things in a row and it taking over a min each. If you are away from the "work bench" or "crafting table", then wait times would be fine.


I think the trade off is conveience. They want people to spend more time crafting, like a second job but the benifit is that you can keep adventuring and doing missions instead of sitting in the cantina crafting a 100 items at a time. But thats too easy they have to put a time frame to make the work feel worth it. It sounds silly cuz you dont' want to purposly burdon people but not many MMO's allow you to craft and adventure at the same time.


The only equivilance I can think of cuz I don't play many MMO's is SWG where you can create factories that craft items while your away and it will continue to do so while your off line. I think Companions are the latter of that.

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Why can't it be a mixture of both tho? I love the fact that even in the middle of nowhere my crew can be crafting for me, the one item per minute time is fine for that. But if I want to spend the time at a crafting table and make double or triple the items per minute, let me!
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the different flux's are not gotten from missions but can be bought from the crew skills vendor.


They are gotten from missions. Scavenging, to be precise. You can also buy them, sure. But other than the one that costs 10, well, they are a rip off to buy from the merchant. Far, far better off doing the Scavenging missions.

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Humm that's some WoW mentality you have going for yourself there. You sure you never

played WoW? Having the missions random is part of what makes it great. Your not always

going to be doing the same thing in real life why would you do the same in a game.

What? I don't see how such randomness and greatness are linked. It's more frustrating than anything. As for your argument in the last sentence; whatever the description and the title of the mission, there is no variation in practice. The companion disappear and re appear with the items (or not) some time later. Therefore, I don't see the appeal nor the interest of such nonsensical and forced randomness.
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The crew skill trade vendor does indeed sell fluxes. Doing the missions for them is a titanic ripoff, you end up massively overpaying. And most worlds seem to have a crew skills vendor.


Trick there is to just overbuy the vendor item your skill uses and stick it in the bank. Then if you're in the 'wilds of alderaan', you already have some.


While true at the 10Cr and 50Cr levels, once you get to the 100Cr+ level for vendor buyable materials doing abundent or higher missions for them is far cheaper even on a normal success - e.g. last night spent 1000ish on a mission to get 3100Cr of flux

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What? I don't see how such randomness and greatness are linked. It's more frustrating than anything. As for your argument in the last sentence; whatever the description and the title of the mission, there is no variation in practice. The companion disappear and re appear with the items (or not) some time later. Therefore, I don't see the appeal nor the interest of such nonsensical and forced randomness.


Excellent point. Stick it to the WoW troll!

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What? I don't see how such randomness and greatness are linked. It's more frustrating than anything. As for your argument in the last sentence; whatever the description and the title of the mission, there is no variation in practice. The companion disappear and re appear with the items (or not) some time later. Therefore, I don't see the appeal nor the interest of such nonsensical and forced randomness.
Because its human nature to want it NOW and EXACTLY AS I WANT IT AND NO OTHER WAY. What isn't human nature is everything outside our heads where it almost never goes exactly as planned. Thats what the randomness is all about. Its understandable you want what you want when you want it and nothing else will do, its also understandable that they aren't giving it to you exactly the same way.


It really is a silly argument when it comes right down to it as randomness has been a part of games since the beginning and its not going to change just cause you want it so. Nor should it.

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They are gotten from missions. Scavenging, to be precise. You can also buy them, sure. But other than the one that costs 10, well, they are a rip off to buy from the merchant. Far, far better off doing the Scavenging missions.




And I don't mind random results on which Scavenged Compound I get back, but all mission types should be available at any given time.


If all you have to do is log in and out to reset, why not put a reset missions button right in the crew skills window? It's just needlessly tedious.

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you buy it at vendors..


As for removing random? seriously ?? you want everything exact so you know what your gonna get? .. jezz

So many threads in tor demanding the removal of anything that reqs thought or randomizing encounters. it's really sad to see MMO's sinking to such a level, an specially since it's blizzards fault for catering to that sort of player.


Random doesn't require thought. Random simply requires patience.


I'd prefer a crafting system that tests my intelligence to one that tests my patience.

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It's got nothing to do with wanting things "easy" or "handed over on a platter of precious metal," and everything to do with, if the RNG is against you, things are just frustratingly difficult. I don't mind randomness, but this is randomness for no good reason. It doesn't make the crafting system any more interesting, engaging, or fun, it just makes it more tedious, and tedium is the enemy of fun.


If the whiners on this thread (and I'm looking at YOU, those-who-whine-about-constructive-feedback-and-call-it-whining) are happy with things the way they are great, good for them. The rest of us would like to spend less time on crew mission management and more time, you know, actually playing the game. Which includes running crew missions and crafting, in case you were wondering.

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It's got nothing to do with wanting things "easy" or "handed over on a platter of precious metal," and everything to do with, if the RNG is against you, things are just frustratingly difficult. I don't mind randomness, but this is randomness for no good reason. It doesn't make the crafting system any more interesting, engaging, or fun, it just makes it more tedious, and tedium is the enemy of fun.


Exactly. Since you can reset them anyway by zoning or logging, there is no logical reason why there shouldn't be a reset button on the interface. However, you're arguing with people who think that RNG and "skill" are somehow connected, and that wasting time makes them "hardcore."


While true at the 10Cr and 50Cr levels, once you get to the 100Cr+ level for vendor buyable materials doing abundent or higher missions for them is far cheaper even on a normal success - e.g. last night spent 1000ish on a mission to get 3100Cr of flux


And it keeps getting better. For the last tier of vendor mats, you'd have to be nuts to buy them from the vendor.


For example, 40 Thermoplast Flux cost 20,000 at the vendor (500 a piece). A rich Scavenging mission, which provides 32-40 pieces, costs 2,000.

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Exactly. Since you can reset them anyway by zoning or logging, there is no logical reason why there shouldn't be a reset button on the interface. However, you're arguing with people who think that RNG and "skill" are somehow connected, and that wasting time makes them "hardcore."


Which is why, until they come up with something better than an elaborate way of saying "QQ newb" I'm done arguing with them.


Good points. I honestly had thought of a "reshuffle" button, though that would be neat. I was more thinking either:


Automatically replace lower-yield missions with higher-yield ones, preventing the mission window from being clogged with three Moderate, an Abundant, and a Rich mission that all grant the same things. Or else ensuring that every material you can go on missions for has one slot in the mission window, so you never have the one mission for the one component you need off the list.

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Seeing the same here. Getting sick of it TBH as well. +1 to the OP for this thread.


I am all for more choice.


If there needs to be RNG, let me choose whether I want random yield or random product.

A reset button is not good. So I just press it as until I get abundant metals? Where is the fun in that?

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And I don't mind random results on which Scavenged Compound I get back, but all mission types should be available at any given time.


If all you have to do is log in and out to reset, why not put a reset missions button right in the crew skills window? It's just needlessly tedious.


1. If there was a reset button, then having it be random really WOULD be pointless. You'd just click the button 'till you get what you want. May as well just give it to you to begin with.

2. Ok, the missions rerandomize whenever you load a zone. (whether from logging in/out or from changing zones). Since they are randomized, and don't reset normally other than when a mission of the same skill is completed, and there is no reset button, having them re-randomize from something as triggerable as changing zones/logging in/out obviously isn't intentional. Otherwise known as a bug. (either of design or implementation, possibly one that simply wasn't worth fixing trying to save the list to server memory) You know what call taking advantage of a bug to get around intentional game design? (even if you don't agree with the design) Exploiting. You know what? Most games exploiting is a bannable offense. So sure, you can log in/off to reset your list. I expect you can also probably get banned for it.

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Just as a side-note, for those that advocates the 'just go buy it from the vendor!' school of thought...why, then, have CREW skills?


The idea with the CREW doing things, as opposed to your character doing things, is that I'm supposed to be able send the crew off to do the mission, or to manufacture whatever, WHILE I'm in the back of the bunduu, so that I'm questing deep in the dune sea, and whom-ever isn't twiddling his thumbs in the ship, but actually is being constructive.

If I have to STOP doing the quest in the middle of absolutely no-where, and head back to Anchorage or where-ever and start buying things that I should be able to get WITHOUT it...then why have the crew skill at all? Why not have a 'normal' crafting ability, like most other MMO's?

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lmao! i'm cracking up reading the "whats the fun in life if you cant sit on a cactus?" arguments.


cause honestly... thats what 4 hours of running missions and never getting one to pop that yields what you need amounts too. If you enjoy sitting on a cactus, more power too ya, but most people dont enjoy this practice and certainly dont seek it out for the fun of it.


randomness in material availability is not logical. there are always materials in the universe available, they dont randomly dissappear and then come back later after you have run a bunch of other pointless missions. they always exist all the time, you just decide what you are attempting to acquire, maybe you succed, maybe you dont, but you DONT look around the galaxy going "whoa dude...whered all the thermionic gel deposits go? :confused: guess i'll just go get some power crystals, that i dont need, 'till the universe decides to plop some more out." So yeah, I find the "real life" argument weak, to say the least.


and as for the dude threatening the relog work around with banning... seriously?!... we're all shaking in our boots.:rolleyes:


There is nothing fun about this, ehem....."feature"....that adds to the game, it simply detracts from its enjoyment for the vast majority of players. it is a significant problem on a rather long list, that has made crafting one of the top complaints about the game. It has potential, but its got a ways to go.


keeping at least one type of mission yield in each bracket at all times (excepting the current level bracket which still may not have a full roster of missions yet) is the easy fix for this issue.


then if you think you need to gather unneeded mats before you feel that its morally exceptable to go after the mats you need...its your choice...knock yourself out. :rolleyes:

Edited by echowraith
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